Last Epoch Roadmap

If EHG were truly concerned with player mobility they would have given us a 6th skill slot and made it traversal-only and shorten cooldowns on traversals, and shorten distances they travel.

No, this is an attempt to latch on to the fad of dodge roll making the game seem hip and cool.

“Evade is used to dodge mechanics, or as a second chance to position yourself if you misread a mechanic. That’s why there’s no shared cooldown with other Traversal skills.”

In this situation, you need to read the mechanic or hope you built enough defenses you can take the punishment of your mistake. Using Evade as a handicap for player mistakes is just lowering the skill ceiling when their stated goal is to increase boss difficulty.

“So if you don’t like it, don’t use it.”

This is so naive. At first you won’t need it, then they design the next round of bosses and it becomes difficult to not use it, then the next round of bosses needs to be more difficult and they know everyone has Evade, so they design the fight around it, and after these few rounds of development, here we are. It’s inevitable.

We have wonderfully distinct and flavorful traversal skills already developed. Why are we devolving into some generic roll that’s identical for every character?


Did you miss the part where they’re gauging the communities’ opinion with a poll?

Can you do the new league-specific boss "at 1 mi " after the league drops?

Currently LE & PoE “league content” are different & you can’t draw direct parallels as easily all the time.

They’ve said why they’re doing it & it’s not that. Thanks for reading.

Cant wait!

I would feel a hypocrite if I didn’t point out the hypocrisy of you, you magnificent British Bastard, misspelling the King’s English (giggle!)


  1. the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform

Edit: I like Evade. I’m it’s friend.

Edit 2: You know what has bothered me for a long time, the phrase, “you’re my friend”. It’s not right, we should be saying, “I’m your friend”. We can only definitively say whether we feel friendship for another person (or thing), not whether they feel friendship for us. I fixed my edit. I know you are all relieved.

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Not interesting to me at all (Dodge Roll)

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A poll isn’t talking to those critical. It’s a bias system that doesn’t actually give accurate data.

…and this is why I’ve been around since day 1.

Off we go!

EHG - Leading the way and putting on a clinic for all those 3/4A game studios.

Looking forward to the journey!

P.S. - Be kinda cool if you could fix badges for the forums. Especially “First Traveler” badges. :wink:

can you explain how a poll isnt accurate exactly?

If it’s only covering a non-statistically significant sample size it can be misleading or not representative rather than “wrong”.

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It only represents those who choose to take it, which are majority active fans of the game, thus it’s bias from the start. Also not everyone who plays is on the forums so it only represents a small portion of the player base. Surveys are just a cheap cop out for actually talking to the community. Also those who are critical and already upset are not likely to take survey.

Given that EHG spend a lot of time talking to the community about everything & anything, that’s crap. Having numerical data as to which of a number of options “the community” prefers makes it easier to present a case for a particular action.

Short of having the survey in-game & be required to actually play, even “talking to the community” is only ever going to involve interacting with a relatively small proportion of the community.

Is also crap, as some who have commented above show. If one is having a very strongly held opinion, either for or against, one is more likely to vote or comment or engage compared to if you really don’t care…


They don’t only use polls. EHG is very communicative on these forums, the subreddit, and on their discord. Mike even appears on podcasts every once in a while. They’ve made it abundantly clear that they do take in as much feedback as they can.

It would be impossible to have individual conversations with every single player about game design. What, exactly, do you want them to do?

I sort of feel this is not required for LE.
I appreciate you developing into different abilities etc, but this looks a bit clunky. Yes, I agree I have not seen much of it yet.
However, the game has some great traversal skills and abilities, and they could have been fleshed out a bit more, or added to, or altered to classes where lacking.
Cooldowns could have been shortened, and traversal skills added to the spacebar instead of this evade.

How are controllers going to work with this btw?

Additionally, I can see traversal skills being dropped now in favour of another atk or def skill. But I guess that depends on the class and playstyle.
I don’t play LE for speed runs myself, but I can see both the benefits and negatives of this, with regards build diversity.
I just sort of get the feeling of “We’ve developed it, so you’re having it”.
Great game, but to summarise. I’d prefer current traversal skills developed in favour of this idea.


Feeling the same. Adding dodge will indirectly force the developers to adapt bossfights to it, since top players who utilise both traversal skill and dodge will find bosses too easy, and more difficult bosses will force the rest of the players to use both dodge and traversal skill as well.
The game has variable difficulty though, so that might alleviate the issue.


I am just happy that they at least posted this to the forums instead of god knows where. And unless dodge roll is going on the space bar, its going to be a superbly meh addition.

This is legitimately some thing they created to fix a problem they also created. But it wont change the fact that adding this to the skill bar is going to make it useless to a detriment for most. If this had rolled out on space bar as part of WASD movement it would make sense, but in its current iteration looks like a massive waste of resources.

I’m also fairly annoyed that the next chapter of the campaign is soooooooooooo far off when this other stuff made it in.

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Hmmm… :thinking:
Evade is not a skill (doesn’t take a skill slot), and it is activated by space bar by default…


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Where is the mention of WASD? We need it asap

Necessary unfortunately but also very Necessary. WASD is a must.

My question about evade.

1 Does Chill/Slow, and other debuff for Movement Speed also affect to evade?

2 I am in confuse about evade calc time.

At level 100 with 0 % CDR from item/passive skill trees, the character has 50 % CDR for evade from character level bonus, right?

So is the evade cooldown time become 2.66s, not 3s? :thinking:
4 sec / (1+0.5) = 2.66 s??
(default CD / (1 + CDR))