Don't have T4 Julra Gatekeep Crafting for Builds (what class can do this) I Want to Craft

You lost all credibility with this statement. Your limited opinion is not a “fact”. It’s an age old gaming problem where skill limitations hurts the male ego so much that it’s the games fault and therefore it’s “bad”. Don’t compare this game with that heap of trash that I and many others refuse to call a diablo game. The diablo franchise ended with LOD and that’s a fact :roll_eyes:

Not to be that one dude who jumps in and says git gud, but seriously, git gud. Kids these days can’t handle adversity or a little difficulty. Instead of trying to figure out how to fix your shortcomings, it’s a bitch fest on the forums demanding that the content cockblocking you is removed because god forbid, you need T4 Julra crafting to “enable” a build. We have very different definitions of what “enables” a build if your build can ONLY work with a LP 1-4 legendary item. That’s called min maxing you doofus.


I’m sorry, you’re right Diablo 3, despite being a horrible game, sold more than 30 million copies and had peaks of more than 10 million players, this one barely reaches 200k

No in this thread players are correctly criticizing that Hard content is gatekeeping “Basic” features like crafting which is a core amazing aspect of LE. It’s not fun to have a Boss gatekeep you from playing the rest of the game. So I guess I can just log off. Is that what you want?

With that said just had someone who was going to kill Julra for me and DCed zoning into boss room. Think this just might never happen. Getting really discouraged about playing LE if i can’t craft these items. It’s frustrating.

I’m just waiting on this Julra kill.

You can’t practice in T3 and get the mechanics down? This game is not rocket science. It’s muscle memory after a few tries, if even that. Does everyone have to bitch on forums because something is hard, or it’s not possible to try and overcome?


That’s an Idea but I’ll have to respec hammer just to do Julra. Then respect back to play the game. I guess that isn’t too time consuming as making a character to kill julra. Hmmm.

It would be better if builds could just craft without this problem. Again have no issues with super hard bosses just don’t put them in the way of the core systems. Have them in Arena or some Pinnacle area for people wanting to do that.

That’s exactly what I’m criticizing, the game is just a generic Korean game like so many others, purely mechanical, a SHAME on the ARPG genre which are games for those who think and like to build and not dodge circles on the ground.

I’ve done this fight 20 times. I just got Julra down too 88% health. It’s not happening. I’ve been hard stuck for 2 days so just been playing other toons cause all I need on this one is Julra kill to craft the gear I need to play my build. If I could craft this gear then this wouldn’t be a problem.

Unless someone wants to kill Julra for me or is there some Bossing service. I’d like to see what I can do with this build after I get to start crafting this gear.

Difference in opinion I guess. I have no problem with mechanical requirements. But gear also does matter. Maybe post your build so people can help?

Yea definitely we disagree and that’s because I think pushing players away or forcing them to reroll is bad. I want to craft gear so I can make my build and enjoy the game. Items sitting in stash just waiting. Nothing left to do with my build except craft and my build has 4 level 80 uniques. So this is the problem.

My build comes online after I craft these lvl 80 items. I have 3.2k HP, 5k armor, 60% endurance, max resist and 900% void dmg. It’s just not a good build for small bosses and it’s hard to get damage out if i have to run like a chicken.

I’m just really sad and the pushback people are giving is kinda silly. When I could be having fun instead of talking about the issues in the forums. I’d love to never do Julra again but that isn’t the case. I wish Julra wasn’t in the way of crafting and preventing players making fun builds and having fun.

It’s a win/win if Julra or Pinnacle bosses are there to test your skills but not be in the way of crafting which is really what you need to do in order to do the end game. Julra isn’t End game shes in the way of it.

If the best I can do after 2 days is 88% it’s just not gonna happen. I think I just need a 60k ward build that dots her and can cheese it so I can craft for ALL my characters. (Which brings up the point, is this good design? That players can’t get to the crafting area with their builds and need a Boss killer first) I don’t think that is good design. Don’t gate keep me or other players from crafting.

Think I might just take a break and go touch grass I guess. This is really frustrating. Maybe I’ll make a warlock I did craft that 34% HP Exsang earlier.

What would be better instead of rerolling is if I could just craft lol. Not sure how people aren’t hearing this. Why can’t all crafting be accessible at T3? Then people wanting to do T4 or pinnacle bosses can. Win/win. Instead of pushing players away.

Dont do T4, most gear can be unlocked in T3 or tier 2. I am lvl 97 and i running corruption 200 now and most of gear drops at lvl 15-75. Not even had a gear my level. Make sure your not doing more then you need to.

Might be simple tip, but worth checking. Be surprised how many peoppe tryinf to do t4 when gear is do able with tier 2

I literally wouldn’t be doing T4 if it wasn’t mandatory! Sigh you didn’t read the thread that’s ok. My build requires 4 level 80 Uniques I need to craft. If I didn’t need T4 Julra I would never do it.

I’ve posted it earlier in this thread.

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Alright just suggesting it, as i had this happen a few times in world chat. Someome asking for a T3 run, and then link a I35 item, and makes me always feel sad as a lot of peopl3 are confused.

Dont play malee, so cant offer much advise over above. Now you asked about re-rolling to warlock. Dont recommend kt as that is my main now. Warlock is even more gear dependent then your build, necro may be able to do so easily thou.

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I have a necro what is gear dependant about Lock? Everything seems pretty simple compared to my VK build. I also already have a 34% HP Exsang I slammed earlier so just think I should make a Ward build to cheese everything and nullify mechanics like everyone else.

Warlock is kinda the most busted class right now.

Warlock is only op if your using torment or poison / necrotic or some bugged interaction with ignite which under normal circumstances would not work. Even with chaos bolt, infernal shade, and profane viel you are not stacking 500+ ignite without 4 Uniques, and you need around 2lp for each.

warlock which is a version of the lich build using soul feast, fissure, aura of decay, bone curse and drain life. Fissure applies torment and removes necrotic resist, soul feast grants ward and mass damage aura of decay nukes anythinf that gets close. Build is so op it murts my brain

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I’m okay with gate keeping but at higher tiers perhaps allow multiple tries? Not everyone likes hardcore :smiley:

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You say your build “requires” 4 legendaries.

Yet this is copied from your guide-

" This setup doesn’t require any Uniques to function. However, items like Bulwark of the Last Abyss, Bleeding Heart and Ravenous Void provide amazing tankiness for the build. Anchor of Oblivion grants capped Endurance and other valuable stats. Wrongwarp with Legendary Potential raises the Damage considerably."

This isn’t “gatekeeping”. Not all content is meant to be cleared by all players. If you can’t clear it with that char, make another or go find a game that has an “Easy Mode”


It does require 4 legendaries. The build function I’m working on require near 100% block and the other Legendaries enable my build. So shelving this charcter till I can get a Julra kill. It’s that simple.

I made a Warlock tonight playing that and guess I’ll see how that goes and likely kill Julra on the lock then have access to the crafting I need. Again just waiting on crafting to open up to enable my VK tank build.

What do you want me to do? Keep playing my VK when I’m waiting on these items? I need these items then I can continue playing. I’m not sure how this isn’t registering. With that said I do love LE and have been having fun playing it. Shevling my VK for now till I can work around the gatekeeping on him.

Not going to continue bashing my head into the wall when he’s hard stuck on a boss. I rather watch grass grow that isn’t fun. If anyone wants to help me at some point get some Julra kills in that’s cool too.

This is just ignorant btw. The forums don’t need this. It’s not good for the players or needs to be heard.

Oh my okay here we go Julra in a nutshell:

Don’t stand in shit and grind her down over time. That’s all that is to this fight.

Not all characters can do that. I guess it’s similar too D2 where you just need a build for Ubers or pay someone to do them. We could say fair enough but honestly it would be better design if that wasn’t the case. Just let people craft everything at T3. Not complicated and better for the game/players.

From my experience every char with a halfway working skillbuild can do this. Not every player is able to do it. There is a bit of a difference here.