Our Gift To You & Thank You

are you stupid ? stfu you are dumb af
Diablo launch was 1000000000x better than this shit, you might be remembering the beta going TERRIBLE and worse than this which is the whole point, its a beta dumbass so you can get READY FOR LAUNCH

You have serious anger management issues

Diablo had stress tests and one week pre game for those who paid more. After main launch there was only queue issues. Last Epoch stress test is now XD

How to get this item???

They said somewhere, think discord? Or something that they will be delivered before March 1st. Haven’t looked but I do remember reading it somewhere.

It was posted here on the official forum, here’s the link.

Diablo 3 was the worst launch in gaming history. That game was literally unplayable for like 2 whole weeks. Half the people couldn’t even log into the game because of an error that Blizzard had no idea on how to fix and it took them 2 weeks to fix it.

I am having an issue, where i own all badges, but only one showing up, and I am fearing it may mess with me getting things like this cape. Was hoping it came today, but no luck I checked already, when can we expect it, and thank you so much for a great game:)

Your badges here will have no affect on your getting these items. If you have gone to your profile settings and made sure you have them showing and they are still not then you may need to open a support ticket (Technical Support).

Like many people, i didn’t get it.

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Adding myself to the list of “gift not recieved” been playing for about a year prior to launch. Unsure if this could be a root cause.

Found this in a different channel

“Our current plan is to monitor the situation and grant all three bee pets, and the Autumnal Wrap (Cape) to everyone who owns Last Epoch no later than Friday, Mar 1st.”

Bought the pre-order on 2/20. still waiting on the Guppy, wrap and twitch stuff. Guppy shows in DLC but not in downloads or game


Did you checked the „Appearance“ tab in your inventory/char screen :slight_smile: ? Afterwards you can select the pet by clicking on one of three pet slots

I haven’t received any The Autumnal Wrap or The Travelers Backpack.


got no gift, do i have toii do something to recive it?

No Mantle gift here either. :confused:

what gift? where is it? :expressionless:

Thank you. It wasn’t showing and I didn’t know I needed to click on the pet box. When I did, the Guppy showed in a popup and I could select it. Thanks again.

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I haven’t received any The Autumnal Wrap in-game. I already check whole appereance tab / i have lot of another skins and this one is not there.