Announcing 1.1 Refresh & Cycle Event - The Imperial Uprising

I don’t understand the reasons for the cycle reset.

New economy… ok, that’s for 1.2…
Not wanting to wait until 1.2 for the QoL stuff… just put it in? What’s the issue?

Make a new special cycle for events, that’s what events are for, to get players to return… not to piss of those which simply want to play on like normal.

But otherwise, good that the changes are coming!


Probably not a decision they took lightly, I’ll trust them. Let’s see how it plays out.


hopefully not another gold dupe glitch its the reason i quit first cycle in first week

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Yeah I agree,
I didn’t play this cycle, but I would be pretty annoyed to lose my character(s) and restart for the same cycle, not even a new one with new mechanics.

An event cycle, sure, but why reset 1.1 entirely ?


This sounds like patch 1.2 will not be coming within 3-4 months after patch 1.1, which would be a shame, as it will be the second major patch to be delayed.

Thank you for your continued efforts! While you look at stash tabs, please tackle this issue

It’s still not too late to refund the gold people invested into cycle stash tabs


This is cool and exciting news, but I am absolutely bewildered why you would do a cycle event, AND reset all characters. I have a badass lvl 96 HC character ready to go. I would come back to play him, sure. I am absolutely not going to level another character though.


im all up for cycle reset becuz of gold dupe that happened and it ruined the market

Was probably a smart move by ehg since the majority of arpg players will play d4 in october and poe2 in november. So a december release for 1.2 sounds more realistic to me now with the upcoming event and cycle reset. I just hope they really focus on bugfixing and balancing during that long break.
And im kinda looking forward to the event, even if i only play 1 or 2 weeks.


I like ur game and the idea or improvments but mid season character reset feels very very bad and annoying. The Level Phase up to 100 is really to hard and takes to much time. i spend 150 hours this season and play around 400-500 corruoption. still not 100, still not lvl 12 in faction guild. still not have my bis gear. i wanna play and optimate my gamestyle and not spend whole season with farming items. all the problems comes from the bazar again and again. u need a live admin who looks at bazar and can directly do something if ppl bugusing. i like last epoch but leveling and farming detroys the feeling


play it on legacy. problem solved


The event will be active in legacy as well for any players that don’t want to level a new character.

play it on legacy. you lose nothing.

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imagine paying 50$ for dlc wich adds barely anything while PoE in their latest league added more stuff than blizzard did in their paid expansion crazy to me that people still support that scam company if you gonna keep support sh1t you will get sh1t


Chads all around in that team!

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Economy reset is needed. Thanks, I’m going to play.
I hope Bazar search improvements will be great

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I hope other ppl will enjoy this update but for me it is an immediate stop for playing. I am a casual player, slowly reaching lvl 100 because I had not too much time to play on PC during summer. Was looking forward to finaly build endgame gear. But now? Play for another 3 weeks, probably not even achieve what I set as goal for myself? No, thanks. This is really bad news for me. :confused:


Doing a full cycle RESET (it’s not a “Refresh”, it’s a RESET!!!) is just not the right thing to do. Get rid of the dupers appropriately (aka BAN THEIR BEHINDS PERMANENTLY!!!), reset the Bazaar, but let us keep playing our existing 1.1 characters!

I guess I am done with this game at least until 1.2, if not forever if this is going to be S.O.P. going forward… hmmmm will Steam refund a game after 1,600+ hours played? :stuck_out_tongue:


Sure but by that logic, PoE 1 usually has a massive league every December. I think late October or early November could have been a window of release without much going on.

but won’t you keep your character with all gear and progress just on eternal realm? All the features , fixes, etc of the event would still be available to you

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