Regarding the Recent Gold Exploit

You haven’t done anything, trillions of gold have flooded the market, normal players can’t play anymore


this type of situations clearly show the two faces of this community, the one with the multiple support badges that excuse everything is wrong in the game, and the one that don’t have any, and ofter write in the forum only for blame the game.

We have lost the moderate playerbase, the people that are not to much attached to the devs team in a visceral way, that at this point have spent so much money that can’t state clearly a problem, or the ones that are here just for the flame, and here i don’t understand why they are here in general, anyway, i hope the devs can find a permanent solution for this type of problem, that really hurt the game, and that make if possibile even more useless the option to play in the cycle instead of legacy.

PS,. forever a CoF player, and this cycle also a legacy ones, there is almost no reason to play in the cycle at the actual state, another problem that at some point should be addressed to retain a good and fresh playerbase

I don’t see anyone with multiple patches in this thread excusing the error that has occurred with this gold exploit. In fact the three ‘multiples’ seem to be saying, ‘yeah, EHG needs to fix this and fix it as fast as they can.’


So, I’m good with my ‘white knighting,’ thanks.


I am kind of in the middle. But i am also fed up with the state of the devs making mistakes. They keep tumbling on things i would consider obvious. Makes me mad.

Enjoying trading to get what my build need, but it’s impossible to buy the high-potential equipments. The game was dying in 7 days. It’s better for me to play D4 than to transfer to COF.
Expecting what the developers will do to deal with MG, rather than being complacent that the game has a lifespan which is less than 7 days.

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The game died in 5 days. During these 5 days I managed to extract 10 kk of gold - which now has no value.
I will return to the game if there is a restart of the season or removal of all gold for all players.
Although I’m not a fan of POE, I’ll probably go there.
P.S. I’ve been waiting for the release of 1.1 all this time, since the first season also died due to this problem. I hoped it wouldn’t happen again.

Why are you lying? You have done absolutely nothing. Not 1 account was blocked.
Are you sitting with your rose-colored glasses drinking coffee and trying to deceive us?


I would but I’m attached to my current items, and some of them are MG tagged.

currently no point in continuing to play MG as a non-duper as its basically playing with no faction. I might return if they remove MG tags from MG items created before the economy was destroyed so I can switch to COF, or reset gold for all players.

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I love how every time something bad happens, all sorts of first timers feel like coming to the forums. Kinda funny to me

Heck, personally, if I think a certain game is dying and feel like quitting it, I’ll most definitely not be wasting my time writing in their forums, specially if it’s gonna be my first time there. I just quit…

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clown team lies that everyone is blocked and fix dupe :smiley:

A lot of games have problems with Exploits and Dupes. Even D4 has had more than one dupe that shut down the whole economy. So the fact that there WAS an exploit isn’t that hard of a factor imo… but the fact that you’re not removing the excessive amount of gold generated is. Banning exploiters is the right move - but only the first one.

If you ever want to get MG right, you have to remove the generated gold, even if it is from accounts of non-dupers. You can’t remove all the gold 100%, but you can track the amount of items sold (important for really hardcore traders who buy/sell a lot), and if one sale is exorbitantly high compared to before the exploit, remove like two thirds of the difference the item was worth BEFORE the exploit. That way the seller still has more gold than before, but the economy will go halfway back to normal again.

As I understand it, you are writing this to me and people like me.
I don’t like forums and don’t sit on them. BUT.
I bought the game and the game is broken. This is the second time I start playing and someone hacks the game.
I know that many players are simply too lazy to register on the forum, including my friends. They just left the game and are waiting for results from the development team.
If no one comes to the forum and writes what they expect from the developer, he will decide that he is doing everything right.



Interacting in a forum is not a matter of laziness… it’s a matter of contributing to something you enjoy.
If the only reason you’re posting in a forum is to rant, curse and announce you’re leaving, then you’re wrong…

Devs don’t need your statement announcing you’re quitting to be aware you quit. They have the numbers, and they surely don’t measure how much players they have by checking who announced they’re leaving in the forums.
So yeah, now that was something i would like to say to people “like you” (assuming you’re relating to this kind of behavior in a game forum, notice how i correctly pointed out “all sorts of first timers”).

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Just to go back to topic, I don’t think people should be banned for using an exploit. I don’t know how the exploit works, but if it is something that is possible within the game without any third party tools, it would not be fair to ban anyone.
For me, I didn’t even realize there was anything going on in terms of exploits, I just enjoyed the current cycle so far and if there is something that the devs plan to fix the situation, it should not be punishing people or take away gold/items (except they were really “hacked”) but to find a solution that provides some kind of compensation for people that didn’t used any exploit or it’s effects.

This is actually GGG’s stance. This lead to the phrase “Exploit fast, exploit hard” being a common saying among PoE players, especially streamers that know that the most that will happen to them is simply losing the exploited items.

The first one (in 1.0) didn’t involve 3rd party tools (even though it was very obviously bug abuse), this one used cheat engine to hack the values.


When people wonder “why were games so much better in earlier generations,” I have to assume part of it is because companies didn’t need to worry about massive cybersecurity breaches and simply enjoyed making a game with passion and artistry. There simply weren’t coordinated groups actively attempting to sabotage games back then, and quite frankly, I don’t know how many people can add “successfully thwarted MMORPG cyber attacks” to their resume.

I love how gamers assume companies can make this super neural-network that can instantly parse every single bazaar transaction (when thousands are happening every second), immediately find malefactors who are laundering massive amounts of gold (especially as I assume the malefactor groups are combining hordes of very legitimate transactions in the mix to throw off suspecting eyes), and immediately remove the gold while sending out subpoenas to every physical address connected to the gold exploit (especially as many players are using VPN’s to hide their physical addresses).

I am not going to refer to EHG as a singular entity, as the people like Mike who love the development side probably knows next to nothing about cybersecurity, or even how to find people with the relevant experience to stop future attacks from happening. I will say that this very much sounds like a company that would have absolutely flourished 20 years ago, now struggling with current-day problems that are out of many people’s elements.

Note that many people were complaining that seasons should be coming every 3 months. Tell me, how many cybersecurity experts do you know that would be willing to leave their current jobs, transfer to a new company (even if the offices are mostly remote), and learn their systems and master the chokepoints to prevent exploits in only 3 months? You want a season cut in half, enjoy double the gold dupes!

I wish I could offer anything other than words, but I hope the team does find people who are capable of handling organized groups willing to break an entire virtual ecosystem simply for fake money.

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That would be a valid statement only if said exploit is something minimal, even if intentional, but showing up as isolated cases, like someone being able to transfer their edited offline items to cycle, or someone abusing a bug to kill any boss in 1 hit.

Which is the opposed of what’s happening now, where someone is intentionally duping gold with no intentions other than to screw up the whole economy and destroy the fun for everyone that plays MG.

And more ironic, some people feel like cursing the Devs, instead of cursing the ones who got banned for doing it… So, imagine if they didn’t even do that, like you’re suggesting.

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How is there not audit monitoring players logs for impossible amounts of gold reached and automatically locking their account? This is an incredibly rudimentary task considering each player had 1 variable gold that could be monitored. Rookie mistake, and not wiping the economy is an even bigger mistake. The player loss will be greater not wiping vs wiping. Then you have 3.25 from PoE next week that will completely drain your player base. I want LE to succeed but my god, its hard to watch this unfold AGAIN.

Because not everyone that has high gold amounts is exploiting. As has been pointed out already in this thread, someone could log in on sunday, have no idea that there was an exploit going on, try to sell a red ring that just dropped, seeing it’s going for hundreds of millions and listing it for the same price.
Exploiters then buy his item and he now has millions of gold, without doing anything wrong.
So why would you ban his account?

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Come, man. You know this is an “easier fix than pouring water in a glass at the sink.” All these people on here moaning and whining clearly have more inside knowledge then we do about how easy this is to fix and how it’s ‘such a no-brainer, bruh.’


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