Plea to disable autocasting

If they remove autocasting by numlock people will use macros. It’s the easiest thing in the world to tell my mouse to mimic a button push every other second. This won’t change anything sadly. The best way to handle this is making buttonpresses meaningfull and stop mindless spamming of skills. Without this we’ll always have some sort of autocasting because the ban of keyboard and mouse software is something that will not happen most likely.

The health arguments are a joke aren’t they? I played my shaman and had 3 skills to press over and over again what was the only reason to not fall asleep playing this build.

Yes & I probably should have quoted the message I was replying to (which I have now done)…

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I just can’t understand how my msg and you post correspond
I say, that not all keyboard have num-lock
and for auto-cast it need be to replace at another button
that all players can use it

The autocast procedure isn’t determined by EHG. It’s a Windows feature, so I don’t believe it is something that EHG could ever change.

Unless they code it such that the inputs from the numberpad keys are treated the same regardless of whether the Numlock key has been pressed or not.

Sorry @Shrukn i didn’t try to tell anyone how to play this game, i was only giving my opinion on autocast using numlock and a general idea of how i think builds should look like. And yes i remember the time playing condemn crus aswell, and guess what…that insane idiot pressing a single key 6 million times was me and i made it to leaderboards aswell. Btw my wrist and fingers are still fine. I agree with a lot of comments here against and for keeping auto cast, it’s an interesting topic and everyone can share his opinion without getting personal i think.

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if your referring to my carpal tunnel post, yea i was joking.

Long cooldowns feel absolutely terrible in an ARPG. They feel terrible in D3, they’d feel terrible in LE. The games are simply way too fast for a minute+ cooldown to be worth using at such low uptime.

As far as autocast: It’s a non-issue. Anyone can do it, doesn’t require external software, could be replicated manually, and doesn’t remove an aspect of skill from the game. It just saves people from RSI due to mashing or holding their buttons otherwise.


Cooldowns make balancing easier being a kind of cap. For example since cooldowns don’t dip into mana it helps make current werebear possible.
Much would need to be reworked if cooldowns were removed.

Many future balance headaches will not occur if kept.

Phone post.

Numlock is a quality of life that shouldnt be touched. Saving us from spamming skills 3millions time a day


My wrists are fine BECAUSE I used Autocast setups.

I felt my wrists dying back years ago playing D3 Archon Wiz. No developer is ever going to pay you compensation you receive, and when you are in extreme pain and wrists are fucked, your ongoing employment is affected maybe think back to mindless button spam and wonder if it was worth it

I also play Path of Exile but ONLY on a controller with a 3rd party program. MANY PoE players use Potion ‘macro’ where 1 button pushes 4-5 because no one really wants to piano flasks every single pack of monsters for literally HOURS

The devs have a responsibility to not let people wreck their bodies, if they wont provide a responsible game I will just always use a macro

yes but they are better than mindless ‘5 second uptime 5 second cooldown’ skills. Its just bad and shows this game isn’t any different from Diablo 2

Then realise LE isn’t much different to Grim Dawn and in Grim you can equip 0-9 for skills and you can have a character that auto spams 9 skills on a rotation, not only that autocast skills allow you to bot the game in very simple places…IE the arena…

Wrath of the Berserker back in early D3 days actually was how cooldowns should be, situational buffs you turn on

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I would like to see the option under every skill to tick box auto cast.

Reason. Not all of us who play are able to do so comfortably. Due to medical issues. Trying to press a single button several hundred time per hour would leave me in agony!

Your suggestion of removing num lock, means you are telling players like myself to…how do I put this politely…“Push off we don’t want your type!”


No you got me wrong. My plea was against any form of automation which plays the game for you and gives you an advantage. Secondly, i mentioned to fix the abilities which requires pressing several hundred of times.

Nevertheless, this topic can be closed. It is already stated in another topic bij EHG that any form of automation is prohibited.

We shall see the bans starting soon :smiling_imp:

Definitely this.

So you suggest that minions should be removed? Or Spells with a duration? Or DoTs?

Apart from the fix I suggested (map the un-numlock’d keypad input to the same thing as the numlocked keypad inputs), I’d like to see how they could ban basic windows functionality. Should they ban alt-tabbing next? Or having/using multiple monitors (since it gives those with an “unfair advantage”)?

There are a lot of games where pressing numlock literly does nothing. There seems to be a solution already ^^. Still mouse and keyboard software will fill this gap or third party software ^^.

Maybe I don’t get your sarcasm. In case you mean exactly what you wrote I want to respond the following:

I am sure that right now - in beta - EHG is NOT going to ban their kickstarter backers and EA supporters for using a windows keyboard feature. Because it gives people an advantage in… in… hmm… in what exactly?

It’s not a cheat. It’s a QoL feature. You can either press the button every X seconds or hold the button down the whole time (because this is what the numkey “trick” does). It’s not a script that emulates human reactions on certain gameplay situations. You could also put a power strip over your keys.

The only situation where somebody may have an advantage is with using Numlock for recasting Enchant Weapon , because it has a skill node that does recast automatically when off cool down. So you have 1 skillpoint more available in comparison to somebody that does not use Numlock and instead uses this node.

There are very few things that are worth banning in a beta test phase. Using and abusing the hell out of all available mechanics this game has to offer is NOT. Because things like this are exactly what the devs want to identify as potential issues.

Also the statement was not very precise. Here’s the link.

He’s saying something without being exactly on the topic “Numlock”. In my opinion this response leaves some room for interpretation. Is using Numlock an


The question of this topic - by the way - was if it is allowed to use an third party emulation software to automate pressing the key because the OP does not have a Numpad on his keyboard.

YES this numlock stuff is ruining my game play experience. I can’t sleep at night thinking that someone might not be pressing as many keys as me. What about the damn minion AI? You should need to click on each minion to move them and select targets for them. These people and their minions are also making me lose sleep. Don’t even get me started on the totems that auto target! Where will it end?!


Pffft, I can’t sleep at night with other people using their fancy silicon to do all the calculations & such. Do you have any idea how much time it takes to reverse-engineer LE’s code & then convert into punch cards for my difference engine? Not to mention to convert the output into a person-readable format (per frame)!


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