Regarding the Recent Gold Exploit

Maybe they should restart this cycle and take this week as a dress rehearsal.


I find it immensely depressing and pathetic the amount of vitriol on here being directed at the folks who are creating this game and busting their ar$es to make this experience as best as they can rather that the cretins who deliberately took advantage of this situation. Constructive critique is one thing, but this? I repeat, pathetic.

But that’s just me.

Fair warning. In this particularly case, just mute me now if you intend on defending your actions. Because if you do try to defend this, I’ll definitely be muting you.


I don’t see the prices at Bazaar stabilizing, I see that an offhand I have is worth 50mln, when I bought it for 500k, I see that t7 int ring is worth 10mln, when it was 1mln before gold dupe.

That also had no impact on most other gear like t6 items, which made every fair player who did not stumble on lucky lp3 meta item, much poorer in return, it devalued 10s and 30s of hours of grind, and most of the people I know already publicly said they are quitting the league at this point.


Technically stabilizing means reaching a stable level. This level could be much higher than before the dupes. This is definitely not an ideal result and I hope they do rollbacks this time as their solution last time was to leave the economy filled with exploited gold on non exploiters accounts.

The people that exploited the gold are banned. That’s great.

The gold they exploited is all over the market and prices have raised ridiculously. Also lots of great items are now gone for good as the accounts that bought them are gone.

EHG did a horrible job the first time it happened and it remains to be seen what they’ll do this time. I asked them on discord like 10 days ago if they were going to approach it differently if it happens again and they said that they didn’t want to punish the innocents. But by letting those transactions stay, the innocents that didn’t get all of that gold are now priced out of future top end items.


We can see in gold selling sites that chinese people are still online and selling 1b gold for 5$.

This means you fixed nothing, stop lying

To be honest, it is quite pathetic that you guys do not have a way to track gold.
There were photos of people having 1.5B gold in their inventories for days now.

How on earth is it possible for someone to walk around with 1.5b and not be banned automatically. Or investigated and find out the source of income.



I also decided to go to different purchasing sites, and I saw one picture of 10-20 offers with an unlimited offer, I think they duped it from the start of the cycle and hid 100,000,000+ bil in the purchased auction lots.
The output is one FULL WIPE of gold. This week will not bring me any losses personally. You can simply increase the gold drop rates for 1-7 days, and everything will stabilize on its own.
If the developers do not make any decisions to reboot the economy, then I can assume that they themselves will sell this gold.
p.s. If developers need help implementing code for dupe detection, write to PM. I came up with 3 different code options while sitting on the toilet :laughing:


As I stated, constructive critique is fine and necessary. We’re already seen them take a first step, they banned the people who did it. Likely right now they are in the process of implementing their second step. I agree, it remains to be seen. That’s why I find the the response of some folks to be despicable.

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I dont care if you wipe the gold

I went to buy Red ring 2 nights ago before bed and cheapest was 5m for a unique, I had 14m but decided to hold off as im a dumb fk

Now everything is 100x the price, I was going to reroll maybe a Fire Aura character but now I cant afford fking anything and I have zero Sorc gear so …cant really do anything with my money anyway

Im somewhat thankful I did my final gear sweep before the inflation but I cant switch to CoF (nor do I want to) but mg its pointless

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I don’t understand why you have not set up monitoring processes to trigger when abnormal amounts of gold appear in transactions or accounts. That should immediately lock the two accounts involved before any damage is done. When you have fundamental duping issues deep in the software (as Wolcen did too, for way too long), you can’t depend on community reports to get on top of it. You need to take serious and draconian measures against it


Thanks for timely looking into it
Any word on this issue?

It’s one of the most upvoted feedback threads now in the time after the last cycle ended
(And there’s a simple fix with just giving back the gold
Please refund the gold spent in cycle stashes to legacy players' gold reserves )

Same here saved 2 day for red rings before sleep they are 14mil each when i wake up rings are 500mil :smiley: now they are 600m, idols are 400-500m, tier7 affix are 100-150m
MG is not fair anymore for legit players.
Sellers of items (to exploiters) are super super rich and they decide to prices on items.
EHG fixed nothing. RMT sites have billions in sale. Everything is ruined for MG players.

No, it means that they didn’t fix everything by removing the excess gold. There’s a difference.

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Looks like Legacy was a good choice. MG in “fresh start” is rotten, but MG in legacy is pretty … fresh, in a case of selling new items. And all content of 1.1 is here

fair enough

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What makes you think that there is going to be a second or third step? if you look at their track record from season 1 with exact same situation happening multiple times, all they did was announce a ban of some exploiters, meanwhile the cheated gold was circulating just fine and people still had unlimited amounts of cheated gold somehow hidden on multiple accounts.

If anything, it is likely that nothing will be done further, because that is exactly how they ‘solved’ the situation in season 1, resulting in a completely dead economy, just like it is dead right now.


They might’ve banned some people but they haven’t gotten rid of all the exploiters.

The economy is absolutely screwed despite their efforts.

Chinese gold farmers have trillions of gold in stock that they are selling dirt cheap. (1bil for less than 7 bucks)

That alone should tell people that whatever EHG did wasn’t enough nor did it actually do anything.
They refuse to take out the gold because “they don’t want to punish sellers - i believe EHG_Wick said this”

People are angry as they should be, the same thing keeps happening over and over again and nothing is being fixed other than the exploit itself but the gold won’t be. Straight up gotta keep ABC in mind playing LE (Always be cheating)

Banning was the first, fastest and easiest step.

They’ve already said they have certain constrictions on what they do next and they’re working to come up with a solution.

People can certainly be concerned and offer constructive criticism on potential ideas for how to solve this. No one is saying that isn’t relevant.

But the anger and the entitlement? Yeah, I got no sympathy and no respect for those people. That should be directed at the f-hats that did this. The lack of morals and integrity is pathetic.


When are we going to get rid of this freaking sea of gold coins??
This game is dying. I wouldn’t enjoy it anymore.

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aaaaaaand games dead again.