Last Epoch Roadmap

‘Evade’ is a weird name if there’s no iFrames.

ok what i saw in a video it looked like a skill slot. Im much happier now if thats the case.


giving all the classes something that will be mandatory to use makes the classes less unique. It feels like copying other games such as D4. We already have interesting unique traversal abilities. The animation looks forced and stiff. Some people already use space bar for stuff.

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So you’re saying you’d prefer it if the game was less fun and worse for players who decide not to use a traversal skill?

It sounds like you arent the intended audience. Just like you arent the intended audience for Candy Crush. Or wait maybe Candy Crush is perfect for you.

I had no idea so many nursing home players were engaging in this game. I really hope this doesnt become a game that caters to the elderly over the youth. Unless of course the elderly are the main player base and intended audience. Then I suppose they should start making decisions that focus around mechanics that even a sloth could handle with ease.

Spamming abilities and not putting downsides on it does not equal fun for me.

I have FUN when I have to make meaningful tactical decisions and not spamm all my abilities constantly.

Also my suggestion does not make it worse for players that decide to not use traversal skills.

According to their post the addition of this movement ability shouldnt cause you to have to spam all your abilities. “With this mix of cooldown duration, charges, speed and “need to use”, we feel that Evade is usually available when you want it and you aren’t just using it on cooldown.”

If your build already uses a traversal skill you wont even have to use this new movement if you dont want to. My builds used traversal skills and I didnt use them on CD. I just used them when I needed to. Now players can still have a get out of the way button if they dont use a traversal skill.

You said that you hope this new movement slows you down overall. I dont see why that is necessary. If a player decides not to use a traversal skill at least now they have a basic movement ability to move through the maps a bit easier.

Yes but that is a subjection observation and one that I am most likely not agreeing with. I will have to test it myself once we have access to it, but I don’t think I will change my mind.

That was specifically aimed at traversing speed. So if you have the same character moving a fixed distance. The one using evade in between is overall slightly slower, so evade would only be useful incombat and not outside of combat to travel faster.

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But according to Mike’s post just spamming it as a movement skill isn’t going to be any faster than walking, so it’s not going to help them "move through the maps a bit easier.

Fair enough, I like your reply. Cheers, and good luck with your drops next season. Hopefully it will be fun.

Wait I didnt see that part. Are you sure? If it isnt faster than just walking then how would it get you out of danger any faster than if you just walked out of the way?

Yeah, he said something along the lines of that if you just spammed it to use it to get around moar zoom zoomierest then it’d not have that effect. I can’t be arsed looking through nearly 300 comments to find it though.

But yes, that is rather the problem. How to make it better than just walking out of the way of the Bad Thing but not having it be spammable & better than walking through maps.


I didn’t expect to dodge roll be such a contentious issue.

The roll/jump whatever itself gives us more options, an extra tool to react to boss directional attacks, or an extra push for running monos faster.

I expect it counts as movement for effects “while moving”, and maybe stun immunity (some kind of super-armor).

What I don’t see, are the typical i-frames. That kind of thing while we have skills that may have similar on-demand effects, not only doesn’t belong to the genre, or to be more specific, to a game that laid out their ways, forces the entire game to change and adapt around it.

At least the people who want 5 dps skills and a movement skill (ish) should be kinda happy.

Unless I am understanding this wrong, it would be 2.666 seconds at level 100 with 0% increased cooldown recovery speed (4/1.5), not 3.

I feel like I wanted to say more about Evade

  • I like it (since using it in D4)
  • I want it - because now I don’t have to have a travel skill over another skill that provides more value or is a better thematic fit to my build
  • and now I feel I have to have it.

Good job EHG!

Only problem I have is that ‘D’ is bound to the space bar on my gamepad, so I’ll have to find another button for ‘D’. Choices, choices.


Mike’s Evade Info post is #167 in this thread, a link to which, has been added to the original post #1 at the end under “Community Update Log”.

He does not mention Evade being faster or slower than walking though.

Heavy replied to him, in post #168, stating:

Perhaps this is where people are getting confused with who said what?



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You are correct though his other figures are correct.

Actually, when you put like that, yes, there is a point to make for that.
If you decide to use all your skill slots for attacks, you will do massive damage, but you will have a harder time on other aspects of the game, like movement.
This is why have “builds”, you need to make choices and balance all the different aspects.