So, this is a very elaborate problem, which needs some explaining and a lot of context.
I am almost sure, that this is a bug or maybe a limitation of the underlying systems, but I felt like putting it in the feedback section would most likely cause more discussion around this, since I am very curious what other people think about this or if they noticed this as well.
TL:DR will be at the bottom
Over the last couple of weeks, I have done a lot of “reveal as much of the echo web as possible” for some really advanced Vessel Of Memory and Vessel Of Chaos uses.
While uncovering the echo web, I usually start going outwards as fast as possible and when I hit dead ends (Shade Of Orobyss Nodes) I will try to wander “sideways” and try finding deeper branches, since the chance of getting Exalted and Specific Unique/Set Item Nodes does increase, the deeper I am in an Echo Web.
Here are a couple of images to show what I mean
Going outwards to reach “the edge” asap
The first few shades I discovered only were +5, +9 and +10 Corruption
Then after going sideways for a extended period of time it seemed like it does no go deeper anymore, but instead even going backwards (closer to the starting point again)
Also some branches started to becomes very linear (lots of nodes in a row without any branches splitting up.
Orange is 11 nodes in a row without any off-branch
Then I started to get another 7 nodes in a row linear branch, which also leads to a dead end (Shade)
Next branch with 9 linear nodes and also a dead end
And now the absolute cherry on top, which made me start this post.
23 linear nodes, which were even decending in depth and resulted in a dead end, that is just 10 echoes deep into the echo web from the starting point.
This branch was literally wasting 30min playtime for nothing
This issue, once the echo web is too much developed seems to somehow corrupt the entire echo web, because even when starting from the startign poijnt again, even only 3-5 echoes deep the branches already start getting very linear.
Just for reference, here is the initial starting path I took, with a very “spider-webby” pattern.
This is how the entire echo web should look like IMO.
TL:DR After a large portion of the echo web is uncovered already by going “sideways” for an extended period of time, the creation of “branches” seems to be corrupted to only spawn very linear branches anymore.
This issue takes away everything, what makes MoF great: planning and strategizing around Loot vs Difficulty. Evaluating longer branches after revealing several one with a beacon is one of the coolest things, but some of the beacosn you see here, just revealed like 1 or 2 branches, which were linear. So no real “choice” there
Thank you for you time reading this and if anyone has more specific questions or wants certain images or descriptions elaborated even more, just ask.