Last Epoch Patch 1.1.2 Patch Notes

any fps drops after patch?

thats not how it should work. if item has 50% chance to drop there will be 3 events (rolls) with rank 10 cof. 50% 50% 25% each time you kill boss. so you can get up to 3 items per run. (but is is bugged currently and we are not getting extra chances for dungeons bosses)

Are you sure? Reading this, to me it seems like I’m limited to 4 Nemesis encounters per area level.

anyone else not getting the patch to download?

Really hoping to see some more substantial changes next patch, EHG.

QoL and Game Systems aside:

Dungeons are simply not functional. Is EHG aware of this? I was really disappointed to see that 1.1 didn’t address loading screen crashes between dungeon floors. It’s not like 10% of the time guys. 50% of dungeons I attempt are ended by an infinite loading screen while changing floors. (Little icon still spinning, so the game is not frozen)

I was going to list some problems but honestly nothing comes close to the dungeon problems. Guys, dungeons literally don’t work. Do you need more devs? This should have been at the top of the list for 1.1.

Me and my friends aren’t gonna stick around for many more seasons with problems like this going unaddressed.

Restart steam.

did it couple times, not helped

Hi EHG, can we get a QoL improvement for the opening/closing of the Crafting Menu. Currently the behavior is that if you open Crafting, it opens that menu + inventory menu. But if you close the Crafting menu, the inventory does not close, necessitating two clicks/buttons instead of one. This behavior should ideally factor in which button you used to open or close these menus, subsequently closing both menus with the Crafting key, since you opened both with said key. Any chance we can see that?

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You have “fixed” earthquake aftershock on cursor, but now I am doing 1/10 of my damage… Did you “fixed” something else you are not saying or you have broke something else and now I cannot play my character?


Yeah, forgot that part of the above notes. Sounds like they are trying to keep higher level PCs from continuously farming lower level areas, which does affect the ability to better farm the lower level Uniques.

Is there any information on the Dysnc/Infinite loading screen issues happening since the mini patch last week. Still happening 2-3 times a day mobs are invisible can’t progress or loading screen never loads have to restart game.
After patch every time I teleport to a dungeon or try to do one game freezes up, monos are fine.

Player.log (172.5 KB)


If you’re still not getting it, try having steam verify files integrity.
This happened to me last week and that solved it.

The titles of the sections “CHANGES” “BUG FIXES” “WHAT’S NEXT” are very bright.

A genuine lack of understanding by your part.

Depends on how the math works, butttt for mono bosses…

The common drops are 50% from the boss. So abomination is 50% chance to drop a ring. Well when I kill abomination as a rank 10 cof, his chance is 2.5x drop, (150% increased drop, is 2.5x, 50% increased would be 1.5x. Gotta remember to add the base chance of 100% or 1.)

So yes, when I kill abomination, I always get a ring and I think the body armor., heck I often get 2. 50 * 2.5 = 125% chance to drop a ring. And he can and does drop multiple rings. So if for example it worked on dungeon bosses, what should happen, is that the ring is on t1 100% drop rate. if it was working on dungeon bosses, you should get 2 rings and have a 50% chance to get a third.

But dungeon bosses are weird, cause unlike mono bosses, as far as I know, you only ever get 1 item drop. which is probably why it does not work. Cause how would that work?

t4 julra currently has 37% chance to drop the ring or helmet, then an 18% chance to drop the gloves, and a 7% chance to drop the relic. if you multiply all the values by 2.5 their ratio remains the same… So you dont really get anywhere. Since the rates of drops on t4 is out of 100%, since there is only 1 drop.

Tldr I know its not working on dungeon bosses because I did 20 runs of t4 julra and dont have a relic. if the passive was working, and all the math lined up the odds of this happening are quite low. But I also in those 20 runs only have 2 gloves. which is even more unlikely if hte passive is working. But you will notice rank 10 cof on mono bosses instantly cause you will kill them and get 3-4 items every time lol.

My earthquake damage was also basically cut in half. I don’t use aftershocks so the bug fix doesn’t affect me. Went from hitting 400-500k to around 150k.

No its not, Its the wider communities brain rot.

LE does not currently have cycle mechanics. it only has core mechanics, that are balanced as such.

Think of PoE, they make a league mechanic, it is in every map cause its the league mechanic, then it becomes a “core” mechanic, and is now chance based. We are skipping the “League mechanic” step. Nothing yet has been a “cycle” mechanic, they have all been core mechanics and balanced as such.


will this patch come with a gold wipe?

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It’s what they should be doing as I’ve been debating on the other thread.Do not touch legacy people,do not touch COF players.Nuke people with X merchant guild ranks.Simple as.Moving to COF would not save anyone.

I’m playing aftershocks went from 80k ticks to 10k ticks. Deffs some jank going on.