Sometimes the majority is wrong

And with this observation you are able to tell a skill has some bugs somewhere versus it is really strong?

The new classes that have been released since 0.9 are in my opinion stronger than the rest, safe to assume just by that assumption , that they are also worthy of being nerfed mid cycle?

Oh my. Smith Paladin has ALWAYS dominated the game, Dragon Talon and Phoenix Strike Assassin are extremely powerful, Frenzy Barbarian has always been absurd, Barbarian is to this day the best starter in the game and was so dominant that the blizz destroyed his ability to dual wield 2h weapons

Also, check out the runemaster, elemental nova frostclaw…You might find that one even more obviously bugged :slight_smile:

Define “bug” vs “balance fix” as an end user with no way of distinguishing what’s going on in the code. What if a rare unique that was supposed to be additive is treated as a multiplier in code? What if the same unique was accidentally released as a multiplier when it was supposed to be additive? Are those two situations with identical impact on the player different? Will players who ground out or bought that rare unique be less pissed at the nerf in one situation vs the other? The distinction is fundamentally ill-defined.

Everyone wants to see “bugs” fixed in a game. The positive response was obvious. However the data EHG has conveniently ignored show that over half of players don’t want to see big mid-season nerfs when the question is reframed as balance. The questions should have been framed from the end user perspective. “Do you agree with mid-season nerfs to overperforming builds?” and “Do you still agree if you are playing the build?” Then you see how many white knights showed up to the survey.

As far as sampling, it has to be random to be valid. Self-selected surveys are fundamentally confounded by the reason people went and filled it out.

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To this day, the best ladder starter character has always been sorc because you can farm hell bosses in rags and you can get there super fast.
Melee assassin has never, at any single point in the game before D2R and mosaic runeword been stronger than trap.
Barb was never dominant, other than gold find barb for tristram farming. The only build that dominated the whole game from the start is hammerdin.

And this still bears no relevance to the thread being discussed, so I’ll stop replying. If you have issues with melee in LE (which you do and there certainly are some) either reply to a relevant thread or make your own.

It’s a bug.

It’s a bug.


Both are bug fixes, but one nerfs the build and the other doesn’t. So I imagine people would be pissed when the fix nerfs their build or buffs it.

They asked that, they just split the question into 2 different categories because it’s an important decision: “Do you want us to fix overperforming builds because there was a glitch in the code and things aren’t working properly” or “Do you want us to fix overperforming builds because we screwed up in our calculations and it ended up being stronger than we intended?”
Those are vastly different things. One is because of a bug, something that clearly isn’t working as it should be. The other is because of balance and because the devs failed to account for something else. They are not the same.

Why would this be relevant in any way? That like making a survey with “Do you want us to prevent cheaters?” and “Do you still agree if you’re a cheater?”. If anything THAT is a biased question.

I don’t think you understand how voting works.
If you want to know how the community feels about an issue, you ask the community. It’s random because each person has a point of view on it and everyone get a chance to vote. That’s how surveys work.
Were you expecting them to go out on the street and ask random people that never heard of Last Epoch or that don’t even game what their opinion is?

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Fixing bugs or not fixing bugs, someone will always be unhappy if it was not their choice. You cant please everyone.

So … “it doesn’t do what the tooltip says it should do”. Seems we agree on that.

The entire survey was about when people wanted to see bug fixes. There was 0 option to vote for a “I want this bug to still be around in 1.1” option.
That’s also not half the data, btw. At best, that’s “half the players” (which you then argue are selective and thus not representative)
And why would your opinion be more or less valid depending on what build you’re playing? This wasn’t about those specific builds, but all builds in general. In fact, if we filtered on “are you currently playing said build”, we’ld have to devalue their opinions, because the response would ‘obviously’ be to keep the bugs in, so they can keep dominating leaderboards and the Bazaar.

If you’re gonna argue a volunteer bias, you are gonna have to bring up some actual arguments as to why people more active on forums etc would gravitate towards a certain way. Surveys are not fundamentally biased btw, you just have to be aware of the risks for it and you have absolutely 0 evidence that EHG didn’t account for it.


I think you don’t understand survey science. That’s OK. It’s a hard field. It’s not my expertise either, though I have enough experience to spot a bad one like this.

I didn’t say volunteer surveys are biased. I said they are confounded. That’s a totally different concept.

The majority is actually an insanely small minority. Of those who play the game only a minor fraction actually consume out-of-game content, and of that minor fraction another minor fraction participates in it. I’m in-between those groups and didn’t even know there was a poll going on :woman_shrugging:

So a “majority” of like… idk, 0.1%? And that number consists of a heavily biased group on top of that. Kind of like asking people standing outside of a bar in winter if they have issues with smoking.

I don’t think you understand that different surveys have different methods applied to them depending on what you’re trying to find out.
If you’re trying to gauge the customer satisfaction, for example, then yes, you contact random people and have them answer a few questions. It’s the reason we can’t have a meal in peace without getting a phone call.
If you’re trying to find out what the majority of your customers want, you make a global survey. It’s like making a national referendum on an important national issue. In there, you ask EVERYONE to give their opinion. And everyone’s opinion has the same weight.

Different methods for different data.


Confound - I assume you specifically meant “to affect the result of a scientific experiment in a way that makes it less clear that one thing causes another”
“People went and fill it out” is not confounding though, that’s inherent to surveys.

There isn’t even a causal relation within the survey data, unless you mean “survey data → EHG reconsiders their stance on mid-cycle fixes”, but I’ld argue that them releasing the survey itself already is a correlation with their intent to reconsider their stance.


Everyone is wrong, trust me bro


The best supporting evidence. Now I am convinced, bro.

I was watching and one thing came to mind. Do you work for LE’s company? because practically in all the discussions I saw on the forum you are talking nonsense and diverting the subject to OTHER GAMES. you NEVER respond about the obvious ERRORS in this game, how the defenses are rubbish and that’s why the wrad is EXTREMELY dominant, and how the game was reduced to 2 builds that do 500% more than the 2nd place, or about the DEPLORABLE situation of the meele, or how this game has clear problems with calculations, or with minions, or with HK of generic mobs… I talked about the game’s problems and you invoked poe in the wrong way I countered so you summoned D2 I countered then you I respond with a D2R… anyway, I’ve seen this happen, denying the error is the path to failure

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Maybe you need to go REREAD THE POSTS. YOU’re the one that brought up D1 and D2.
And if you went and read my posts, you should know that there have been PLENTY OF TIMES where I said the game needs IMPROVEMENT.
In fact, even in THIS THREAD, I mentioned that melee is UNBALANCED. I just said that NO SINGLE ARPG to this date (at least the big ones) ever made melee balanced. EVER.
I have also mentioned that WARD IS UNBALANCED because it’s easier to gear for than other defenses.
It seems you’re just DEFLECTING. Maybe if I make THIS REPLY with RANDOM ALL CAPS WORDS, it will get across better.



I absolutely agree with you, the game has MANY code problems, and spent YEARS in a long beta, the least I expected is a quick response from the devs, but what we are seeing is the denial of the problems in the forums, the sepulchral silence from the devs and a research disconnected from real problems. When we criticize or speak out it’s because we care about the game, and if the response is silence or denial, people soon start to abandon ship, in 15 days this game lost 70% of its play base. IN SEASON 1. If it continues like this, what makes you think we’ll be back for season 2, 3, 4…

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To be completely fair, a majority of the systems have been in place (in their current state)
for roughly 1 year, or less. MP was released in March 2023, as well as the current iteration of Monoliths and Dungeons. Factions themselves are a completely new thing, to v1.0.

That’s not to defend the amount of issues, or even the issues that have been (reported) lingering for quite some time. But the current state of the game was in beta for only about a year. Whereas the rest of the time was actual development.

I wish there had been more time to adequately test things prior to release, but they are working with a very small team…in comparison to the sizes of the dev teams working on games like POE or Diablo X.



Do this will do nothing but add power creep to the game.

People need to realize pushing 1k+ corruption isnt the intended balance bench mark for builds. The devs have said around 300-400 maybe 500 is where they want to target build balance.

Will there be players that can get a build up into the thousands for corruption sure. But buffing everything isnt the answer. This is what happened in D3 and it did nothing but add power creep to the game. To much of it isnt a good for the health of the game


What’s scarier than an ignorant person is an ignorant person who thinks they’re smart.

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