Respeccing just horrible

It took me less than 1 hour to get my points back to where they were by running around an area 2 levels lower than my character. Annoying, yes, hard no. Only hard because that’s not what you are expecting. Annoying because you have to go and search that on the internet, game doesn’t lead you to understand that.

Lol, oh.

I just can’t take, “the player is wrong”, seriously in threads where there is a seemingly constant stream of new players that are annoyed or confused by a game mechanic (any game mechanic). My opinion is that this should be revisited next year (because, let’s be honest, they have a lot on their plates this year).

It’s not “the player is wrong”, it’s just “the player isn’t aware of it yet”. The initial perception of this affects new players negatively, until they continue playing and messing with it and realize that it doesn’t really hinder them that much.

I agree that something should be done to prevent that first negative perception, but I don’t think we need to change the system. I don’t want another D3 where one class is all builds at once and I’m done with the game in a week.

I’m surprised you come from PoE, because my first thought was “oh man, if only this guy knew how hard it was to respec in PoE”. But then I saw that you play so much PoE as to apparently have mirror-tier characters in every league, and one big difference between LE and PoE becomes apparent: Everything in PoE can be bought.

A full character respec in PoE can be had instantly if you have enough orbs of regret to redo your passive tree, and enough resources to buy a whole new set of 20/20 skill gems.

By contrast, I’m pretty sure the gold cost to respec your passives is less than the equivalent orbs of regret. And it’s much quicker to relevel a skill to 20 than it is to level a gem to 20 in PoE. But unlike PoE, you have to actually do it yourself, because skills in LE aren’t itemized.

I can see how this might be frustrating from the pretty unique point of view of the highest-end PoE players. But I can also see why LE would do it the way they have, because it’s much friendlier for the majority of players.

idk Passive skills where a bit meh to respec because of msg flood and i had to unspec mastery skills to put into base class cuz respecing would drop it bellow 20 points trashhold.
But the Skills it self where fine they started with level 10 and where level 16+ in about 10 monoliths? i think thats completely fine

I would also like to share my experience with the dev team.

I am currently lvl 68 as a sorcerrer on a vulcanic orb build. And I just hate the mana management. This is a completely different topic and I won’t go into further details here, but it lead me to the attempt of respeccing into other skills and trying out stuff.

So what I did is I swapped vulcanic orb and focus (because that’s just the worst skill) out for Meteor + FB. Since in synergy they give some mana stustain on paper that should have worked fine.

I dropped from level 18 in my vulanic orb down to level 8 in those two skills. Now they have a catchup mechanic which allows speed leveling to level 16, but that is
a) still two levels below of what I had before
b) requires me to actually kill stuff, which is harder since they are lower level

That already just feels bad and unnecessary punishing, but it get’s worse.

As I find myself with 8 points in meteor and fb I don’t have enough points to actually spec into the build I had planned. Because the “build defining” nodes are typically found on the outside of the skilltree it takes more points to get there. So I end up going to lower level zones zerging through trashmobs just to get some levels in order to simply try out if my theorycraft would even work out how I thought.

Turns out it doesn’t. My math was maybe off and the mana management for sorcerers is even worse than I anticipated.

So I want to roll back to vulanic orb since that was at least somewhat working. And I get punished for the second time, just doubling down on the bad feeling because now my vulanic orb is of course level 8 and just waaay worse than it was before this whole experiment.

As a conclusion my learning from this is: Don’t try out builds and respecs yourself, just follow a guide. A “fafo” type of playing might work out through the campaign, but in the “endgame” (im still just lvl 68) you don’t want to mess things up and lose progress.

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I just want to be clear. I love the game. I never said the game was S&7t. just this respeccing system was!. And I do stand by that, and think a reset button would be a good addition to this system. Or maybe rid of the popup from every point you respec.

Sorry to all those that don’t agree with my opinion, but it’s my opinion and you have yours and that’s all the power to you. I should of just posted after I cool down.

Safe Travelling, travellers!

Thank for your reply. This is why I use d4 as my example. PoE is a different ballgame all together, and like most I go into a season with a clear plan on the build I plan on taking to endgame from league start.
In LE we don’t have a PoB to sim, so only way to test builds out it to try see what works in game.
Maybe LE is the middle ground and I will just have to put up with this system. It’s a different game with different systems after all.

This was not a dig btw. Just how I approach testing and trying different builds

Hi everyone,
I’m new in LE, both I have experience in PoE and D3.
In general, I think all the games are fine. They just are foccused and pointing to a group of players.
For me (just my personal opinion and with all respect to others), D3 was boring. Nothing really new to add to the gameplay and catch my attention, no evolution in the builds or skills. Too much simplicity.
On the other hand, PoE was too much for me. if I wanted to enjoy all the aspects of the game, then I needed to play several hours per day, try to finish the campaign fast in order to get currency and especulate in the market. To all of this, add the difficult task of making a build and understanding the sinergy between skills, gems etc. A lot of time needed to enjoy everything, and I don’t have it.
I found LE kind of balanced. The skill tree is not simple as D3, but I can spend time compared to PoE. The options for characters/builds are less than PoE, but in D3 there are one or two per class usefull. For now, I like the game, but I’m sure there will be some negative points in LE.
There is not a ‘"perfect game’'. if I found one, probably I’ll be the only one playing 'cause it’s a personal opinion and desire, and someone will disagree with me at some point.

In other words, I think we can’t say that the game is bad or good based on other games, just to give feedbacks in a constructive way. It is like if I like and buy shoes from Addidas, I can’t say that Nike shoes are bad because I don’t like the color or the fabric.

This is a fantastic post, and was what I was trying to convey with my handwaving. Appreciate the concrete example.

The system really is only a problem if you are trying to do these things yourself, which unfortunately pushes people even more to the guides. If you like tinkering, this system is way more painful than people let on. Because if the thing you are trying doesn’t work like you hoped, or you just don’t like the play style, you now have to do it again just to get back where you were (which you also didn’t like). If you are changing your primary source of damage, that’s a lot of aggravation.

Respeccing overlook imo

VERY Early game (level 1-20) - Pretty terrible. You don’t have the gold to move points around unless you hit a wealth shrine and it takes a long time to get a skill back up to level 6 or 7 if you reset it back to 2-3. This is completely unforgivable.

Early Game (level 21-50) - Still pretty terrible. The time it takes to get a skill back up to level 10-13 after you reset it back to 6-7 is horrible.

Mid Game (end of campaign, start of regular monoliths) - Gets a little better but still takes a few monoliths to catch it up.

Mid-late Game (level 70 finishing up regular monoliths) - Starts getting better, you have plenty of gold to swap passive points without any effect and your skills actually catch up in a couple monoliths.

Early Late game (Empowered monoliths and level 85+) - Skill changes are smooth and easy. You just do 1-2 monoliths and the skill has completely caught up. If you change a few points, that catches up in a single monolith.

Late Game (Level 90-100 corruption 200-300+) - The speed is extremely fast and feels pretty good when you are able to skill up the points so quickly.

They need to make the VERY early game, early game, mid game and mid-late game skill leveling speed equivalent to the Early Late game speed at least.

I have this sentiment for passive points. Basing it on gold is almost equivalent to making it free. I’d love to have the respec system make you lose a level every 5 or 10 passive points refunded. I am not advocating for it to be applied to everyone, though, just an option to check on character creation (and that you can deactivate forever afterwards if you change your mind).

In what situation would you need to respec 100 points? Almost all builds have some overlap.

I feel that the problem is that most of those players expect Diablo 3 style insta-switch, and it’s not really about how slow or fast respeccing is, or how it punishes new players, just that it’s not instant and free.

I’ve seen the suggestion around, and I can only say I approve. I guess you could even push the system to allow you to spend more passive/skill points than you normally have, up to 113 passives and 20 skill points on each of the 5 skills. Extra cool if you can even load out whatever item you want.

Is this a troll? It’s 10 gold per skill point in the skill tree to remove a skill point. Actually, it’s not even that much. And at those levels, you are meant to regularly switch your skills in and out (because you get new skills fairly frequently), so you are supposed to continue the campaign with those “underleveled” skills (the difference is going to be 1 level at most with a never-changed slot 1 skill fairly quickly), and the game is easy enough that even a bad player should be able to do so.

Honestly, I understand that some players expect to be able to switch between builds at will, for the convenience. I would also be ok with giving them the ability to do so. But for a good chunk of the community, this insta-swap is actually a bad thing, so it is important that that portion of the community gets to keep the current hurdles (and maybe even have the option for some more restrictive ones, especially for the passives part).
Please keep that in mind when discussing the matter. I’d guess the best solution would be an option for infinite free respecs on character creation that you can activate later if you want but can never opt out of. Respec as much as you want, while the rest of the community gets to enjoy the game as it is intended.

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In my opinion LE has the best system for the skills, including respecialisation. You literally start at a high minimum and then you level up extremely fast to certain a level. It takes like… one monolith to level up completely? And you really don’t need whole 20 to see if the build is trash or not. 15 points is more than enough to tell if it is going to work or not and you get to this point extremely fast. Leveling all the way to 20 takes a bit longer, but not that long… plus if your build already works is it this big of an issue to level up for a short while to ge the full potential? For me this is the part of the game and when I just get shit for free I get bored extremely fast with games.
While I understand it may seem tedious to you… it really is not when you compare it to other games. I personally wouldn’t change a thing. I just tried literally all possible abomination builds while doing monoliths and it is part of the fun… and it really did not take that long.

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