[1.1] Heavy'z Casual Loot Filters for all Classes v4.1

Hey there,

I decided to work on some loot filters, for more casual players that don’t want to bother to much with the new Loot Filter that much.

Those Loot Filters are also a great template to create your personal Loot Filter.


What are those Loot Filters doing?

  • Hide normal items from level 15 and above

  • Hide all Items not for your class

  • Color all class-specific affixes (Body + Helmet + Relic + Idols) for your current Class

  • Only show the 2-3highest base types of each item while leveling

  • Show all endgame-viable base types for endgame

  • Always shows Unique, Set and Exalted Items

  • Color Code 1-4LP (+WW) Uniques (1LP/14WW Yellow; 2LP/16WW Peach; 3LP/18WW Light Purple; 4LP/22WW Dark Purple BOLD)

Example Image for color coding

Optional Features (you just need to tick the boxes for the already setup rules)

  • :warning: New with 0.8 for Rogue: Show/Color all New item types introduced with 0.8 (Bows, Quviers & Daggers); Turned On for Rogue Class Filter by default [Green One]

  • Show/Color all class-specific affixes for Body + Helmet + Relic [Pink one]

  • Show/Color all class-specific Idols [Turquoise one]

  • Show/Color all items with at least one T4 or higher affix regardless of class [Red one]

  • Show/Color all items with total affix tier of 15 or higher [2nd Red one]

Those are usefull if you want to shatter rare class affixes or want to collect those relatively rares stuff for your alts

  • Activate and adjust this rule at the very bottom with affixes your build needs, this will only recolour armour base types that have not been filtered out (so decently high level ones)

  • Recolour Exalted Selected Affixes and/or Uniques of a selected Subtype

If you want multiple uniques of different base types, you need to duplicate this rule and adjust every single rule accordingly

This is how it should look like in your rules
Here we selected “+X% Melee Critical Strike Chance”

Here we selected “Noble Raiment” to recolour an Exsanguinous

The endresult will look like this, depending on what you select

Exalted Affixes

Specific Unique Base Sub Types

Easy steps to make this loot filter fit your specific build better (step by step images attached)

  • Add “Hide Rule” for all Weapon categories, you definitely do not want to use (e.g. Wands + Catalyst)

  • Recolor all important affixes for your build (like all minion affixes or certain damage types) :warning:If you want to keep the filter strict, while still highlighting/recoloring these desired affixes, you should put this rule at the very bottom, that way only base items that didn’t get filtered are recolored :warning:

  • Put both of those rules at the very top of your Loot Filter (if you are not interested in collecting gear for alts, otherwise put it below the reclor rules)

I am happy to recieve feedback and suggestions for more stuff.

I am not sure if more advanced Loot Filters would be highly demanded, since i thought that people who want to have very specific stuff, will most likely figure out how the Loot Filters works properly by themselves.

But let me know if you would be interested in even more advanced Loot Filters and if so, what would you want from such Loot Filter?


Pastebin Links:

Heavy’z Casual Loot Filter Mage 1.1 v4.1
Heavy’z Casual Loot Filter Primalist 1.1 v4.1
Heavy’z Casual Loot Filter Sentinel 1.1 v4.1
Heavy’z Casual Loot Filter Acolyte 1.1 v4.1
Heavy’z Casual Loot Filter Rogue 1.1 v4.1

Files v4.1:
Heavy’z CLF Mage 1.1 V4.1.xml (88.5 KB)
Heavy’z CLF Primalist 1.1 v4.1.xml (88.2 KB)
Heavy’z CLF Sentinel 1.1 v4.1.xml (89.5 KB)
Heavy’z CLF Acolyte 1.1 v4.1.xml (89.6 KB)
Heavy’z CLF Rogue 1.1 V4.1.xml (91.6 KB)

How to Import Loot Filter:

Method 1:

Copy xml files into root partition, most likely [C]:

C:\Users\User\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch\Filters

Method 2:

Copy pastebin content → In-Game Open Loot Filter (Shift + F) → Select No Filter → Import Filter → Paste Clipboard Contents

Update History:


v1.1 (08.10.2020)

  • renamed to “Heavy’z Casual Loot Filter”

  • added: Hide All Normal Items (lvl 15+)

v1.2 (10.10.2020)

  • shifted “show uniques/set/exalted” to the very top, to prevent hiding those rarities for basestypes hidden in a rule above that

  • offset level dependency hide rules by 1 level, to prevent hiding to much loot when you are overleveled

v1.3 (13.10.2020)

  • Affix “Indigo” (Damage Dealt To Mana Before Health) was missing from class specific recoloring, because it was in a wrong category, which got fixed with 0.7.10b)

Now it’s included in Mage Class Filter Colouring (Blue) + Class Specific Recolouring for other classes (Pink)

v1.4 (16.10.2020)

  • Renamed some of the Rules, to clarify their function, with the new functionality added in [0.7.10c], making it easier for new user to quickly identify what the rules are doing

v1.5 (21.10.2020)

  • Included LVL 0 Body Armour’s in the Level Dependant Hide Rules for all Classes
  • Renamed Lootfilters to Heavy’z CLF + Game Version + Loot Filter Version

v1.6 (4.12.2020)

  • Added new filter for Rogue Classes, introduced with Patch 0.8
  • Added new optional rule for new item types introduced with 0.8 (Bows, Quivers & Daggers)

v1.7 (4.12.2020)

  • Corrected typos in Rogue Filter
  • Added 2 new rules for Endgame Bow and Dagger Bases on Rogue Filter
  • Added “Only show highest usable bases” condition for the “Recolor All Bows, Quivers & Daggers” Rule

v1.8 (12.12.2020)

  • Adjusted the “Hide All Weapons” Rule, to take new Item Base Types (Bows, Quivers & Daggers) into account, which led to low level items of that base still to be shown.

v1.9 (18.12.2020)

  • Adjusted optional rules for Alt’s + Shattering to include Rogue and Bow Affixes. Thanks to @kenneth.kalmann for pointing out that flaw
  • Adjusted acolyte affixes to include the new “Chance To Cast Marrow Shards When You Cast Transplant” Affix

v2 (18.02.2020)

  • Added recolor rule for all Class-Specific Relics in the classes matching color.

  • Added recolor rule for all other class-specific relics with a new color (yellow) as optional (unticked) rule.

  • Added all new “+X to skill Y” affixes to the pool of recoloring rules, both for the class and the other classes rules.

  • Adjusted the hiding rules for all the basetypes to show more of the new introduced base types. (Most notably gloves)

v2a (02.04.21) (Rogue only)

  • Added Quivers to “Show highest Usable Weapon Bases”, Show ilvl 30 below char weapon", “Show ivl 20 below char weapons” only in the rogue version of the Filter

v2.1 (24.05.21)

  • Added a “Recolor all items with total affix tier of 15 or higher rule”

v2.2 (26.05.21)

  • Fixed all show weapon rules to show daggers for all calsses and daggers and bows for rogue

v2.3 (28.05.21)

  • Added all class specific gear affixes to the “Recolor all items with total affix tier of 15 or higher” rule

v2.4 (03.09.21)

  • Adjusted Weapon Show Rules to better match new weapon base types (There are more endgame viable base types in every weapon category that already has been overhauled

  • Added a "Choose affixes your build needs rule at the very bottom, that needs to be manually activated and adjusted

v2.4a (09.09.21) (Sentinel Only)

  • Added new sentinel class-specific affixes

v2.5 (10.12.21)

  • Added new optional feature for recolouring exalted affixes and uniques base types
  • Hide starter class relics at high level

v2.6 (22.10.21)

  • Added all new class specific Affixes for Primalist and Rogue to accommodate for the Patch 0.8.4e changes
  • Adjusted all optional recoloring rules for other classes to also show all new affixes (I also missed some of the new Patch 083 affixes in those)

v2.7 (19.03.22)

Significant changes to Weapon Base Type Filter, since every single base type now has multiple viable endgame base types.

  • During early game (up to Lvl 50) all weapons 20 levels below the character level will be hidden. This is not 100% optimal, but the best thing I could do without getting to specific, which would bring me over 75 total rules.

  • Certain Weapon Categories start hidding low level base types, once the first “endgame viable” basetypes start dropping. Most of these rules start at ~ Lvl 50-55.

v2.8 (27.03.22)

  • Adjusted Hiding for low level weapons for a better early- to mid-level experience

v2.8b (04.11.22) (Rogue only)

  • Fixed the “Recolor All Items with Total Affix Tier of >=15” rule for the Rogue Version of the filter to have advanced options with the correct values.
    Thanks @eliel77 for pointing this out

v2.9 (07.03.23) (Mage only)

  • Fixed Hide ruels for low and mid level weapon base types that had the wrong iLVL condition. (>= instead of <=)
    Thanks to @Rivien for pointing this out!

v3 (09.03.23) MP Patch

  • Adjusted Rules for Shattering to accommodate for new Area/Cooldown Affixes
  • Removed recoloring of Relics (they are still shown, just not colored)
  • Adjusted Helmet/Body Armour Base Type hiding rules to accommodate for the new item base types
  • Removed recoloring of Bows, Quivers + Daggers for Rogue

v3.1 (07.09.23) Runes of Power

  • Added all new mage affixes to all applicable rules
  • Added new generic affixes to all applicable rules
  • Added Show Experimental Affix
  • Added Emphasize Personal Affix
  • Added a rule to show class-specific idols with only generic affixes (thanks to @Nairbly for pointing this out). This rule might only a temporary solution until I have figured out a more elegant solution.
  • Removed Show “new” item rule for Rogue (Dagger, Bows and Quiver)

4.1 (09.07.2024) Harbingers of Ruin

  • Added new affixes tto Shattering Rules

  • Both Shattering Rules contain all class-specific affixes

  • Added different color coding for 1-4LP (+WW) Uniques)
    1LP/14WW Yellow
    2LP/16WW Peach
    3LP/18WW Light Purple
    4LP/22WW Dark Purple BOLD

  • Added Color Coding Example Image to the Thread


Thanks for this, pretty sure I can use these as a starting point and adjust as needed.

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Yeah, that is exactly what i was hoping for.

I am totally fine with people using my loot filter as a template.

Also of course recoloring my default colors etc will be done by most people i guess.

But if you have any base feedback, feel free to leave it here.


Perfect! Exactly what I was waiting for! And damn, that was fast. Highly appreciated!! Thank you!

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@TheRealDeal @boredsilly

Not a big deal, but i already did the first change.

I added a hide rule to hide all normal items at lvl 15+

Files and xml’s are updated already, but should be easy to add yourselves too.


from all the lazy people including me thank you so much! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for creating these, Heavy.

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Just had a thought - perhaps include the most recent game version you’ve updated them for in the thread title? It’s pretty obvious right now, but may become helpful in future.


I am happy to help everywhere i can. And i just figured there might be people a bit overwhelmed at first, so i wanted to give them a tiny jump start.

That is actually a good idea.
Thank you for suggesting. Will do that immediately.

Being lazy is ok sometimes. Perhaps you will get more familar with the loot filter and some day you can create your own from ground up or modify mine. For the time being i am happy to provide something useful for some folks.

Good hunt for loot!

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Just added “easy steps to make this loot filter fit your specific build better”

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Thanks, Heavy. I loaded the xmls and had a tinker.

They are a really good starting point and I learned how to adapt them to my needs without having to start from scratch.

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Really good job on the Loot Filter Heavy! Neversink 2.0 incoming :smiley:


New Version

v1.2 (10.10.2020)

  • shifted “show uniques/set/exalted” to the very top, to prevent hiding those rarities for basestypes hidden in a rule above that
  • offset level dependency hide rules by 1 level, to prevent hiding to much loot when you are overleveled

this is a life saver for me! thanks a bunch!

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great work on these! i adjusted mine to show all items with any of the new set affixes since i have barely found shards for them, and showed all idols with the ones for my class recolored to stand out (since i like to keep an eye out for rare affix idols for any class), otherwise these seem to be perfect for my needs. thanks for all your hard work! :smile:

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Sounds reasonable, because those set affixes are fairly new atm they are very valuable. But since i wanted this filter to stand the test of time as long as possible and be as generic as possible to allow easy customization i didn’t feel like adding those.

For the idols, i do have a recolor for class related idol, i just did them in the same color as the body/helmet class affixes, in case you didn’t notice, so you just need to change the color, if you want to have 2 different colors for idols and calss specific helmet/body affixes.

Anyway, thanks for the kind words.

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I have noticed in using your filter that it actually filters out Gold. That is annoying. You can still pick it up by walking over it. I just miss a lot of it by not seeing the words on the screen.

I also have no idea what is filtering it out.

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Thx for all the hard work dude, appreciate it!

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Lol… Not using Heavys filters but now you make me want to check my own in case the same is happening… Very odd that EHG would have included Gold in the filter… :thinking:

Welcome to the LE community. Thank you for the kind word.

I hope you can get a good jump start into LE with this, to understand the game better and create your own Loot Filter some day!