Last Epoch Patch 1.1.2 Patch Notes

My Earthquake deal 1.7m dmg per sec. Now its only 100k…

I think they should just temporarily set the gold cap for cycle characters to something like 50 million gold. That would nuke most of the ill-gotten gold out of the economy while not affecting 99.9% of players.


I like that,I like that lot to be honest.

they fixed shatterquake node. it was bugged

Now that seems like an actual valid and feasible solution to me, but only short term…

What would happen after that? For how long will the cap be in place? And when the gold cap is gone, wouldn’t the dupers just do it then? Like they did on 1.0, when the dupes only happened many weeks into the cycle

Well, if it were a permanent cap then everyone would need to interact on a continual basis with the Market and pricing of items couldn’t go any higher than the cap because no one would ever be able to buy something if you set a price above 50m.

I’m not an economics person so I don’t know how things would regulate. Would something like this eventually have the price for EVERYTHING end up at 49,999,999 or would it follow some sort of distribution curve?

It’s an interesting solution but miles and miles outside my bailiwick.

Supposedly, the gold dupe is fixed, so it would only have to be capped a short time deleting all the gold above that number. Then they could return to the old cap, at least until the next gold dupe is found. lol

It wouldnt work, it would even make outside the game trading worse imo.

A good example is there is some old mmos where the “gold cap” becomes a problem because of long standing economies where people have accumulated large amounts of wealth.

instead they trade on discord with third parties and collateral etc. Because just because there is a “cap” of selling value through legit means does not mean items remain at or under that value. you just have to create unsafe weird ways to trade to bypass it. Aka multiple trades with collateral.

Maplestory eventually had to make a “coin” that you can buy from an npc that sells for its value. so if the hard limit of integer limits is ever needed to be passed, you can turn your gold into this item, and stack it to trade multiple inventories of “capped” gold at a time etc.

its a solution that would just make more problems tbh.


Why would they not mention anything in the patch notes?

Oh. Ah, I see. I guess that makes sense. I’ve never understood the RMT stuff anyway. I play this game for fun and I like to support the Devs. Paying outside parties to ‘help’ me play the game is just asinine. But I do understand it’s a problem. And it sucks.

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A lot of it isnt even rmt

Lots of normal poe players use a service called “The forbidden trove” and while TFT has been called out for the leaders doing rmt or something I dont really follow the drama. The service is viewed poorly because it creates a 3rd party system where players trade amongst themselves with self regulated “reputation” if you scam or dont hold up your end of otherwise unregulated in game trades, you get reputation dinged, if its too low, or you cant explain yourself you get booted from the community and lose that trading avenue. And people with high reputation are favored for services cause you know they have done lots of trades positively.

This kinda service creates lots of boons, but lots of bads too. If you dont partake you are missing tons of potential trade opportunities.

Its all because the in game tools are not robust enough for the types of things people pay/sell.

So by making a even more restrictive in game trading experience you might open up these third party communities, as far as I know some already exist for MG lol.


These people need jobs. :neutral_face:

No bug fix for double evade in offline is extremely disappointing. It is a game breaking bug in hardcore.

Oh I see… Didn’t think he was talking about this cycle. I read it like he was suggesting something else, as a fix for the long run, like, every cycle would start off with that gold cap to prevent dupers to spoil the fun at least for a few weeks… hahah :sweat_smile:

But LE is not PoE and the league mechanics in PoE are not always in every map.
Whether you have Nemesis in every area or not doesn’t matter.

If you were more precise you would have said: LE currently doesn’t have a “circle-only” mechanic.

Having a nemesis in every echo would be way too broken, it doesn’t have to do with “core” or “circle” balance, but with balance in general.
That would be 1-3 uniques per echo or just 3 echos to fully empower if they would put that in every echo.

Yes, there is the TSM (The Sanctum Market), that works essentially like TFT, over 3k people in their Discord.

I don’t think these 3rd party communities are necessarily bad or harmful, though they only exist for the reasons you listed. Hence they are… uh… needed? Much like one is almost obliged to use at least two 3rd party tools just to be able to play PoE properly.

I’ll never get this mind set. Play the game you’re given. If you want something different, ask the developers. If you don’t like the results, either suck it up and have fun or go play another game. The mind-set to ‘game’ the system is just not an endorphin rush that has ever existed in my brain. Maybe it’s also why I play so few games. It’s also why I have chat turned off in game. This just deepens my empathy for the work EHG has cut out for them on this front.

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1.1-1.4 yes after that probably not. We still do kot know how EHG plans to do cycle specific content.

None of any of these updates are cycle content its all core stuff that was cut from 1.0 launch.

Tbh no nemesis shouldnt be spawning alot. If it was cycle specific then i would agree

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I was really excited for the character page UI changes… until I saw what they did. How underwhelming.

Also with every patch you guys put out, the performance goes down for me. My game freezes for a good 0.5-1 second when I open the forge, map, echo selection etc.

It wasn’t cut from 1.0, there wasn’t enough time to get it done for 1.0 & given it’s spread over an entire year (& more if the >4 month gap between 1.0 & 1.1 is what we can expect) they never planned for it to all be in ar 1.0 in the first place & we kniw this is the case because they’ve always said that they’ll be finishing off the story after 1.0.

Whether all of the core stuff should have been in before 1.0 (thus delayed 1.0 by another 1-2 years) is an entirely different kettle of fish.