System trade is tragic

I didn’t realise you lived in France.

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The number of players in decline absolute, the system is a shit.

The declining number of players is due to several different reasons, trade isn’t really one of them, or at least not among the big ones.

Mainly, ARPGs that use seasons as their model will always have highs and lows. You see this in PoE. You would also see this in D2/D3/D4 if they released their numbers, but even without those you can still see that it happens there.

Then there’s the whole balance issue, the lack of more engaging endgame, the RNG in drops, etc.
Trade is very down the list.

Also, like I said, trade system is fine. It might need a few tweaks, but that’s all. The problem isn’t trade, just the trade UI which is horrible.

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While I’m impressed at your ability to stick your fingers in your ears & ignore everything else to the contrary, you might be surprised to know that the player numbers for a seasonal game are … seasonal (in English that means they vary over time with natural peaks & troughs).

The MG is unlikely to be the reason why many of them have left (temporarily or otherwise), the lack of new end game content is a far more likely reason. Hell, even the hit-flash is likely to be a bigger reason, as is the lack of non-gender locked characters.

You also need to understand the difference between a UI & the underlying system.


That’s just your opinion, I think differently, just accept it! I’ve seen other YouTubers complaining about exactly what I’m talking about.

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As a developer, I know what I’m talking about, the game fails on several points, if you don’t agree, keep to yourself, that’s just my opinion. Take a rest

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face. There’s no point in discussing it anymore, this game has about 4~5 white paladins like this DJ who always comes here to defend what is OBVIOUSLY a failure and always diverting the subject trying to compare with the competitors. Well, the current one has more than 3 million players and even with a bad league it retains 60k+ assets on Steam, the other is the best-selling ARPG in history. So MAYBE they should be humble and learn from what is good in them.
This game’s trading system is one of the biggest atrocities I’ve ever seen in my life. I don’t think even Soviet perestroism was as idiotic as that (and it literally collapsed Soviet communism).
An AH is something as simple as breathing and I don’t understand why people are so terrified of people being able to get what they want to have fun with a game THEY PAID TO HAVE. If you don’t like trading you can simply not use it, but I can’t because I like it because EVERYTHING has an IDIOT restriction that only exists to waste your time, and in the end EVERYTHING this game turned out to be was a waste of time, the game There are no real DGs, they are just a waste of time for your craft end game, the forge craft does not dye t6~t7 so it is a waste of time because you will never have a REALLY good item it will always depend on the drop of one with 2 ~3 t6+, rifits are a waste of time because they don’t scale the drop so it makes no real difference to farm c-500 or c-2k…

honestly it’s very simple look at what GW2 did, the BEST AH of all the games I played with a simple idea that has existed in the market for millennia, supply and demand, you can register a demand for an item and the amount you want to pay, Just as you can offer an item and choose a margin you want to receive, if you want to sell quickly look for those who demand the item and sell it instantly, if you think the item is worth more than the demand offers you can propose a value, SIMPLE and effective.

Fun fact, 99.9% of people on the internet who claim to be something in lieu of an actual legitimate argument are lying. Someone talking about carpal tunnel who is actually a surgeon wouldn’t say ‘as a surgeon I know what I’m talking about’, they’d just explain it in layman’s terms to the best of their ability and provide a link to supporting documentation or studies, and the fact that they know what they’re talking about would be readily apparent to anyone and everyone. The only person who needs to fall back on credentials instead of an argument is a person who doesn’t have an argument to present instead and does not in fact know what they’re talking about.

Oh and that 99.9%, where did I get it? It’s statistics, and as a statistician I know what I’m talking about.


I have no idea where you pulled that number out of PoE having 3 million players. Steam shows their peaks at about 200k and if we take the word of GGG devs then steam is 50%-60% of their playerbase. So at most they have 500k.
Either way, the numbers aren’t really relevant. GD sold a fraction of what D4 did and I vastly prefer the former.

The problem is people that want to use trade as a tool but then have to endure all the toxic trade practices that come with a free trade, as can be seen in PoE and even in D2. I’m not even talking about RMT, since that is a given and happens in every single game that has trade. I’m talking about price fixing, sniping and especially scamming.

I’m sorry that you want to play the market and aren’t allowed to. But EHG wants you to play the game instead. Which is fine by me. PoE’s trade was one of the main reasons I left and D2’s trade was one of the main reasons I started playing mostly alone. I just want a glorified vendor shop, not a stock market.

It’s a failure to you. Every system will have people that love it and people that think it’s horrible.
There are lots of people that think that GW2 AH is terrible and ruined the game and prefer GW1’s system better.

This applies not only to trade but every single decision. Yes, I tend to defend most things in LE (although I did point out several times in this thread that the UI is terrible) because I like them. I like the way the game is now. Which is why I’m still around.
You’re just someone who thinks most things are terrible in LE. It’s apparent you don’t like the game. So why are you still here when all their systems are terrible?

Sorry, maybe you don’t understand that way. I’ll rephrase:
YOU’RE just someone who thing MOST things are TERRIBLE in LE. It’s APPARENT you DON’t like the game. So WHY are you still here when ALL their systems are TERRIBLE?

Maybe doing random caps like you do all the time will help.


1000% this.

I’m glad that EHG recognizes that trade is a valuable feature but Trade Lord is not a valid way to play a game about killing monsters. Every middle finger that LE gives to players who want to spend their gaming time trying to fuck over other players in the name of amassing fake digital wealth is a middle finger I will echo.


I’m confused about what that’s supposed to be.

Are you saying that like it’s a bad thing?

That’s coming in 1.4, along with the transmog system.

Edit: the GW2 AH was good though.

Path of Exile Live Player Count and Statistics (2024) (

Like everything Tencent gets its hands on, the numbers are hidden but aggregators like this give us an average, as shown there, it has 10~15 million players and 3 million are an estimate of loyal players.

What’s the problem with people who want to sell finding people who want to buy? This was NEVER a problem in games until forum whiners appeared who thought everything had to be a soulslike and kill the player, because if you’re playing and having fun without dying every 10 seconds you’re playing wrong. If you don’t want to change, don’t change, IT’S THAT SIMPLE.

There are people who defend terrorists like Hamas. that’s not an argument GW2 is a gigantic game INFINITELY longer lasting and with an INFINITELY greater number of still active players than GW1, there are no comparisons. And supply and demand is something BASIC that even ends the stakeholder speculators’ argument, a house with BOTH supply and demand possibilities completely breaks the Chinese pixel miners. Any market distortion only exists when artificial barriers are created, otherwise the market ALWAYS regresses to the average, this is a determined fact.

on the contrary. I liked the game that’s why I’m here talking about the negative points that the game has, giving my opinion in the hope of helping the devs to understand problems that they don’t notice because they are in a bubble, you, on the contrary, keep that bubble closed by diverting the subject, accusing others games (always like this) but never actually arguing what is being proposed. Factions in ARPGs are a failure, D4 showed this, now LE is going through the same thing, because it’s just not fun to grind it every 3 months for nothing. Trading has to be as free as possible with supply and demand, creating obstacles to this distorts the market and doesn’t change anything since 90% of global chat activity is from gold sellers and the game doesn’t even have a reporting system for this. but it punishes the player in a fair exchange system.
ALL GAMES HAVE PROBLEMS (yes, in caps to highlight) when we point them out it’s because we want the best for the game, this argument that we are “hateful” or “don’t like it, stop playing” hasn’t worked very well for any game, the powerful wow has become a living dead so, look at NewWorld and tell me if shielding it from criticism helped? Let’s talk about Wolcen? or even from D4?
LE has fantastic classes, a wonderful beginning and middle game, but it fails in terms of end game scaling, I’m here trying to help, hoping that this end game is as good, good and fun as the acts and the climbing of the monoliths were for me, that will give longevity to the game, however if we pretend that this doesn’t happen we will see another flopped season and when they realize it the game will be dead before the 4th season.

Yes, because that site is soooooo reliable.
If you look at Last Epoch stats, it says 1.3M active players (it’s not anywhere near that) and peak viewers in the last 30 days as 3k (it’s 20k). If it can’t get the numbers right on game that is 100% trackable on steam charts, why would it get anything near right on a game that is split?

According to steamcharts, PoE had a peak of a little over 200k in the last year. According to GGG devs, steam is 50-60% of players (probably more these days). So PoE doesn’t have more than 500k, tops.

Yeah, the tencent tin-foil hattery. Tencent has zero to do with Blizzard and Blizzard never showed numbers unless it was convenient.
And tencent is a partner with EHG and yet all numbers are available. But yeah, I’m sure it’s all because of lizard people tencent.

I don’t know why you had to go pull the “soulslike” argument when it has nothing to do with trade (let’s ignore the fact that nothing in LE is soulslike, it’s just a term people are using these days for “I have to look at the game when I’m playing instead of watching a video on another monitor”).

Wow, you’re all over the place lately. Comparing players/devs to terrorrists and communist tyrants. That really helps your case.

And yet the same toxic practices exist in GW2 that exist in PoE. Namely, price fixing, sniping, etc. Much like it let’s you pretty much stop playing the game entirely and spend the whole time just buying and selling.

There are plenty of players that don’t like this environment (which was my point above, but to which you replied about soulslike stuff).

Do you?

Funnily enough, previously you had said:

Even though you now complain that the game is soulslike. Even though it’s easy. But yeah, it’s soulslike.

And so on and so on. You hate trade, you hate bosses, you hate RNG drops, you even say this is the worst ARPG you played in many threads. In fact, I have to scroll a lot to find a post from you saying that something in LE is good.

RMT will always exist. It exists in GW2 as well. It’s unavoidable.
As for the other part, no, it doesn’t have to be free. When you have a free market in games you get price fixers, snipers and scammers.
When instead you turn trade into a glorified vendor shop, then players can still use trade as a tool to get gear without having to deal with all that.

You want to play the market. We get it. It sucks that you can’t, but there are plenty of games for that.
We don’t want to deal with toxic trade practices. EHG gave that to us. I hope it never changes. If it ever does become a free market like PoE or GW2 or every single other ARPG out there, I’ll probably stop playing. Or at least play a lot less.

Trade doesn’t need to change. It’s just targetted at other types of players that aren’t like you.


Next time you’re in the store to “negotiate” a product, ask them about their do-it-yourself materials.
Plenty of folks enjoy building things with their own hands.
Personally, I enjoy the occassional woodwork or electrical stuff, but have enough self-knowledge to not start on anything plumbing-related.


A) Writing Hello World is not being a developer. It also doesn’t matter, because around these parts, you’re a customer/player, just like the guys doing art or filling your gas. You are not superior just because you say so.
B) No, you don’t know what you’re talking about, because your suggestion of “remove 0 cost items after 30 days” solves nothing.
C) the game also succeeds on several points, one of them being the Bazaar being designed as more optional content vs the extremes like PoE or D4.
D) “Shut up if you don’t agree with me” maybe be your opinion, but it sure sounds like a stupid-ass opinion to me, so I’ve elected to ignore it.
E) Actually have some vacation time coming up, thank you for your concern!


Can we just call Hamas the new Godwin nazis already?
If it comes down to this comparison, we already know who ran out of arguments and it just trying flinging poo hoping it sticks.


Do some research that site isnt giving u proper numbers. That site is nothing more than speculation and filled with inaccurate info


Because it’s a nice convenient strawman that has nothing to do with what other people are saying but can be relatively easily construed as a Bad Thing ™.

Yeah, that was fairly obvious from them giving a total PoE figure of several orders of magnitude greater than Steam.


Yelling that TenCent gave money to a company and they are now therefore corrupt, morally bankrupt, and scheming mustache twisters is seriously becoming the internet gaming community’s most tedious attempt to portray tinfoil hatted, hyperbolic cynicism as intelligence.


I have no doubt that tencent is in it for the money. They’re sponsors/investors, not game creators. But I highly doubt they have any say in PoE or LE’s game design choices. They just invest in what seems likely to be profitable.

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