The gold coin limit issue leads to extremely poor game experience (online game)

After accumulating more than 2.147 billion gold coins, your wealth will turn into a liability of 2.147 billion. This state prevents you from making any purchases in the game. The wealth you create again will be used to pay off debts.

This is simply unimaginable, no one can accept this kind of reward for months of hard work.

Please fix this vulnerability as soon as possible to give players the motivation to continue playing.

While I agree that they should probably put something in place to prevent gold wrapping round, this is unlikely to actually be an issue (any time soon) given the high number.

Well, considering that EA characters will simply be put into legacy mode, I don’t think that’s totally accurate, given that it’s already occurring.
Especially when the fix should be fairly simple, in theory. Just make a check that if you’re adding more gold than the limit, you don’t add any more. Either that, or raise the limit to some absurd number that can never be reasonable achieved. Or both.


And all this time, I though the game had gold sinks. #bogleg

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Well, that’s not really relevant to the issue. Gold sinks are optional. If you want, you can simply hoard gold. Maybe because you don’t like that mechanic (maybe you don’t like dungeons) or, for example, in preparation of 1.0 and the trade faction.
You shouldn’t lose your gold just because a variable at max value rolls back to 0.

Looks like 32bit signed integer. It doesn’t matter if game have money sinks or how many players reach this value. It should be increased to some bigger integer. Signed 64bit looks nice, lower chance somebody reaches 9 223 372 036 854 775 808 gold any time soon.

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The issue isn’t really the limit they’ve set. It’s that these values shouldn’t roll over to 0.
I’ve seen a post with a video about a ward bug where you get multiple “bars” of ward, but after knowing about this, I’m pretty sure they just roll over to 0 as well.

Whether you set the value to int32 or int64 or float or whatever, you should place a check when adding to make sure you don’t go over the limit and are just stuck there. Kinda like what happens with potions. Or what happens to a lot of materials/inventory in many games. You reach the limit, it stops. It shouldn’t just reset to 0.

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I think I remember seeing this with XP as well. Like with the last three or four months somebody made a post who’d leveled his 100 to ‘effectively’ 101 and it just rolled back to zero. Though he was still at 100. Maybe misremembering details but it was definitely about roll-over.

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So you’re saying there’s not any gold sinks? Otherwise, I’m confused by your reply.

No, he’s just saying that the existence of gold sinks is neither here nor there to the issue of gold rolling over when one gets to the biggest number LE can store it as the get 1 more gold.

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I was just shocked someone had that much gold is all. I’ve watched Lizard’s streams, and I’ve never seem him have more than 25 million. Soooooooooooooooooooo

Let’s un-wad the panties…ffs

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Lots of game have actually had this kind of issue pop-up… I know I’ve played at least 3 or 4 myself (although the titles elude me). Hardly cause for an extremely poor gaming experience thread, when it is more fitting under Bug Reports.


As long as the corruption of the completed timeline is high enough, you can get a lot of gold coins. In fact, after the number of gold coins reached 2,147,483,647, it did not become 0, but became -2,147,483,647, which prevents me from making any consumption now. This is unacceptable to me

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This is the literal definition of a bug and exactly what the bug report forum is for. Surely you can’t imagine this was a deliberately coded feature.


It was inevitable once they chose to use a signed integer rather than unsigned. The value (2.1 billion or 9.2x10^18) delays the inevitable (probably for a very long time if it’s 64 bit).

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I think the biggest issue is that this can happen to many different variables, as seen by the examples in this thread. Just bumping the variable size for everything isn’t really a solution as it will lead to bloat.
I’m sure the devs are aware of this, though, and are working on a solution.

Yes, most bugs are unacceptable. #BugReport4tehwin


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