Num-Lock and third-party software

Due to heated discussions about the legality of using Num-Lock
I have one question to EHG-Team
Is it legal to use third-party software for Num-Lock emulation?
Will or will not I’ve be banned for this?
Because I don’t have a mechanical Num-Lock

Terms of use:
4. Restrictions and Limitations.
Eleventh Hour Games may suspend or revoke the License, or parts, components, and/or single features thereof, if You violate, or assist others in violating, the license limitations set for under these Terms of Use. You agree that You will not, in whole, in part, or under any circumstances, do the following: (i) adapt, reproduce, store, distribute, print, display, publish or create derivative works from any part of the Website, Materials, or Services other than in accordance with the License; (ii) modify or adapt (including through third parties and third party tools) the game client or its data, other than in the normal course of Last Epoch gameplay as permitted in accordance with the License; (iii) utilize any automated software or ‘bots’ in relation to Your access or use of the Website, Materials, or Services;…

But I’ll wait for an answer EHG-Team

Because I don’t have a mechanical Num-Lock

You could also buy a usb numpad or a keyboard with numpad. Would propably be faster than setting up a third party program. Both is available for under 10 bucks.

I know very well how to work with such programs. It is not difficult for me. I just want to know if I can do it or not. Maybe EHG can give a list of allowed programs.

Automation that includes movement of characters, movement of the game cursor, or actions that depend or react to the game state are not allowed by Eleventh Hour Games.

I’m not going to make a list of specifically approved programs at this time.



Hi! I’m curious now, as to what programs are allowed and aren’t. I don’t have experience with using them (or creating them) but I’d like to know in case I come across one that I’d like to check out.



xD I know, I just figure that it’s been very nearly two months since that post, and you may’ve changed your mind.

Sorry for bothering ya.

@ or msg mike directly, he may or may not have seen this. Orion is not affiliated with EHG afaik.

I’m no native english speaker but for me this sounds like NUM-Lock is an issue because the action is automated.

Much appreciated!

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I’d say that “depend or react to the game state” is related to scripts. “If your health drops below 20% automatically drink a potion”. So where actions are triggered by certain things that happen ingame.

The keypad just simulates “hold the button down”
You could also achieve this by holding down the button endlessly, put a weight on top of it or use a power strip. It’s all mechanical and not a reaction to something that happens.

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Hey there, I just replied to SuperGimpoMan in a direct message and thought I would post what I said to him here just to be clear to everyone.

I don’t have any official statement that I can make about which programs are ok and which aren’t. Currently the section you quoted [my previous post] is the official stance and the total real rules on the issue.

I know that being a non native English speaker can make interpreting these very specifically worded statements difficult and I appreciate the attempt to understand them better.


I hope that in the future it will be possible to give us such a program
Because at the moment, people with mechanical Num-Lock have an advantage over those who don’t have it
And this is sad

what advantage is that? can you prove this? no…? then don’t worry about it. numlock autocasting one ability, is not a significant advantage over pressing down the same button with your finger. it doesn’t make you a better player, nor help you reach the top of the leader boards, any quicker or faster, it’s literally ONE button/skill, and they have done away with most of it, by making it hard to sustain your mana for such play, making skills autoproc by only specializing in the skill tress, and changing how certain skills function, like flame ward for example, you now have charges from it, and then a cooldown, so you cant autocast it. trying to do the same thing, for example, with primalist skills, like maelstrom+tornadoe makes it extremely hard to upkeep the mana cost, AND still even if you can, those skills together will not help you to achieve high ladder arenas, skill, and knowledge will, so I don’t see the big issue here.


for example Wandering Spirits
you can use it by CD and don’t think about it

yes, but it makes your gameplay more simple

just relax
this thread for those who can see “big issue here”

@omnitrio I don’t think you’re taking the correct approach to this topic.

  1. These skills are not meant to be autocast by design. People use this workaround. People that have keyboards with numpad. It’s not intended. The devs already work on changing mechanics of these skills to make autocasting less viable.

  2. It’s not the devs problem what kind of keyboard you are using. If you use a mouse with 2 buttons and I use a mouse with 5 buttons would you want me to be limited so I only can bind 2 actions to my mouse buttons? Is your graphics card capable of running LE smoothly or do you want the game to be downcaled to match your hardware requirements?

So if you are so eager to have a more simplified gaming experience why don’t you buy a new keyboard or an USB numpad?

Just because people are abusing their hardware to have small advantages it doesn’t mean the devs have to implement mechanics to give everybody access to. If someone is botting and has an huge advantage in xp, gold and gear would you say the solution is to implement an auto pilot so everybody has the same chances?

Mike answered several times to this topic. It would’ve been easy to say something like “Third party tools are not allowed, but numpad trick is ok.” But he has not. The recent reply was as vague as before.

This does not help in interpreting these things. The only thing we can be certain of is that he recognizes the topic and reads our conversation about it. And hopefully he would’ve intervened if there was something wrong with our current interpretation.


This thread was in relation to the original poster asking if they will be banned for emulating Num Lock due to having a TKL keyboard. It appears as though there is not an official stance on these micro instances at this time, compared to more clear and distinct violations (e.g., packet injection, automated responses such as potion at % health). I use to have an AHK script for potion use when low health on PoE and this seems prohibited at this time.