None here either.
bought in March '22
Got the guppy.
Keep that garbage.
I didnt receive either
GG nice game
UMMMM what???
literally never got this
also never received the big thank you that coincidentally occupies the same slot as two of the three twitch drops…
sir i bought the game before 1st march and still didnt get anything
so where is it scamers?
Тоже нет ни одной вещи, посмотрел все стирмы ни одного дропса не появилось в игре, хотя пишет на Твиче что все есть!!! Накидки тоже нет от разработчиков, хз как быть, хотел купить набор поддержки но боюсь что и он в игре не появится, как быть?
I have not received this reward and How can I get it ???
Didn’t give anything(
I’ve yet to receive this, I bought the game on the 23rd, was there cut off date?
I mean… thanks, but it’s pretty useless for offline players since you don’t allow cosmetics in offline mode. I plan to play both offline and online. But since online isn’t even an option right now, guess we’ll see this cosmetic in the future. My wife and I CAN get into online, but we’re not going to play it until the rubberbanding every 10 steps is fixed. I REALLY love the triple rubberband, that’s my favorite!
Still nothing…
I checked today but its not there.
Thanks :*
Till jet, I havn´t got anything.
- not the “Serverporblem-Cape”
- not the Twitch-drops, wich I unlocked
- and also not the bees
I haven’t received anything either.
so, didnt recieved mine as welll
but at least the servers now are running smoothly
how do you collect the back wrap? I went online mode and only saw my guppy in cosmetics