Respeccing just horrible

Same for me, I’ve just started playing a couple weeks ago, and now dabbling around in monoliths with my first character. I’ve been respeccing throughout the game, sometimes just a few points, and just now a complete despecialisation at level 70+. I’ve been very positively surprised by how easy this is, and how quickly skills level up back to where they were. My despecialised skill went back to level 19 in just 15 minutes or so. The bar is very low compared to anything else I’ve played.

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Yeah I mean, I’ve never had that problem either. But it’s one of only reasons I can think of to explain how some people are arriving at a situation where saying “When I respec I can’t do anything because I’m squishy and can’t kill anything!!” sounds like a reasonable description of their experience.

Respeccing passives, do I really have to click like 100 times, to respec 100 points … ?

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I do switch all skills sometimes, and it is not a big deal. 10 skillpoints are sufficient to make a skill useful enough to kill one or two packs of monsters, then the skill is already back at 12-13. It feels like every other pack adds a skillpoint until level 18.

I feel the main problem is mostly players who are under level 50 because once you get past that point as everyone has said then it takes 1-2 echoes to get your skills back up to point. Maybe a middle ground would be to increase the minimum level of skill earlier on. That being said, I don’t see why this is even an issue in the campaign because the campaign is pretty easy and forgiving.

For respecing passives there’s a shortcut. You can press enter to kind of speed up the procress of single clicking. I wish the warning pop up wasnt there for both so it would be just easier.

Now for POE comparison, does anyone not remember how LONG it takes to get a gem skill past level 17? I’d have to run more than 10 T16 maps just to get a level from a skill gem at this point. Let’s not even talk about how long empowered skill gems take. It was way more efficient to just buy a maxed skill gem. And respeccing your passive tree was even more of a nightmare.

It’s not as fast as D3/D4 and thank god for that.


Well, except node bosses aren’t that much more difficult than the trash, so you wouldn’t need to swap your load-out. But you could freely have a ‘Node Clearer’ and a ‘Final Boss’ swap, that would be exactly what they don’t want you to do with little-to-no effort… even with a gold cost, it goes against the point of the current system. Unless you’re talking a few 100k+ per swap, which increases each time you do it.

Even so, that’s just one step away from, ‘Let us share monolith progress between characters on the account, so we can swap between them when we want.’. And then have speed farmers and boss-killers. I think some other game lets you do that, but my memory is a bit fuzzy.


PoE does, yes.

You are completely right but if you have to go to town for a respecc for example I wanted to make then you loose your progress in said monolith. I see a respecc as a “lazy” change of pace. I got enough from playing Smite Paladin and I want to play Warpath for example. It would be neat to have the choice to specc into something different instead of leveling a new toon.

Respeccing this way might cost you some progress if you are donky and swap mid monolith but it would save time to level a new toon just to have something different for an hour or two.

I would just relevel a new toon without a second thought because i done it plenty of hours already. I just think about people I know and spoke with about the game who think this is to much effort considering they already have 2-3 masteries they are intrested in and think releveling a new toon because you want to change your setup for some hours is just not fun. I also think people with few time to play will not be that happy.

Right now we get what we get and I’m completely fine with it because I know the ins and outs of the system in place I just think the system in place could be better and friendlier to new players.
On the other hand I’m complete againt free respeccs or respeccss on the fly. It should either be a timing thing and you shouldn’t be allowed to change your build while you are in an activity without resetting it and it shouldn’t be for free. I just think it would be good to have the option for people with less time on their hands or for people who want to toy arround with builds without making a new toon.

If EHG comes up with a system I’m sure they will take good care of it and make it as little exploitable as they can because it’s no witchcraft involed in coming up with something. An option will most likely only hurt the concurrent player statisics when people don’t have to play the same toon with the same mastery 3 times because they want to try out different skill builds or change them from time to time.

Again I’m completely fine with the current system but I realy think it could be a stepping stone for the success of LE and I think it’s a bit harsh for people with little time that want to play different builds without releveling their toons.

For example look at the Druid. If I want to play each shapeshift option I need at least 3 Druids. If I want to play different setups for each shapeshift I need about 3-4 Druides for each Shapeshift. That makes at least 9 Druids. I stick to my 1 toon each cycle plan but someone who want’s to test out Druids might be discoureged by the fact they have to replay the game that many times because there is no time or way for them to play that many toons. Sure it’s a choice people make but from my point of view it’s a tad bit restrictive or very time consuming.

I’m all for it and I hope I’ll be happy with LE for several thounds of hours more but that’s just me with plenty of time to kill on my hands.

They need a special ‘sarcasm’ font/highlight… I know POE does, but was being coy about it, for POE_IZ_DA_DEBIL reasons :wink:

They don’t have to, though. They can respec, play with the new skills at a lower level for 5 minutes and then play for some hours with the skills at max level. I’ve done that before when trying out what I wanted for my necro.


If you respecced and couldnt kill several packs in a low mono, you either respecced before you had okay enough gear to make the swap or you just completely failed at building a new spec.A

The only change I would like to see is a class passive tree reset button at the vendor. but its barely a nuisance .

Yes, you are punished slightly. You dont have full skill points in a skill. But with catch up xp, it takes only a few minutes to get it back up to near your previous max.

If its bad enough where youw ant to refund the game, you should take that money and pay an experienced player to craft your builds and guide you through each step on your way in another arpg.

Transfer current system to only apply to boss fights. New, more complex system, would allow you to spend all the points you’ve previously earned on a skill when changing the skill-slot, and allows all those points to apply to non-boss fights. But the skill-slot needs to be re-leveled in the same way prior to entering a boss fight.

Now skills can be changed on the fly during leveling/mid-game, assuming that the skill you are switching two has been leveled appropriately. This actually causes more friction in the early levels where you haven’t leveled your skills yet, but allows you more freedom to mix and match and experiment in the mid game. I think it’s doable, code-wise. It definitely forces you to give the skill a chance, to level it up. It’s arguably more immersive with character choice (leveling skills versus skill-slots). It prevents cheesing bosses to the same extent as the current system. Sadly, it’s more code complex and prone to defect and the existing system is probably ‘good enough’.

I like it better, but I would, having come up with the idea.

I think the best option for a middle ground would be to just let you freely respec everything while you’re in the training grounds. You can switch skills all you want and test them with the dummies. You could even assign all 20 points to the skill even at level 1 (you’d need to be able to access it, of course). Once you leave the area, you go back to your loadout.

This way you can test whatever you want and whatever combos you want. And when you leave the area, you can then work towards the skills you decided upon. It will even let you test out how stuff will work out if you choose one mastery or other and may even help to reduce the number of people asking for mastery respec.

Have you guys tried a testing ground? Enclosed session where players can spec freely into skills and test them out on dummies?

Im fine with the penalizations and gold cost (though I think maybe should be free during the campaign, so you can experiment, no big deal) anyway)

What I personally dont like in LE respecs is the anoying it is. Should be something like left-click add a point, right-click remove a point (and paying then the cost), with a way like for example control-click to add or remove points in 10 by 10 or 5 by 5, or complete the skill or whatever. As it is, its an unpleasant experience.

Yeah, this situation is quite egregious currently. According to earlier in the thread, EHG is already looking into facilitating Passive Points respeccing.

So far, my solution has been to very carefully plan where I’m going. Unfortunately, sometimes a new drop creates an entirely new viable path, and I have to suffer through the left click spam, but it’s only happened twice so far in my journey. And will probably happen once more when I reach end game.

It takes too much effort to change a single point. They should just let players adjust the whole tree and just pay a lump sum depending on how many points they reallocated. This would make it much easier.

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That would be my preferred solution too. Enter a respec mode, move however many points you have available around freely, close it and the game charges you.

Ironically, it’s what D4 just added to their skill tree, Only difference being, the skill tree in D4 is so small, it makes next to no sense to have such a robust respec feature.

I have not. The testing ground is something I only remember existing when I’m reading the forum or watching a video.

My objection is entirely based around the why the system is like this; prevent bad behavior in boss fights. Because it’s a design implementation that has a lot of collateral damage. The most significant being that it ‘punishes’ experimentation during the journey.

Real world experience I’ve had several times; Oh, I’ve never tried that node before, it might be fun. Dammit, I can’t quite make it, got to level it up. Wow, this node sucks, back to the old drawing board. Oh, I get to do it all over again.

So, at this point, all the veterans/heavily invested players say that this is what the training grounds are for and that the player is wrong.

And I return to my same argument; this mechanic unnecessarily aggravates newer players just to stop tryhards from tweaking skills prior to boss fights. Redesign it to be a scalpel, not a hammer.

Not really, though. That’s just a flawed perception. The time required to relevel is pretty small, especially if you’re just respeccing one point. I have, in the past, totally switched all leveled skills, even in the campaign.
Just now I’m at level 15, went warlock, respecced both skills, no issues so far. The campaign is easy enough that you could probably still finish it with a unspecced damage skill.

The training grounds don’t currently allow this. That was a suggestion I and some others made that they allow you to freely respec while in there and try out everything you want. Even at level 1. So you want to try out your node, you go to training grounds, try it out and see how you like it. You could even go at level 1 and experiment what you will want your build to be.
But it was just a suggestion, right now it doesn’t let you do that.