Respeccing just horrible

Sure why not? Money is a non issue anyway and I think it’s fair game to relevel skills one time even from 0. I don’t want free on the fly respeccs but I would like the option to be lazy from time to time and make a toon that has different setups instead of making a toon for every setup.
I have no problem either way because normaly I have a lot of time but then again an option would be nice. I think for right now and the release the system in place is OK but in the future I think they should evolve from what we have now. Sadly I think there will be some feedback of people new to LE who are unhappy with what we have now and I hope it won’t hurt the game because people aren’t used to systems like the ones in LE.

A few points, yes, but not all of it.

It honestly not as bad as it seems, I recently respecced my Druid from a Maxroll Leveling build to an endgame build and it didn’t take that long to get back to where I was originally.


I personally am fine with where respeccing is at in the game. I just have to run a few lower level maps and it’s fine.


I want my skill to remember that I leveled it up. If I change to another skill that isn’t leveled, then I need to level that skill up. I find putting the experience on the skill slot, and not on the skill annoying and punitive.

A grossly unfair (to LE) example to PoE would be if your item gem slots had the experience, and not the gems themselves. Yes, I just compared oranges to apples. I didn’t even stay in citrus fruits.

That said, I think guiding players away from doing unnatural things to cheese boss fights is worthwhile. I didn’t actually think this was a thing until someone posted an example in a (another?) thread. So, while I don’t think in general it’s an issue (because of the way itemization, passives and skills work together), I concede that there are cases where it is an issue.

I have no ideas for how to accomplish both of those things, but I know that I want them.

Actually, in this regard LE and PoE work almost the same. If you want to change skills in PoE you have to level the new gem (or buy one leveled, but that’s not an option in LE). The main difference is that in LE you can then switch back to the old one and it stays leveled. But PoE does allow for on-the-fly swaps and you see many builds that have 2-3 gems in inventory so you can swap before fighting a boss, which is something EHG doesn’t want to happen in LE.


What? Here’s my understanding.

PoE: I level two different gems of the same color (or i have a slot that doesn’t care about color). I can swap them in the item slot whenever I want. No additional re-leveling required.

LE: I level a skill-slot. I change the skill in that skill-slot. Other than the base points given based upon my level, I need to re-level up that skill-slot. Now I change back to the skill I had previously. I need to re-level up the skill slot again.

That’s where the metaphor looses it’s usefulness.

We’re not talking about the same thing. You’re talking about leveling 2 gems at the same time and then swapping. I was making a parallel where you level 1 gem and then decide that you want to change the skill. You then have to level the new gem. So in that aspect both systems work similarly.

The difference is that you can level other gems in PoE that you’re not using and then switch to them, and if you have 2 leveled gems you can then trade them back and forth at will. But that leads to the very real scenario where many builds have 2-3 gems to swap before boss fighting. Which is something EHG doesn’t want.

unless when you were using Arc and then decided to switch to SRS which reqiires a whole different skill tree, new gear, new cluster jewels, ascendancy, make some tedious trading with lazy guys not even willing to respond to your polite messages etc. that is super easy in PoE of course

I literally said my comparison was shit, without saying my comparison was shit. So now I’m saying it, comparing these two systems is shit. It’s also lazy, inaccurate, unfair, and mostly just wrong.

I still and always will dislike that I’m leveling skill-slots and not skills in LE. Carry on.

I would love skills to retain their level per character as long as there’s a solution to limit swapping before a monolith boss or dungeon or arena content freely.

If I could switch to a dungeon setup but it would take 20 minutes or so to get going I would take that option. The end goal of the two systems is the same but I like the in game application of your character having a level 20 skill much better. If I’ve never used fireball on my runemaster and I’m level 100 and switch to it, it should be level 1. (It’ll level insanely fast but still)

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Yes, this is exactly what I was trying to say. Apparently I type funny.

I think there must be some way to allow you to switch leveled-up skills on the fly in standard or mono play, but have a timer on it that degrades performance for a period of time in boss* play.

*boss play is as you said,

Is it a high priority? I don’t think so, especially given where they are right now. The existing system works, it’s just hammer when it could be a scalpel.

How is the game to know whether you just want to try a single target skill for a bit & whether you want to swap to a single target skill to kill a boss?

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AI, duh!

i really wanna know who you spoke to cause of 90% of global chat, the forum, and the discord would disagree with you. like the other guy said maybe this just isnt the game for you.
Respeccing skill points takes like 5 minutes if starting it from scratch. Respeccing skills takes like 10 minutes to get back up to the level the previous skills where at. Just respec a non damage skill to the skill you want to try. get it leveled and then swap out of the old damage skill so that way you always have 1 high damage skill. respeccing everything at the same time is just lack of foresight. I have tried 3 builds on the same toon in the last day. its just about using the noggin.

little do ye know that most build guides arent “start at level 1” and generally assume you have a level 70 character i.e. leveled with an OP leveling build and then respec into the build. good luck though mate.


I might have unpopular opinion overall. I think respeccing is too easy overall, i would enjoy more if my choices would have more weight.

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I don’t understand original post… Respeccing in LE COSTS NOTHING. It literally takes 5-10mins to get all your skill points back if you are actually at endgame.

You can respec passive points ANYTIME, it costs almost nothing.
You can respec skills ANYTIME, it costs nothing except a little bit of time to kill some monsters lmao… What are you talking about

I respec’d my level 98 druid the other day, reset all skills to their lowest level… They were back at 20 skill points in a few minutes… Cost me nothing but 5ish minutes

P.S. I constantly respec all my characters. LE is the best ARPG to respec in, so easy


I feel like bare minimum half the people who have this complaint are only having problems because they are doing this.

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I’m not sure that is even the issue. I’ve said before that I’ve done this exact thing more than once and didn’t have an issue with that either. Not when I respecced at level 10, not when I respecced at level 35 for TheCurse’s earthquake build, not when I respecced at level 70ish for flame wraiths. In all cases, I could still do the content without too many difficulties and skills leveled up pretty fast.