Last Epoch Roadmap

Thank you guys (and gals) for the updates! I am excited to see the new roadmap and future of LE. I only have one concern which is the dodge roll being implemented, while an interesting feature I really hope that this does not lead to artificial difficulty increase and focus development around super fast reflex moves and more one shots, I just do not want balance compromised for the sake of a feature.

Thank you once again for all your hard work EHG!


It can be added, but it’s a ton of work. We will probably see it, but more later than sooner imho. And if I have to be honest it would be a sub zero priority if I would be the one that choose where to allocate resources.

I can agree with that. For me personally gameplay feel is a lot more important then the visual side of it so it looking “stupid” does not really bother me.

I don’t know how different they can make it for the mechanic to still work like they want it to work, but having a dinstinct feel per class (like with the traversel skills) would be very, very nice.

On what kind of animation I agree that Sentinel should not have a roll. That is goofey with all the armor. And an old mage rolling around like some kind of ninja is also very funny.

With the rest I don’t mind a roll as much. though having unique animations would be sweet. Even just small differences to create some additional class related flair.

Where’s the performance fixes? And I thought you were moving to the newest version of unity?

You know there are Dummys at the Arena-Entrance? Just saying, maybe im helpfull :slight_smile:

Other than the one listed for 1.2, no.

But surely if someone’s chosen to go full dps (or full minions or whatever) & not bring a specialised movement skill that’s their choice rather than something that should push the devs to add a dodge roll? At least that’s always been EHG’s stance, what’s changed? And Spriggan Form not having a movement skill has been an issue since ever.

What else could it mean though?

Good thing we don’t have a word for it then.

I want to see that in-game. That would allow me to accept dodge-rolls.

Just want to say I put 2 weeks for the delay in the poll because that was the longest option given but I’d actually prefer 1 month. It’s a cleaner time span, and it’s a strong incentive then to do cycle online if you can, centralizes your player base. It’s also really not that long of a time. Just my opinion but since you’re asking for it and the poll doesn’t fully cover it there you are.

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That all sounds cool, but are there any plans to balance the game difficulty? It is too easy, and the boots overcompensate, and the one-shots are ridiculous.

What’s different about the way you’re doing the dodge/evade as compared to D4?

Personally, I think the cycle stuff should remain cycle-only until the end of the cycle.

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Why all this gatekeeping the content. In poe u can do a uber boss on Standard right at min 1 after he was introduced. Why try milking players time for some metrics?

Evade seems like a good choice for the game, but it’s quite heavily mixed in terms of what people are thinking it is, and what it should be.

Evade isn’t used as a traversal skill. Sure it can be, and the evade might help you get that extra distance if used after a traversal skill, but that’s not how it should be used.

Evade is used to dodge mechanics, or as a second chance to position yourself if you misread a mechanic. That’s why there’s no shared cooldown with other Traversal skills.

Adding this to the game is a good thing and is healthy for the game. Not to mention that with the way these games are heading, it keeps the game alive for those who do like this mechanic.
Another thing to note is that you don’t have to use it in game. As many others have pointed out, the traversal skills are looking to be better than the overall Evade.
So if you don’t like it, don’t use it.

Personally, I don’t care for it much. I’ll use it if I need too but 9/10 times I won’t have too, but I know others will and that’s great for them.

Keep up the great work guys, fantastic stuff.

So excited. Can’t wait now.

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First of all, I am extremely excited for the stuff to come.

I tried taking the survey though and found that I can’t really answer the main question and the others depend on it.

Do you want to know how I feel about a delay in general for old characters or about it being a small delay?

I think a delay is necessary, but even two weeks is a short time for non-professional players. There are 3-6 days a week that I can either not play at all or only for about an hour. So a delay of two weeks is pretty much the same as no delay at all.

I do like starting over in a new cycle but I’d also like that to have an incentive like exclusive new stuff. It’s kinda boring to just waltz through everything new on your decked-out lvl100 characters.

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Honestly, I think that’s the main reason.
Most of the early backers were old gamers (no offense guys, I am one too) trying to find again the feelings of classical diablo-likes.
With the influx of fresh (and much younger) blood in 1.0, the game is trying to give itself a more modern look. Disappointing for the nostalgics, but probably good for the future.

Now, that is the big million dollars question… Two options:

  1. The gameplay remains the kind it is now. In that case, I agree, evade is entirely useless and we can easily play without it (and most players will). It raises some questions about priorities and resources / time allocations, but that’s another debate.
  2. To justify having worked on evade, the gameplay adapts to it. The game’s atmosphere changes a lot, and using it becomes necessary.

Time will tell.
I almost never use evade in Diablo 4 (it is not very often needed), I use it a lot in Undecember (if I don’t I die all the time).

Dodge roll also enable you to choose to go with or without movement skills, enabling more options. You can have double dodge/movement options or go with the built in.

I do hope a mage dodges with a short teleport, sentinel a charge, primalist a leap, etc. That way it’s still thematic. I am not heartbroken if they just roll though, with some small class flare.

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This was asked in the Discord -

Q: On the topic of dodge roll, will it be able to roll through enemies? it wasnt clarified in the post

A: (From Mike) Yes, I guess if an enemy was large enough, possibly no

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Sweet, thanks for the info!

I like that.
