It's your own fault for gamers leaving the game

This is where you needed to stop.
Instead you continued.

The first “It’s your mistake” “The game was never marketed as such”. They also never commented on the “false marketing” if it was false marketing.

How do you know this? 2nd attempt at telling me what I want.

Who makes blatant factual statements now?

Do I even need to keep going? Dude just stop. I’ll certainly stop now. Last damn reply. If you can’t see it that’s on you.

You did.

In alternative, you can also feel gay about it. If that confuses you:
a : happily excited : MERRY
in a gay mood
b: keenly alive and exuberant : having or inducing high spirits

You know, since you like to use old meanings for words that aren’t used for that meaning anymore.


Its the way u worded it. That makes it a fact. Had u said

I think they failed to satisfy there target audience that would be an opinion statement

U didnt word it that way now did u?

As iv said numbers in season based games ALWAYS drop off a month in to a season.

A fact is something that is known.
The earth is round. Fact.
Water is typically liquid. Fact.
“They failed to satisfy their target audience” is an opinion. Unless you know it for a fact? Is that sentence something that is known to be true? Has it been proven to be true? If you ask a random person “Did LE failed to satisfy their target audience” will their answer be yes?
I’m tired of talking to people who don’t know the definitions of basic words.

At most that sentence is a positive claim that needs proving. I don’t have the proof. Hence, it’s an opinion.

This whole bullshit started because people don’t know basic linguistics. If it was a fact it wouldn’t even be up for debate. THINK!

Look at this interesting thing here. A positive thread for LE, and you don’t see people who are bitching about LE up at his throat for liking the game. Or tell him how wrong he is.

You can do any build u want. A good build is targeted around 300c. Which EHG said 300c is considered a good build.

The build I wanted couldn’t even get past 100 corruption because of the half thought out interactivity of basic abilities they probably though nobody will use them such as mana strike, and the inability to get a single level to mana strike affix in 800+ echos. So no, I can’t do any build. I also can’t do shield throw since it’s still bugged since forever.

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Hello everyone!

Please remember to keep conversations civil. There has been a fairly significant number of inflammatory posts in this thread, which seems to be getting only more heated. The debate of how casual a game should be is an important conversation to be had, and having an extended debate to it can help bring out some of the reasons ‘why’ it may feel more “grindy” than intended for some players.

So we do support the conversation, only it needs to be a civil discourse. Because this thread has been so inflammatory, I will be closing it, however please do feel free to start up a new civil thread regarding your thoughts on how casual vs. hardcore you think LE should be.

We love seeing the passion for the game and providing feedback to help us improve Last Epoch, however, please remember to remain respectful of other users.