Num-Lock and third-party software

I know it’s a bit off topic, but why would someone buy a (separate) keyboard that lacks a numeric keypad (and I’m coming from the point of view of being an accountant & the numeric keypad is “vital” for typing numbers in quickly)? I get it if it’s a laptop & there’s a limitation on the physical space of the device, but not if you’ve got a desktop. :confused:

Space is normally the reason. I have a wireless TKL which I use to play from my couch. The lap tray would be too tight for both my mouse and full size keyboard.

Fair enough. Just the thought of not having a numeric keypad gives me the shakes…

OK! Here we go, let’s take a look at what I said before.

Num lock doesn’t move the character, move the game cursor, depend or react to the game state.
If something else follows that same criteria and has the same effect as num lock, it’s fine.

I’m still not going to make a list of specifically approved programs at this time.


@all can we please give this man @EHG_Mike a big round of applause.
He has made several attempts trying to clarify the whole situation in the best of his frame as a developer. This is a very hot topic and can certainly get really sketchy.

Still people are arguing or in some form discussing this.

And still he takes some of his valuable time and makes another attempt with a more then clear statement, that i guess he had not to give. He maybe even put himself in some bad spot with such statements.

Now give this man rest and let him work.

Thank you @EHG_Mike :heart:


I like Mike’s post as well, including the sneaky edit…which I believe was the italics. Very nice addition. The real travesty though is this line from his previous post;

I’d hate the see the translated version of it. :sweat_smile:
[/ball busting]


Yea, I know that’s clunky, it’s not translated from anything. :cry:


the law of the game has spoke, now everyone carry on :slight_smile:

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