THE #1 Problem with Last Epoch

It’s the damn flashes on screen. I don’t know how other developers didn’t smack the guy who made these spell effects over the head. Makes me think a bunch of them were bought off of third party visual effects vendors or something.

How did the creators look at this and think it was OK? I have only really played Sentinel. Almost HALF of the abilities have absurdly bright flashes associated with them that I either can’t play the game or have to turn down the colors on my monitor super drastically.

This is wearing people out, exhausting people, probably even hurting peoples’ eyes. No wonder the game has such a decline. It’s not just due to balance or bugs or whatever else. I played the game half a year ago and sent in a ticket suggesting they fix these and it seems like nothing was done.

I watched a few clips of other classes and some like Falconer are also ridiculous.

I have listened to a few video makers on this game and most of them have a really weak voice because seriously, the graphics of this game are EXHAUSTING.

Everything else about the game is either great or obviously problematic or easily fixable… except maybe the performance issues. The flashing ability effects need a ton of toning down and smoothening out and I don’t see any mentions of it on my first visit to the forums.

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Okay, mister bait title.

I disagree that this is the “#1 problem” but I don’t disagree that it IS a problem.

-I made a few builds that had great power but there were so many things going on graphics-wise that I couldn’t see any boss cues, etc.

-Also learned teaming up with friends was really annoying for them when they also couldn’t see ANY boss cues through my graphics shenanigans.

So yeah, I agree, despite the dramatics and bait of your title and generalizations.


I don’t think it’s a bait title. The underlying mechanics of the game are very very good. I don’t think the other issues the game has are enough to explain such a decrease in player numbers. Plus, it’s a more subtle issue. The clutter on screen is one thing.

Clutter is not what I am talking about. I’m specifically talking about the way abilities flash. For many, there is no gradual build-up to brightness. It’s instant and punchy.

I think the clearest example is Shield Bash. Go make a sentinel, take it off cooldown, get the Javelin mana talent and spam that ability. Pay attention to the bright flash. It is insanely bright.

This kind of thing is for sure causing many players to quit, even if they don’t realize what the issue is.

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It’s a bait title because it’s not only not the #1 problem, for many people it isn’t even a problem. I never had any issue with that. In fact, I think LE is way better than PoE in that regard and it isn’t even that big of a deal there either.

Secondly, you’re saying players are quitting because of this, but there is nothing to say that they are (or that they aren’t). It’s just conjecture based on your personal experience.

It would be different if you were just relating your experience. You could have even posted on the feedback category and suggested improvements or, at the very least, an options to turn some of those effects off.

But as it is, this post reads like a Fox News special.


This is a bait thread.

Do u understand how games with cycles seasons or even leages work in the diablo like genre

Visuals of skills isnt the #1 reason players are quiting.

Generally with seasonal based games like this the player base drops off after a month or two. This can be seen in POE as well.

When a new season or in LE case cycle start player numbers will tick back up. Only to fall again 2 months in Rinse and repeat

Cycle 1 started feb 21st its been over 2 months now. It makes since u would see a drop in players.

Me im waiting for 1.1 Pinnacle boss content iv already done everything the game currently has content wise.

That last part is a much much bigger reason why the player numbers have dropped. Than what ur claiming. They have done a majority if not all content alreadt


You can think that all you want. It is a bait title, period. In order for this to be the #1 problem with Last Epoch, it first has to be a problem at all.

There’s been one other post about excessive flashing in the last two years, and it was from someone raising the concern of actual epilepsy. You’re just whining that your eyes are allegedly tired. The hyperbole in here is off the charts, and you sound like a fool and a Karen.

You have a pet peeve. That’s it. Learn how to say “I don’t like this” without acting like you’re The Lone Voice speaking for some silent legion of people who are being ravaged by a massive issue.


One shots are the biggest problem with the game.


no it doesn’t

And yet, you’re the only person that has complained about this. It’s such a wide spread reality that no one even is aware of it.
As I mentioned, PoE is magnitudes worse than LE. And yet I fail to see news about people going blind while masturb playing it.

So I think it’s safe to say that your problem is one of two:
-Bad settings/monitor/driver/etc that makes it a problem on your PC only and not for anyone else.


I kind of already agreed mostly, so I didn’t need you to re-explain. Thanks, I guess?

This is just you imagining statistics to prove your point.

I’ve been playing for years and I don’t even know what flashing is being referred to here.

There is a gameplay option called Enemies Flash When Hit (which I have turned off), could it be related to that?

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You’re not only wrong but you’re colossally wrong. Not a single person other than you have I ever seen make this argument. Your issue is so minor in the grand scheme of health of this game and other issues this game has. I’m not even sure your issue would make the top 1000 issues with this game, let alone even the top 100, and especially not #1. I have about a dozen friends playing this game, one of them is sensitive to strobe like effects and has had no problem with this game and never mentioned it. Like it or not this is a YOU problem and not a game problem.


I am not conducting a survey here. I am telling you what the #1 problem with the game is.

Since I have made this post, less than a week ago, the number of active players has again cut in half.
Last Epoch Steam Charts · SteamDB

These kinds of numbers don’t happen with any other ARPG. Not even Diablo was this bad.

Diablo® IV Steam Charts · SteamDB

Diablo 4 is legitimately a terribly designed game. The systems, skills and itemization are way worse than Last Epoch’s, yet, LE is the game with 95% player decline in less than 3 months, while Diablo 4’s is about 75% in 6 months.

You should be considering there is some other reason than the obvious ones for such a decline. THE BIGGEST APPEAL OF LAST EPOCH WAS THAT IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE AN ACCESSABLE GAME WITH LOTS OF CUSTOMIZATION.

Has it failed in that regard outside of the overpowered stuff?

No. The crafting and customization were done very well. It’s even easy. It can even be played off-line and altered with mods. All of these should be reasons the game has lasting appeal to new players, but it doesn’t. At all.

I am telling you this is the main reason. Go look at it for yourself. I have only played sentinel, but I can point you to Shield Bash, the secondary Forge Strike explosion, Rive’s third hit, and 360 degrees Smelter’s Wrath. Go try these abilities and stare at them for several hours and then you can come back and tell me if I’m right or wrong.

There may very well be other classes that are not as bad, but there are some extremely bad ones. A general example is that dark purple cave with golems that suddenly shoot huge bursts of lightning.

You are utterly delusional man. Give it up. No what you said has NOTHING to do with the decline for anyone other than you. There are many other issues that contribute to it, both natural and self inflicted by 11th hour, but your specific issue I’d normally call laughable but at least laughable has some merit at least. You issue has none.

The game is great and probably the most customizable ARPG ever made. However normal season attrition applies here. Lack of any updates regarding what they are planning to do season wise, what they are planning to do content wise, what they are planning to do bug fix wise is a huge reason. The end game while better than most ARPG’s at launch, is mind numbing sadly. I like the monolith but it does get kind of boring because by that point your character, if they hit 100, is done with no real customization further. Diablo had Paragon. Grim dawn added things like the constellation tree to further your customization after max level. POE most never max out so you can still keep customizing. Yes there are overpowered builds here that nothing has been done about that is yet another reasons…but your absolutely not. Just because thats all your brain can focus on, doesn’t mean anyone else really cares about it.


I believe the #1 problem is the lack of a tequila maker. I mean, think about it. Ever since they didn’t put a tequila maker in the game, it has ben going downhill all the time. Don’t be sheeple, open your eyes and put that tequila maker in.
Because obviously, looking at the charts, this is the cause.


This game will be saved by more alcoholic drops and utensil themed uniques!


I think the #1 problem is the lack of sympathetic void characters. EHG’s pro-Eterra stance is hiding something!


He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty epochs it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark curls. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two potion-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Eterra.

For you. It’s the #1 problem for YOU.
If it was objectively the number one problem, there would be loads of threads made about it.

i got 99 problems but flashing aint one xD

maybe it means something. i’d see a specialist, it sounds like seizures are on the verge of happening for you.