The Imperial Uprising: Event Details & Poll Results

i only quit because corruption was too punishing, therefore i got a lot less loot in general.

From buffing nemesis spawns only by 15% to giving 50-150% extras to multiple things to bring people back. Hope you learned your lesson EHG that fun > balance. Nemesis should have been 100% spawn rate until cycle ends. Too late to bring anybody back now but maybe I am wrong.

3/10 ragebait. But seriously, VoH starts 3 weeks after the refresh, surely you can play one and then the other?


cant wait

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I don’t understand the appeal for people to want all their chars and progress deleted with no new league/cycle. For casual players that don’t 24/7 the game its a bad thing to happen. Going through the story in ARPGs is the most annoying thing ever. While playing the story once or twice is okay and nice, learning the world to know but after that it gets just an annoying obstacle.

If ARPGs finally would understand that enforcing the story is a pain for the player on a long running game the games would instantly raise in appeal. I play games like Last Epoch, Diablo, Path of Exile for ages now. And the only thing D3 and D4 did good was the option to skip the whole story. This should really be adapted.
I am >NOT< talking about “I want to start with a max level char and best gear” or anything alike. Just instead of story over and over and over and over just let me do Monoliths from Level 1 on if I’ve ever completed the story once.


A big problem of legacy is these still existing issues

The hard-earned stash tabs are not fully usable in legacy, which effectively deletes a part of players’ progress.
It’s still possible to refund the gold people invested into their cycle stash tabs so we can rebuy that USABLE storage space in legacy

Honestly I’ve been advocating for this from the moment 1.0 dropped. Like genuinely getting to max rank in a faction should happen at around 85.

50% is not enough. It should be like 150 or 200%.

In my opinion one of the reasons why Legacy characters feel irrelevant is that you can’t play them if you are wearing CoF rank items which you could just moment ago when you were on Cycle but CoF progress is not transferred to Legacy (not sure why). It creates dead end in which you can’t progress your CoF rank because your character is not functional. This is super weird.

nah. too early. ~lvl 95+ is ok

for MG, 50% more gold drop rate isn’t anywherer near enough, we actually need 10x times the drop rate to even have enough currency for the market. And with the amount of MG player left right now and less after the reset, even items drop rate of 50% more isn’t enough to save it that’s my honest opions, unlike CoF, MG NEED players to stay alive and EHG need to create more incentives for us MG players to stay and continue to be on the market

I’m interested in what EHG may do for Legacy to make those characters feel relevant again … I only play Legacy to test builds out nowadays, although I still feel attached to my level 90+ Legacy characters, it does feel like a bit of a waste to play them when Cycles are on.

Maybe if there were some incentives to play Legacy…

I don’t really think this will be the case, because this reset has very limited new content. A new cycle with these buffs removed would have a bunch of other stuff to explore to remove that feeling


I’m CoF but the 50% buff to gold drop will surely result in hyperinflation / gold cap problems for MG players? Think this will have some unintended negative consequences tbh.

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“One of the big things here we want to dive more into is why players feel their characters become irrelevant when transferring characters to Legacy, and what we can do to alleviate that feeling.”

There’s nothing you can do to alleviate this. This is a core tenant of live-service ARPG’s. The overwhelming majority of players will NEVER play legacy no matter what you do, so please don’t waste your time trying to solve a ‘problem’ that isn’t a problem. Focus your attention on keeping players engaged during each cycle.


Can you explain how this is an “L decision”?

Excited for everything that is coming along with this refresh!

This 100%. Please don’t waste time on Legacy. People playing Legacy don’t understand the point of cyclical ARPGs and are not what will keep the game alive.


L BOZO lol bye

Regarding the better MG functionality: I recognize this will make searching for idols much easier but will we be able to search for unique rolls? Items like unstable core or + to skill uniques would be much easier to search for if their affixes were available

it is late in the cycle and temporary