Returning player - new

Hello everyone.
I think it was back in 2021 that i bought Last Epoch on Steam, i never gave it a proper go, i played like 12 hours and i believe that that was not at all enough to see all that the game had to offer, now in 2023 i think that the game had more content and features added to it.
I come from games like Diablo 3 back in the day, on that one i finished the campaign but i quickly became bored at it’s end game, i played some Torchlight 2 and of course Path of Exile.

Loving the hack and slash genre with the component of RPG i obviously fell in love with Path of Exile, it was the game on the hack and slash genre that got the higher number of hours out of me something like 430+ hours, but at some point it just felt like a overwhelming game, i know that many love PoE and i do as well, but i preferred to leave it having good impressions of it, it was just that overwhelming feeling that i had one day, that hit me about PoE, in more ways than one it’s a complex game and many love it because of that.

I later in 2021 discovered Last Epoch on Steam i bought it but as said above i never gave it a fair shot maybe because i was a bit burnt out, to this day my main game is WoW and I’m looking for something to have on the side, i know that Last Epoch has it’s own grind, it’s an early access game and by no means perfect, I’m also not looking for the next PoE, i will be glad if years down the road LE is standing on it’s own by being it’s own true self and not trying to be a copy past of other big games out there.

I was browsing Steam earlier today and a person in a post was saying that the game is dead, that only had 1k players, i always take these with quite the skepticism since these days love to say that anything is dead just for the sake of it.
But i have to ask, is the game still active and by consequence are the devs still active building the game up and interacting with the community? They seemed very open in the past, i remember watching some streams and they seemed the type to be transparent and invested in the game.

I am wondering if there are good websites i could resort to to read about the game, about builds and so on?

According to steam the game is in early access but i do hope that the team wants to keep going with it now and even after the full release, the game has a huge potential and i hope that they know that.

A very positive message, but also a very strange one consider the numerous posts below in the forums about the upcoming patch tomorrow. I’d say there’s definitely still life in the game considering they’re releasing the largest patch they’ve done so far.

I personally like to browse builds at LastEpochTools but I’d recommend just starting the game fresh and not looking into builds, the game is very forgiving and intuitive.

Hello @Bakageyama thank you for reaching out.
There’s a new patch tomorrow? I had no idea, i feel really stupid right now.

Andrew did it better: see below…

Yes, patch 0.9 is coming 2023-03-09T17:00:00Z! Check out all the Pre-Patch Hype Week posts below:

Also, be sure to check out the Patch Notes for 0.9 - Convergence, which you may want to have a fresh pot of coffee on hand for. But if that’s not something you’re interested in doing, or if you’ve finished, then watch the Patch 0.9 Preview video narrated by Judd Cobler, EHG CEO & Game Director.

If that isn’t enough, there’s even more spoilers in the Dev Q&A - We’ve sprung a leak! thread.


Hello Andrew and thank you so much for those links, as soon as I am able i will give those a read.
If i may as about my other questions above or if i may ask one of them again, after the early access cycle is complete and the game goes into full release, do the devs plan to keep the game alive and with content for years to come or are they leaving it at a certain point?

They said that LE is a game that is planned to be supported for at least a decade, if everything goes well.

They plan on a similar system like seasons/leagues that you know from other games.
They call it Cycles. We don’t know anything about those though.

The only thing we know is, that they don’t want to gate content behind them, so even the base game gets updated, so you can choose to play your standard characters without a fresh start to enjoy the new content.

Hello Heavy :slight_smile: cheers for sharing this information.

I’m sorry if I’m coming out as being picky but that part of being “supported for at least a decade” starts counting once we get to full release correct?

I also wanted to know if this is a good website for builds if i want to follow one or is there a better spot to look for those?

Yes, after release.

Both and

But if you are specifically want to look up builds I woudl highly recommend to try without it and just do what you feel like.
One of Last Epoch’s biggest strengths is, that you can make basically anything work, if you want to.
Don’t worry too much about if you build is good or viable.

Once you hit a brick wall and you really feel like you can’t progress anymore, then you can still look up some guides.
Respeccing a character or build within a mastery is super easy.
Most of the power from buidls come from skills and those are repsecced within minutes.
Then collected proper gear, even if your build did a 180° is still very feasible

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That is awesome.

I guess I’m used to look for builds thanks to games like PoE.
I don’t know if you have, or anyone here, played PoE but for you what does LE does better than PoE?

Can Last Epoch have the same level of depth and detail that PoE has?

That was awesome timing! I have to ask … how does it feel to be out of the loop of a game’s development and when you come back you realize its biggest and most important patch so far is coming in 24 hours ? :grin:


Yes and I totally get that for a lot of people.
They are so used to how thing are in other games

That is why I really like to emphasize this and try to inform people that they should go with an open mindset to Last Epoch.
I know that you can’t erase your past experiences with different games, experiences are what makes each of us individual.

Oh boy, there are tons and tons of people coming from PoE and some want this game to become very similar to PoE and some want this game to be deliberately very different.

One of the major things that LE does better is that it is way less daunting, you get very few chocies for passives and skills early on and it slowly ramps up.
Not like PoE, where you can go into 30 different directions within the first 10 levels.

Another thing that I really think LE is doing best, is the progression and how long it takes to get y build together.
In LE you can basically play any build you want durign the campaign already and can slowly grow into the build.

In PoE there are a lot of builds where you need to paly a different build until you can transition into the build that you initiall wanted to play.

So in terms of complexity, if would say LE is somewhere located here:

You can do very cool and intricate things in LE for sure. If you really want.
But you can also go the cookie cutters rough fairly easy.


I’m actually surprised you consider Last Epoch more complex than Grim Dawn. Personally, I’d switch the two in your picture.

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I don’t know, many people said the same things, but I think GD is only more complex on a surface level.

Especially the loot with The Prefix/Suffix + base Type System is very easy and straight forward.
Legendaries only look intimidating on first glance because they basically all have bonuses for 3 or 4 masteries.(and you effectively only use some of most affixes on items).

Also the Devotion system is only complex on first glance, but once you understood it, its pretty straight forward as well.

The only thing in GD is the dual class system, but that is more depth than complexity, since you can only take 2 at once anyway.

I’m going to get no work done tomorrow lol

The player count was really low for the last couple of months. This is because the game is still not finished and despite having a 3 month patch cylcle like we had in the past, the game is lacking an update for about a year now.

This is unfortunate but also expected.

Nevertheless the devs are still communicating. There’s a weekly livestream every Friday where one of the devs is playing LE, answering questions, showcasing and leaking future stuff.

No informed person would consider this game “dead”. It’s just a sentiment posted on steam forums because that place is beeing used as a plattform for an anti LE campaign by 1-3 toxic haters.

Its a shame since these individuals spread false information and poorly researched assumptions in bad faith.

Stick to reddit (never though I might say this :smile:) , these forums or Discord for valid information on the game.

Cheers mate and enjoy your time!


Hello @Iceberg I’m sorry for the late reply.
That’s a great question, i honestly think that the only reason i never gave Last Epoch a proper chance was much to blame on myself wanting to really understand a game like Path of Exile, that game is great, i love the game, the zones and the music, i love games like this where there’s a strong dark and grim atmosphere, i don’t know if LE has these elements, i would love that it had but if not it’s completely ok.
My issue with PoE is that at some point i just feel overwhelmed by it, systems over systems, mathematic formulas that go way too deep, maybe LE will go the same path in time, i mean it’s still in early access so only time will tell but because it’s in EA maybe it’s the ideal opportunity for me to jump in and try to learn the game while PoE is a behemoth that has been around for years.

Hello @XLVI_carpo once more I’m sorry for the late reply to you guys.

It’s curious that you mention 1-3 toxic haters, and yes the Steam forums unfortunately can be a toxic cesspool, but i discovered a post by this person, do you or anyone here knows what is this about? @EHG: RIP ✟ :: Last Epoch Steam-related Discussion

Toxic man-baby rage tears?

As far as anyone can tell, Wespe is sick. Ive never seen a Wespe post without vitriol. Somebody in the Discord posted a screenshot of a prior post where he threatened physical harm against people.

Hopefully get the help they need or figure it all out one day.