RMT and Exploit Statement

What does it change? MG super messed up at the moment, every “good” 2 LP item cost like +400 mil. 3LP items are either not available or cost like 1.5 bil. So, at a certain point it is not really possible to develop your gear anymore by trading it
Please make a free transistion to CoF possible so you can use your MG items.

Easier solution (I know that sounds evil): Cap prices at e.g. 100k or 200k gold or something no matter what.
People with stupid amounts of gold could then hoard items but hey…what they gonna do with 20 duplicate 4LP items - and those accounts could then easily be flagged and investigated in detail.

Great news. Thank you.
If Cycle gets transferred to Legacy, I’ll make a radical suggestion that this season doesn’t?
I don’t believe people outside of legacy are playing to move things into Legacy, or maybe it’s very few?
If this season doesn’t get transferred back, you start afresh next Cycle without the damage affecting Legacy so much. It’ll suck, but long term, a small price to pay.
Perhaps characters themselves can move back, just no gear or money.

Play SAF if you want to be locked for trade. That’s what the game mode is for.

This is just the inherent flaw of “legacy” essentially. anytime a cycle has a problem that isnt sorted, like lets say there is a bug that makes lots of 4lp drop at no fault of the player. its just a rounding error or something. do you think they will delete them? probably not, they will go “well we will learn from this” but come legacy, all the leftover 4lp will flood into legacy. “ruining” the legacy market.

But thats just how the legacy markets work in these games really. As a legacy player you either love it or hate it. Some people think stuff like that keeps legacy alive as it means its shifting in a way constantly just like cycles.

come one, the bug itself I cannot confirm that was told some time ago, but there are other related things that were reported months ago. Even for an “indie” and small company I guess the response time for both complicated and easy bugs are delayed too much.

The gold coin limit issue leads to extremely poor game experience (online game) - Feedback and Suggestions - Last Epoch Forums

the negative gold issue can be tracked down to december.
Im gonna say something and it can be totally out of the blue, and I have no deep knowledge about coding or programming, but could be that the negative gold issue was a hint there was something messy in the code or that something could be exploited ?


Well done guys. You are really communicating in a clear and honest way to everyone. Thanks :slight_smile:

What? I am not talking about CoF in general which is already locked as it should be but materials aren’t. It should not be allowed to be used on items and/or tradable to the other faction.

They have the chat logs, linking it shouldn’t be difficult.

It would have to to be able to track potentially dodgy/RMT transactions/etc. “Player X on character A bought item Y from Player Z on character B @ XX:XX:XX in mode HC/SC/Season/Legacy/etc”.

Reverse/unwind the transactions between affected players? I’m sure it wouldn’t be a trivial thing to do, but I’d imagine it’s possible once they’ve worked out what the offending transactions.

Oki :cake:

Indeed. To prevent bugs and exploits, the code and UI should only accept viable values. Negative inputs should be a no-go in many instances, such as this.

LE is not the first game I know that suffered from negative inputs being an exploit to create resources.

Defensive coding became a requirement for my later job, so we would assign any variable that isn’t allowed to go negative an unsigned data type, e.g. UInt64.

For UI-design, if negative values aren’t allowed, it should be impossible to type them in at all.


I love this idea, I think it’s a wonderfully elegant solution to the problem. One small request with it though, could we standardize which direction is “normal” across all items, especially for uniques? Nearly all Helmets, Boots, and Body Armors face Right, but a lot of uniques face Left, and if you’re going to be introducing “mirrored” versions of these items, it would be nice if facing one direction always meant that item was duplicated, as opposed to having to look up which way the item usually faces.

Actions speak 1000 words, and all i see are words no actions. Like you all promised with server DCs and reducing lag, i still see noticable lag in monoliths and rubberbanding and i still see DCs. I am starting to notice a pattern that borderlines negligence.

Here is what i expect of Eleventh hour and i EXPECT A DIRECT RESPONSE FROM YOU ON THIS as i think i can speak for a lot of people, we have had enough

[1]: you removed [supposedly still to be seen] gold from the economy, and you banned gold sellers. I see no mention of you addressing removing the ripples from said event

[A] Laundered Items: Gonna refer to this as any item/sale/trade/carry/boost/ that was done both directly or indirectly as a consequence of the exploit.

Eg: Exploiter dupes items, sells, uses gold from profit and buys from an innocent player, that player is boosted by the exploit. The person who sold to the exploiter is boosted. Both players create ripples in both direction. Both need to be tracked down.

The seller who sold to unknowing exploiter must loose the gold, and the item must be returned, and this same process must be echoed to every action in every permutation and combination. Returning all players back to the original point. Same applies to the side of the buyer as explained above.

[B]: Corruption / Arena/ Item / Alt progression

Any exploiter or those who benefited from said exploit would have made illegitimate progress in a manner of ways. This progress must be purged for all directions.

Eg: Exploiter dupes items, sells dupes items. Fully gears an alt. The entire alt should be nuked

Eg: A player sold an item, exploiter bought item. Said player bought items, stored items, stored gold, traded item … etc. All progress for all permuations must be nuked.

[C]: What plan is there to address RMT that is done outside of gold. A RMTer could agree on an external site to feint a legit friendship for usd and play with someone for a few hours each day and then smuggle out items.

What i EXPECT TO HEAR [TIP]: we have hired staff members who entire job is to search all forms of internet [discord, tor, deep web, etc] and sit all day each day in world chat and IP ban anyone LIVE, infaltrate said organizations as spies, and have taken to court to ruin said gold sellers in legal and financial way.

[D]: What steps beside We hear complaints from big creators and are forced to make a statement, are actually going to be done to combat future leakers and exploiters. I WARNED YOU ALL [FORUM READERS ALIKE] THAT SHOULD EHG NOT PUNISH LADDER EXPLOITERS THE NEXT THING WOUKD BE RMT. AND GUESS WHO IS RIGHT AS ALWAYS… ME!!

I await your response as i am sure others do. I permit companies 3 strikes before i quit games.

1] servers not working for almost a week on launch
2] Not making right decisions and asking community with the pole
3] RMT destroys season.

This was your last strike for me and for many others. Time to make a statement, and more then some cop out, we addressing and cant talk about it.

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You can’t actually. You never can. You can only speak for yourself. That’s all anyone can do. The first of many areas in this post where you are wrong.

You go on to suggest that they “must” provide you personally with a direct response and take the actions you wish, including paying someone $100k+ guaranteed (after considering benefits) to browse the internet all day and infiltrate (typically offshore) RMT companies as spies, in addition to spending untold quantities of money on legal actions, to avoid the “consequence” of folks who have already paid all they’re going to pay for the game no longer using up server resources.

Now obviously it’s good for them if folks love the game and talk about it to their friends all the time and word of mouth positive reviews and recommendations boost sustainable long term sales figures. But you have a pretty wildly inflated idea of the value associated with you continuing to play the game.

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I dont think they would hire anyone for 100k. They could hire someone in India to work for 75c an hour and have those people do a good job as 75c an hour there is a lot as many live there on less then 7$ a day. At 75C an hour, they would be paid somewhere around 10% more then middle class. People would be jumping on it like bees onto sugar.

Great news, the prices are way too high in market. Waiting for updates :slight_smile:

This is not a bug, it’s a feature.

Maybe in 1990. Modern salaries and minimum wages for a given role combined with contractor or EOR fees, legal compliance, and benefits mean you’d be paying more like $20000+ rather than the $2000 you seem to think, but that’s not really the issue here.

Let’s assume you Were paying someone $1 per hour. The assertion where you’re furthest off is “and have them do a good job”. Remember, your plan is to pay them to infiltrate RMT organizations. Organizations where gold sellers are typically operating out of countries like India, and are making typically $2000 per month or more. And they’re the ones responsible for fishing them out and reporting on them. Can you begin to see why that’s not likely to work out well for you?

Dude, chill the fuck down. It’s just a game. You are not a spokeperson fighting a devastating social issue. Spies? Infiltration? The hell are you talking about? Leaving this game for a while would be healthy for you, because you sound unhinged.

Also, did I read wrong or were you suggesting that EHG should outsource work to a country with cheap salaries so they can hire people for bellow minimum wage like many scummy companies do?

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I think he has “assassins” somewhere in his notes, too, but just forgot to mention them.