Legacy is unplayable without stash tabs

Mike has mentioned a potential 1.1x hotfix regarding stash tabs in his latest stream (at around 2:00)

Let’s hope for the best.

I think what he mentioned are improvements to stashes. I don’t think he mentioned anything about the whole merge situation or the fact that you have to buy them again in legacy.

I saw that a while ago as well and didn’t link it because I didn’t think it was actually relevant to this issue.

Well what else has been heavily asked for in that regard? I’m not aware of other upgrade options for stash.

It doesn’t have to be things people asked, but there have been a bunch of QoL stuff people asked for stashes over the years, like a better functionality, being able to drag/drop on the right side column, better highlight of items for search, apply loot filter to stash, etc.

And they could be doing the EHG thing of adding something we didn’t even ask for but that’s some unique twist on something.

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Let’s just hope for the best :wink:

Several things I wanted have already happened.

To be fair, I’m not saying they aren’t doing that. It’s just not what I took from what Mike was saying.
Especially because the question was “Will there be more for organizing our chests/tabs?”.

There has been no further word on this anywhere, has there?
Seems they are really ignoring this… first time I’m disappointed with EHG, ngl.

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I carefully organised about 130 stash tabs. I want to play legacy, I play offline and I don’t give a f* to rankings. I guess we’ll have to wait a few weeks/months to come back to this. I don’t know what people had in mind, but that’s very bad design.

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It’s been a while. Don’t know if they think we would forget eventually. But this still isn’t right and it still is fixable, at least in part with a gold injection.

I mean, how hard is it to determine how many stash tabs an account has purchased during cycle 1?


To be fair… in the big picture they can… and we will.

But I don’t think that’s what going on actually.
Rather I think that EHG has no logs on who had what in cycle 1 and hence can’t do anything even if they wanted about it since the back-end systems to allow it aren’t in place.

Gross oversight plainly spoken and something needed to be done before release… but the more likely reason then them being lazy or just not caring.

But all in all… it’ll leave some very disgruntled people - me included despite being not affected, since it’s a shitty situation which shouldn’t happen - behind and be a stain on their overall reception.

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Why would you need logs?
EHG knows how many tabs you had in cycle, since they’re still there as remove-only tabs. So all they would need to do is count how many there are and give you a gold refund for that amount.

I don’t think they will, though. They will simply improve their migrating system for 1.2 and let 1.1 be as is.


We would still like you to address this, EHG


Ok, just wanted to play some old build on legacy, and I noticed this stash tab thing. Damn this is beyond annoying. Why wasn’t this handled and communicated better ??


Because EHG messed it up… now won’t communicate further about the topic (for now) and likely wants people to forget about the situation.

Personally spoken a massive negative in my book for them.


I ended up buying new tabs it is what it is.

It would have been nice if i could have just moved a cycle tab over even it i had to pay for it

I can understand that just moving tabs over can be a complicated issue to some extent, especially if there already are legacy tabs and not all cycle tabs can be transfered 1:1 because of the different gold costs…

But just refunding the gold invested in cycle tabs would be a simple middle ground fix and should be easy to do, too.

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They could just have us copy the tabs with the structure, re buying everything and sorting items suck.

Second thing they need is a transfer character to offline feature, the online limit is too small as with permanent classes doing multiple builds is impossible with low online character space. Just let us move everything to offline after each cycle, problems with stashes would be also solved.

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Auto-transfer to offline is a really really bad idea. If I wanna play with friends and my character gets transferred to offline then that sucks after all.

So the legacy transfer is the only viable option. Also it relates to the preservation of value for your account in terms of online, even if most will never use it, the option to have that though is important.

If LE would transfer my character to offline from a cycle where I actually wanna engage in (rather then keeping on playing Legacy) then that’s a immediate situation where I’ll stop playing the game and never pick it up again until it’s changed because I for one do enjoy using the gathered stuff further on. If you remove that from me it’s a dealbreaker.

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Wasn’t talking about anything auto. Just give people to option to move their legacy characters offline to make space for a new cycle without having this whole stash issue and online space issue. After the cycle is over I do not need to play online anymore (I can play with other people in the new cycle) but having the character offline would be nice to go back to.


Yeah, opt-in for offline transfer (or doing it ‘whenever’) is fine, more then fine and something EHG should finally get done as it’s been a thing which should be possible since 1.0 when ‘true offline’ was introduced.