RMT and Exploit Statement

Thanks you for taking your time to communicate your actions to us. /salute
I’m enjoying the game but really looking forward to the 1st real season so we can start the game proper. :hugs:



So how are you going to remove the gold that players received by selling items to those exploiters? There’s no chance MG ever recovers from this unless you do a full roll back this cycle.

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I’m really happy with the EHG team. They’re tackling these issues as they’re brought to their attention and rightfully banning abusers of exploits/RMT’ers. I appreciate the transparency and the honesty of acknowledging that it is their responsibility to fix these things and make it right for the community. Anyone upset by these changes is telling on themselves, especially if they refuse to appeal an “unfair” ban.

Really like this approach!

It sounds like they will let players know as they figure it out, but wiping the MG clean this cycle sounds like it’s out of the question. Give it time and see what they come up with.

Great thanks for the update :smiley:

Great Job

Go touch grass


Love to see it as being apart of the MG. Makes life easier as a casual player👍🏽

Nothing less than exceptional empathy and action. Thank you. <3

Once again I’m impressed by your open and detailed communication, keep up the good work :+1:

Will there be any effort made to react to exploit reports when they are privately submitted originally, rather than posted for the whole world to exploit a week later?


What’s being done is what I expected but I’m definitely disappointed in some things.

  1. You should of had a plan in place for major exploits
  2. As soon as you were aware of exploits the market should have been shut down
  3. By not shutting it down there is sooo much hacked gold in the wild now that was transferred to legit accounts
  4. Even if you had shut down the market immediately, you would have also needed to rollback all transactions by exploiters and return the items they bought back to the market.

I’d say this was handle very poorly. The integrity of the MG economy is too important to handle it the way it was.

Hopefully you’ll have systems in place to flag exploits much faster


Once upon a time, in a vibrant meadow, there was a patch of grass named Greta. Greta was the greenest and most resilient blade of grass in the entire field. Every morning, she eagerly reached towards the sun, soaking in its warmth and light.

As seasons changed, Greta witnessed the meadow transform around her. She saw flowers bloom, butterflies flit by, and rainbows paint the sky after a storm. Through it all, Greta remained steadfast and strong, providing a soft carpet for all the creatures that visited the meadow.

One day, a family of rabbits took up residence near Greta’s patch. The little bunnies played and hopped on her soft carpet, making her feel appreciated and loved. Greta realized that her purpose was not just to grow but to provide a safe and comfortable space for others.

As the years passed, Greta grew taller and wiser. She stood as a symbol of resilience, unity, and beauty in the meadow—a testament to the simple but profound importance of grass in the circle of life. And so, Greta’s story spread throughout the meadow, inspiring all the blades of grass to stand tall and embrace their own unique journey.

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First of all, good work. Although, not the ideal method, something is better than nothing and most importantly, that accounts were banned.

I am just wondering, was this the only possible solution in handling this incident? What made you choose this solution?

Can we have a deeper dive on what other measures were considered and what we can expect in future incident’s regarding something like this, that crashes the entire economy?

What happens to all those item’s and gold from item’s that were bought? Are those gold still in the server?

Although, I am done for the season, I played both factions about the same amount of time and with this outcome, I would’ve for sure still quit with all that extra gold on the server.

I hope to see additional currency in next season and more better gold sink at a rate where there is no gold surplus. And please please please, lock all CoF for trade.


Kudos, Good Work!

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Ban them all! No mercy! Hahahahahaha. Also the problem with gold selling bots have been fixed for two weeks now, at least in SA server, whatever you guys did, you did well.

In EHG we trust

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I hope you understand and have sympathy for the fact that EHG is a very new company and are learning a lot of lessons along the way on what they “should” have done and how they “should” have progressed so that they can do better in the future. Personally I think they’re doing a stellar job considering how green they are behind the ears on the business side of this.


I do hope when the new visuals for the mirrored items drop, theres a distinction between a Lightless arbour mirrored item and a Rune of Creation mirrored item so we know where it came from in the MG (IIRC mirrored items have 0 forge potential meanwhile a LA mirrored item has forge potential right?)

Besides that, good changes, i’l try out MG once the new cycle is out so we don’t gotta deal with the ridiculous prices set right now due to the exploits

Good job, however if I may, let it go for a week, then ban hammer all of them, catch more that way instead of going in right away. JS