Please refund the gold spent in cycle stashes to legacy players' gold reserves

This is about the same thing as this thread

but I was told in the Discord server by one of the mods to create another so the problem gets more exposure.

EHG, it would help a ton if you could just refund the gold people invested into 1.0 cycle stash tabs to the legacy gold banks of players so we can at least buy back the storage we already farmed and paid for.
It won’t fix the problem with item sorting mentioned but it’s better than nothing.
Please don’t leave it at what it is for the 1.0 → legacy transition, EHG.

I know you had no ill intent but erasing progress like this in such a loot hunt game is just not good.


At this point I’d absolutely settle for this solution. I would also think it would be the easiest to implement technically for several reasons: No sorting functionality has to be built in, and if players already purchased new stash tabs in Legacy then this won’t matter, as it’s only the gold which is being returned.

I’m not exactly sure why a decision which has erased the results of countless hours of players’ time (in terms of the time spent getting gold for stash tabs) is not a priority 1 fix.


To be fair, I can understand that it’s not a priority if there are gamebreaking bugs or such… but yeah it should be addressed rather quickly.
What I do not understand is why some people are actively against this fix, when it won’t cause them any harm whatsoever…


I can agree with both your points here. Something that’s causing serious game crashes, gear duping, etc., are time-critical sorts of fixes. It would make sense to prioritize gold refunding after those types of issues.

One thing I’ve learned is that there will be some percentage of any gaming community that will co-sign literally anything the developers decide to implement. As in, the devs could devise a way to moderately electrocute players every time their character takes damage and some folks would be salivating over how it “makes the game more hardcore” or “provides an incentive for more skill-based play”. These people don’t argue in good faith and I generally choose to ignore them: It’s damn near impossible to reason someone out of a position which they didn’t use reason to get to in the first place. The stash tab/gold refunding issue is no different in this regard, sadly.


What? Where are these clowns? What a weird attitude…
It’s not like we’re asking for a gift here.


Literally everywhere, dismissing it as a non-issue with statements like

this isn’t a problem, just buy new stash tabs

and the like.
Seen it here, seen it on reddit, seen it in Steam forum discussions - everywhere the problem is discussed you will find this kind of comment, sadly.

Haha, so by this simpleton’s logic we have already solved the gold dupe issue as well. Just farm more gold to buy items at their new prices :smiley:

This is not talking against it but instead solely dismissive.

I did actively 100% the same as I couldn’t see the major issue with it given the reduced prices for tabs.
After putting them together for higher amounts though I’ve realized ‘it is an issue’.

Never said anything against it for example.

There is a difference between not caring about an issue (“It’s not big deal, just buy them again”) and being actively against it (“No, you should not get gold back, that’s a terrible idea”).

If someone is doing the first, it’s usually because it doesn’t affect them personally and so they don’t really care nor are they empathizing with it. These people don’t oppose a solution, they just don’t care enough to support one. Which is fine, it’s human nature. As long as they don’t get in the way.

If someone is doing the second, then they’re idiots. As we’ve seen in this thread, we might argue about the best solution, but I think everyone agrees that it’s not a fair situation. We might argue about whether you should just get gold back, or the tabs themselves, or whatever solution. We might also argue over the priority of said solution. But everyone agrees something should be done. Even people like me that are not affected by this.

Sadly, I don’t know if EHG will do anything about it for this cycle. The gold refund solution seems the simplest fair solution to implement and could have been done by now. The fact that it hasn’t and there’s been no communication to this end leads me to think that the only changes forthcoming regarding this will be for next cycle.
Hope I’m wrong.


I hope you’re wrong, too. I am barely playing my cycle Mage because of the bad taste this has left in my mouth, as it gives me little to no confidence that my time and effort in-game will be respected in the future. I only rolled this character because of plans to do some coop play with a friend; otherwise I was planning to play my Legacy character and possibly roll other new Legacy characters. No way in hell am I doing that now, with the state of affairs for the stash being what they are.

Combine that with build/gameplay-breaking bugs for both my Mage’s Focus “Conveyance” node (often the charge-up breaks for no reason), as well as Teleport’s “Comet Rush” node (the Haste cooldown-reset straight up doesn’t work), and I can’t even make the build I desired to. (And no, I wasn’t trying to use both of those nodes at the same time. I transitioned from Focus/Conveyance to Teleport/Comet Rush after I ran into the bug with the former.)

Overall this leads to me playing for maybe an hour or two every few days, when I expected I’d be salivating over my next free moment to jump in-game.

I would also love to have this fixed. Paying twice for tabs shouldn’t be a thing. We should either get the refund in gold to re-buy the tabs or just move them over. Also I have a question about the 1.0 to legacy tabs. I am still moving items over from the 1.0 to legacy tabs. Will i lose access to the 1.0 tabs at some point and the items get deleted or is it permanent to have the legacy and 1.0 tabs?


We are still waiting for you to address this, EHG :wink:

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Yeah, sure.

There are a lot of things. A LOT of things.

I have played since official launch and tried this cycle as well. Love the idea, hope they keep going. This game however still feels VERY early access to me.

I wish them the very best. I will keep following updates etc. So many things seem so far behind though and the current speed at addressing them has left me venturing elsewhere so my precious time is best spent.

REALLY hope this game makes it though and they can clean up the rough edges, in general.


With the upcoming reset it would be a good opportunity to change your approach for this, EHG.
You can still refund the 1.0 cycle gold and please keep doing so for all upcoming cycles too.
Those who don’t play legacy won’t care but for those who do this is important.


Doing this would make more players continue their cycle chars in legacy, EHG :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s really sad that they didn’t do anything about this when it would have been so easy

I don’t play legacy so i don’t care if there is a refund or not. But I can actually understand arguments against a gold refund.

First, the stashtabs are a gold sink so it helps vs. inflation.

And second, when you transfer a char from cycle to legacy you can either have few stash tabs = few items and lots of gold, or lots of stash tabs = lots of items and less gold. So if you decide to refund gold for stash tabs when you transfer to legacy you actually punish people who spend their time in keeping their stash tabs clean and sorting out even pretty good items /keeping only the very best stuff…

Their time in sorting would be lost and their earned gold would be “less worth” because they did not temporary invest in stash tabs.

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I don’t play legacy, but I might some day and I agree that loosing anything feels crappy.

EHG is supposed to make a proper long term solution not a stop-gap measure which acts short-term.

How about detaching gold from MG and instead focusing to adjust Lightless Arbour accordingly to make it hence worthwhile again?
That’s the prime anti-inflation method there.

Ah… and quite obviously market taxation to remove gold from the system, since nobody which is sane uses Lightless Arbour as a MG player since it provides less value given the inherent inflation happening which gets worse the longer any cycle goes on (with Legacy being a mess because of it).

Umhh… no?
If you buy more stash tabs it directly correlates to not having the gold to buy upgrades instead. So you have already given up character potential for being more ‘messy’.

It’s already a intrinsic value basis which has to be taken into account.

The issue currently is that it’s a sort of value. Value of your playtime is supposed to be sustained when moving from cycle to legacy. This breaks this sorta ‘promise’ (I know, it’s not a direct one but it’s an expectation… since legacy is meant to be your timeless hoard after all).
So this causes value to be actively lost upon transition, which is a net negative and a faulty premise from the devs perspective in my eyes.

Which ‘time in sorting’? That’s a fairly nonsensical argument.

In that case I can also argue that someone with more tabs actually is worse off. Why? Because in that case since we take ‘sorting time’ into consideration we also need to take into consideration ‘pickup time’ and ‘search time in stash’. Obviously with a bigger stash you’ll be prone to pick up more items, hence you’ll hoard more. That means clicking more, your character moving more and more time spent to put items in and out of your stash.

Not to speak of when something is actually needed you have a harder time finding it unless a intricate sorting system is set up within the limitations of the maximum 200 tabs we have access to, which also takes time to set up.

So that’s a non-argument you provided, actually could or could not be the opposite.

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How would it be anti-infkationary? MG doesn’t make gold it just moves it from 1 player to another less a % gold tax. If MG required some other currency, that currency would suffer the same inflationary problems that gold does unless there was a significant sink for it. In PoE that sink is crafting.

I thought that was added in 1.1? They certainly talked about adding it or increasing it (can’t remember which).