Sometimes the majority is wrong

How was it biased? It had 5 options for you to give your opinion. They even very clearly separated fixes because of bugs and fixes because of balance. The community voted on them all and EHG even showed the results.

I’m 100% sure that they also have a lot of other bugs already coded and tested. And yet, they will only release them at 1.1. That’s how programming was.
The only reason they even did a survey in the first place is because a bunch of players were whinning about it. Initially their stance was simply not to fix anything until 1.1. Which, again as the survey showed, is not what the community wants.

No, the masses are indifferent to this. Some people are just vocal that they got their broken toy taken away from them. Unless you saw 500k posts of poeple complaining about this, you can’t say that the majority is against it.


This game has 3 big problems that reflect what you are talking about and that people don’t want to see:

1 - The game’s defenses don’t work: This game has an OBVIOUS problem that we saw in D3, its mobs ARE NOT mobs from an ARPG, they are more like something you see in a rouglike and with damage typical of a generic souls. They have a skill with a lot of damage in the area, always on their first hit, SPROPPING FROM THE GROUND OR FALLING FROM THE SKY on top of your character. What’s the problem? Simple mob damage IGNORE the defensive layers, these layers are horrible to stake and even with very many stacks from many different defensive layers you can die in one hit. This kills melee builds and ANY build based on speed attacks since the ONLY REAL DEFENSE is to be in constant movement and NEVER EVER receive the first attack from mobs, you do this with an invulnerability frame, SOMETHING THAT DOESN’T COME FROM ARPGs but from rouglikes and which was OBVIOUSLY made for a game where you face 1~4 enemies at a time, an ARPG where you fight hundreds of mobs. In any classic RPG a barbarian would have 6-10x 10x more HP than a wizard, magic is 2-5x slower and the game is balanced like this, but here the meele are limited to 3k HP while a wizard easily has 2k+ and 20k ward. SO the ward is not a problem, the problem is that it is simple and it works, ALL OTHER defenses are fragmented, requiring a lot on many items and still don’t work.

2 - The game’s skills do not scale: It’s natural in an ARPG that there are transition skills, which you use to level up but that don’t perform well in the late game, HOWEVER in this game 90% of the skills are useless because they don’t scale directly, they always depend on internal mechanics to scale the damage which means that the same build can cause 1k damage or 1kk, the beacon is an OBVIOUS example of this, the beacon’s hit and its explosion should have similar damage, BUT the way they scale makes the same character have damage 2k with the goal hit and 500k with the explosion.

I don’t think you know what a roguelike is if you’re claiming that.

This is simply not true.

Stacking defense is a choice where you have to abdicate on other affixes. It works as intended.
And for the other part, in an infinitely scaling content, you will always reach a point where things one-shoot you. However, you’re not forced to keep pushing. You can simply lower corruption until you’re not one-shot and play at a more comfortable level.

Yes, sadly, due to the nature of these games, melee is always underpowered in an ARPG. It happens with all of them. Ranged/minions will always have an edge. It’s not an easy fix, which is why none of the best ARPGs ever managed to fix it.

Again, I don’t think you know what roguelikes are, since none of them uses invulnerability frames. Classic roguelikes are even turn based, so they don’t use frames at all.

This is also not true. In D&D (the most classic RPG of all) a wizard gets 1d6 per level while a barb gets 1d12. So they get twice the HP, not 10x.

Yes, ward needs some balancing. However, melee classes are usually armor based, which means they get a lot of damage reduction as well. Which is applied before the damage even hits. Balancing them all is an issue and it’s not working as intended, but there are still lots of builds that don’t use ward and that are very tanky.

That is simply not true either. If that were true, than any build in the game would only have 2 available skills to use because the rest of the skills available to them would be useless, which is simply not the case.
Yes, some skills need balancing. Other simply need you to solve a puzzle to fit with however you want to play.

However, and this is an important part, this post isn’t about balancing skills or classes, so I fail to see how your rant is relevant to this issue.

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The questions were framed deceptively, the sample was not even vaguely random, and they ignored half the data. How is that objective? At least Blizzard uses reasonable statistical practices when they do surveys.

3 - This game DOES NOT HAVE a true end game:

  • Dungeons: there are few dungeons, you can’t choose what or how they climb (like on poe maps) instead they are slowly repetitive and divided into 3 equally slow and repetitive phases that in the end are just a time-gate, an obstacle until you face a boss, EQUALLY poorly programmed with a PURELY boring mechanical fight that once mastered becomes repetitive like any soullike/rouglike, ARPGs have strong and simple fights with fluid and EXCEPTIONALLY good gameplay, that’s what makes the player grind the content because the clean gameplay doesn’t tire you, the fights in this game are tiring, in an RPG when you face something like this you expect to be rewarded but here simply nothing is worth anything you face this mechanical boss full of HKs to end up with a WORSE drop than q make a generic rift or use a rune because EVERYTHING is governed by a very very bad RNG.

-Infinite and repetitive RIFTs: do I really need to say it? everyone knows how that failed in D3.

-Craft & trade: The game has a very good idea for crafting and creates a market within the game itself, EXCEPT for the fact that crafting isn’t actually a craft because it doesn’t allow you to change or reach the t6-t7 statuses and the forge It’s RIDICULOUSLY brief and doesn’t scale with the item level, so you can get a lvl 1 item with 40 forge and a lvl 100 item with 20. The unique items have full RNG potential and by an affix to it is another RNG hidden behind a DG and having a t6-t7 affix is a matter of luck in the drop since you can’t actually craft at that level (LITERALLY the endgame lvl). VERY similar to trading, because the game has a trade but not much, it is a faction, you have to increase reputation SLOWLY and in a VERY BORING and tiresome way (where we even saw this reputation thing going wrong in an ARPG based on leagues of 3-4 months?) Even so, you can’t exchange all the items because they are marked with your profession, if you buy an item you can’t sell it later and if you drop an item you can’t give it to a friend who would be worth the item than you. the more restrictions and RNGs the MORE the game market is thrown to bots and my friend, what else is in the game is gold sellers and bots manipulating the market. As the game’s drop and crafting is rubbish, the purple faction failed very quickly, people migrated to the market as I predicted at the beginning and the pressure exploded, which worsens the imbalance in the builds, which worsens the late game already It’s very fragile.

The point here is that as happened in D3, people will focus on builds that kill mobs from very far away with a lot of area and do it before the mob reaches you while you move. How many builds like this are possible? 2-3? Because this is how a game with 15 classes and dozens of skills is reduced to 2~3 builds. we saw this in D3, D3’s response to this was the WORST of all, instead of fixing the defenses, scaling the skills and reducing the damage of the mobs, they chose power creep, each league they take 2 builds, buff it and nerf the others. the chosen build runs over the game, the nerfed builds die…I think we all know what happened with D3

The questions were very much in line with the general way survey questions are written, surveys are random among all volunteers, just like any other survey or even freaking elections (unless in Belgium, where voting is mandatory!) and exactly what data did they ignore? The bug fixes, balancing, leaderboards & notifications were all touched upon in their recap, no?

Not gonna even comment on how you think Blizzard does surveys better, because the last one they did was completely focused on “how much money can we extract from our playerbase?”

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I’m trying to find out if you are actually being serious.

How were the questions framed deceptively? “During a cycle, you would like us to fix bugs that cause skills or items to highly overperform”. There is nothing deceptive about it. It’s a clear enough question where you could strongly agree, strongly disagree or something in between.

I mean… what? They asked the community to vote. It’s how voting works. I don’t even know what you mean by that. Everyone that had any opinion on it (and even those that didn’t) voted on it.

Again… what? They clearly posted all the results to all the questions. How did they ignore half the data? You’re just sounding salty from having your broken toy taken from you, tbh.

And like in PoE, and like in D4, and like in D2, and like in D1, and like in Grim Dawn, and like in Titan Quest, and like… and so on and so on.
Like I said, the nature of ARPG games have always made melee clearly weaker than ranged. There is no ARPG where a melee build is stronger than the rest. They’re not even balanced with the rest.

I’ve been playing D&D since the red books I inherited from my father, I think 3.x is the best version of the game, in the classic up to 3.x the wizard has 1d4, the barbarian has 1d12, the wizard RARELY scales with the Constitution attribute, but for the barbarian not only Scale how he receives buffs that increase his maximum life so much so yes. The D&D barbarian has 6 to 10x more HP than a wizard

You’re forgetting about the #1 defensive layer in every ARPG, shooter and MMORPG: Situational Awareness, i.e., staying mobile, not standing in bad stuff and watching for telegraphs. All the other stuff can’t make up for players not looking where they’re going.

It’s hard to be on your toes all the time, and easy to miss things, but a lot of time, bad things happen because we zigged (or didn’t do anything) when we should have zagged.

There are a few POE builds focused on PURE DAMAGE, they don’t even do 1/3 of the content, the most famous (perhaps) is the sabouter ice trap with a ridiculous 800 hp and practically no defense. ALL the other thousands of poe builds have some VERY CLEAR and effective defensive layer IN ADDITION to cap res. Some purely defensive builds have been REALLY very strong for a long time, like boneshater or CoC templario stak ES.
(I’m not a native English speaker and I use a translator to help, some of the arguments may have been lost in translation, so sorry :P)

I agree with you, but “ARPG fans” got Stockholm syndrome with the way PoE does things.
They’d rather play a broken product for 3 months and adapt to it’s flaws than have a live environment they can enjoy and toy with.
If this was an MMO or MOBA this level of brokenness of skills would never pass.

PoE is still very unbalanced with melee. Melee only started rising to the top due to power creep and the fact that now every build can easily have lots of defenses stacked along with super regen, something which was unachievable a few years ago. Ranged builds were always the strongest meta in PoE and they still are.
LE still needs to balance its defenses some more, but there are still lots of ways to be tanky without ward. Ward is just easier to set up.

But as I said before, this thread isn’t about melee balance, so I fail to see how it is relevant here.

well, you were the one who invoked POE, and there have always been meele builds in poe since the beta until today, however there are many more ranged skills and yes they are better in general. That said, I’m even more of a purist, for me the true ARPG is D1-D2

In D1 and D2, melee was even more underpowered.
In D1 the sorcerer ruled endgame. Warrior was only good for early game.
In D2 the only good melee build was zealadin. Otherwise Hammerdin was king, sorc and summonancer were easy mode. Even bowazon was stronger than barb.

And it still has no relevance to this topic. This is about fixing broken builds due to bugs mid-cycle. Not about how melee is unbalanced.

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Would you have said it was obviously broken, before you read the notes? Or is obviously a bit of exageration… I see a lot of people recently ( after the notice it will be nerfed has been posted ) saying it is so obvious, for me it really wasn’t that obvious…It has been that way for almost 2 years…

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No, it’s completely normal. Doesn’t every skill clear an entire screen in high corruption?

And with this observation you are able to tell a skill has some bugs somewhere versus it is really strong?

The new classes that have been released since 0.9 are in my opinion stronger than the rest, safe to assume just by that assumption , that they are also worthy of being nerfed mid cycle?

Oh my. Smith Paladin has ALWAYS dominated the game, Dragon Talon and Phoenix Strike Assassin are extremely powerful, Frenzy Barbarian has always been absurd, Barbarian is to this day the best starter in the game and was so dominant that the blizz destroyed his ability to dual wield 2h weapons