Leveling Loot Filter Question

How does this work? I don’t really want to import other peoples stuff, I kinda want to learn on my own. But at the same time, I have no idea what I am doing and nor do I understand it. I made my own loot filter yesturday and I only selected rarities for my leveling purposes. I am leveling a sorcerer and I don’t get how I am supposed to see the loot or something when i find them on the ground. Let me know thanks.

You don’t have to use it, but you can check [1.1] Heavy’z Casual Loot Filters for all Classes v4.1. He explains stuff fairly well for you to get a grasp on how things work.

Your main tactic for creating a loot filter should be to basically hide everything and then only show the stuff you want. And you usually don’t want to show only perfect items (like items with 4 affixes you want), but rather items that have, for example, 2 out of 5-6 useful ones, which you can then craft/improve.
When at lower levels you might even just be happy with one affix.

Basically the best strategy is to start by hiding less and making it more strict as you get better gear.

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Just to add a bit of clarification. The “hide everything” rule is the last rule on the list. So if it’s not caught by one of the filters above it, it won’t show up on the ground.

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I just wanna hide every low item. I am level 29 right now, and I just want rare items for my specific spec. I went full sorcerer and I am mixed with fire and frost.

Sometimes, especially while you’re still in the campaign, a good magic item with the right base is also pretty good.

What I usually do is make a rule at the bottom that hides all normal/magic/rare/exalted, I make a rule for T7 exalts, one for 2xT6+, then I make a rule for each slot.
For example, show all helmets with cast speed, fire damage, crit, health %, +health, and show me only the ones that have at least 2 of them. Then I do the same for the other slots.
You do the same thing for idols.

Eventually, when you start getting better gear, you will want to specify which item subtype you want or other more strict rules.

But the best way to build your filter is this way. You start by hiding everything, then you make rules for what you want to see.

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