Tried D4...came back

I know the current meta is to crap on EHG and LE, and I’m certainly no white knight. But I wanted to share my brief thoughts. As a middle aged dude with very little gaming time I found my home in Last Epoch. When D4 was released, I took a week off from work and played the ever living snot out of it. (In casual terms, of course) I played the first few days of S1 and then didn’t touch it until S4. Try as I might, I just can’t get back into it. For me, LE hits that special place where it’s accessible but still allows me to theory craft and grind after a long day.
I loved POE, Grim Dawn, Titan Quest, Torchlight 1&2 and D4 (during the campaign at least). Hell, I even love D3 and have countless hours in it.
But I appreciate the love that was poured into LE and, despite the criticism (founded and unfounded), I am proud to say I love this game.
I know that no one cares. That’s fine. I just wanted to put a little positive energy out there. I think the world needs it.

Good gaming, y’all. I hope you get your perfect rolls today.


I’ve also been trying out the loot rework and all I can think most of the time is that they just created a shittier, more annoying version of LE’s crafting.


I got 2 lvl100 characters in D4 from season 1 and 3. But after LE, D4 skill trees just give me giggles. I didn’t even check out season 4. Waste of bandwidth to dl this game again.

Great post, thanks for the positivity.
I also love all the games you mentioned (yes, including Diablo 4, I think it is absolutely great), and others. And somehow we manage to love all of them without feeling the need to spit on the others.

Polygamy is the best thing ever.


I’m enjoying S4 thus far but most of those reasons is because of them being inspired by LE’s game design choices :laughing:. Being an avid minion player it’s really a shame there’s still no minion command.

Do you not like to choose if your [Insert Skill Name] should do more damage or do more crit damage? That is some real choice right there! Basically build defining choices kappa


I went back to S4 for a couple days, but I miss my inventory full of yellows.

Seriously, though, the open world in D4 puts me off. I really can’t get into it. I just feel aimless.
I went back because minions are apparently finally a thing, even though, as @Chaustrologic rightly pointed out, not having minion command key is frustrating. Especially when you see that many of your ranged minions are quite often not doing anything.

But I couldn’t stay for more than a couple of days. I open the map and feel discouraged. I know that it’s a personal thing, not the game’s fault. But I just can’t get over that.


@DJSamhein The only time it’s been fun having the open world is during Helltides and having two zones open next two each other. Trying to hit all the whispers/blood maiden farm/and chests has been really enjoyable.

The buffs to minions makes the lack of a command button less of an issue but it’s still something I’m confused as to why they haven’t implemented it yet.

My favorite thing about going back into D4 is peeking into the forums and seeing the most common complaints there being the same common complaints here:

1.RNG game is being too RNG’y
2. “Souls-like” bosses
3. more content or D4 ded


Yeah, this is another of the things that just makes me keep feeling like D4 is a “We have Last Epoch at home” meme.

It’s like any time I do anything in D4, I get annoyed that I don’t have some feature or design from LE, and also sometimes (dare I say it) POE.


:rofl: It’s like the cut/paste. #3 is the one I always find hilarious on every game.


Just out of curiosity, I checked the CS2 (you know, the game that has the highest count by a long shot) community discussion and the amount of “Game is dead” threads is hilarious. In fact, there is even one posted an hour ago. :laughing:

People just want games to fail when they don’t like them, rather than just move on and play something else. Most can’t fathom the idea of a game they don’t like being successful and it irks them.


I played D4 S4 for some time and there are some things I think are bad for the game.

  1. Pinacle bosses are realy useless crap in D4. My friendlist is a bit huge because I play in a multigaming clan and only 20 people did them solo as an endgame activity.
  2. The game goes completely down the same road as D3 did.
  3. Calling it loot 2.0 or whatever and adding one boss isn’t enough for my taste. This isn’t meaningfull content at all.
  4. No build diversity. All the optional builds that have been there to play were gutted in the PTR. You have one best option to play then there is a long time nothing and then the next best build if you not play Necro. The skilltwig and skillchoices aren’t that big the allow only one skillcombo to dominate everything else. (I talk about pit 100-120+)
  5. The classes already feel dated and bland and not enough innovation is happening.
  6. The balancing is all over the place again and builds that are fun to me are rubbish while builds I can’t stand are the only way to go if you want to push as far as possible.

To me season 4 was fun for the mindless slaughter but outside of this nothing has changed and I still feel Blizz has lost it completely with D4 outside of the campaign that was good for the most part.

What hack and slash we play comes down to taste or what season is up and running. Right now I mostly play Torchlight Infinite because it’s fresh to me and therefor fun with a lot of stuff to do ingame. In two weeks another Season of Hero Siege starts and then LE season 2 is arround the corner. Then again I’ll only play LE if there is a meaningfull content increase and if they manage to get their balancing done and don’t have builds that top out at 300C and others that do 600C or 4000C.

It’s all a matter of taste at the end of the day. I think D4 is the best game for people who just want to play a game and turn their brains off. That’s fun to me from time to time.

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For me, they nailed item progression, which was the entire point of the release. I’m having a lot of fun. I’m not playing anything else currently.

Since the combat is rock solid and item progression is fun until 100 (and is at a pace that fits in a season), I have a lot of patience for them to add content/improve content, improve skills, add items/legendary affixes over time.


i think both games are pretty fun. LE is lacking a lot of stuff, which isnt surprising seeing the competition. its got its charme tho. what i missed in LE a little was a little more of a refined story to be honest. ill play LE whenever a new cycle hits for sure, as i like the skill system. but yea… if it wants to be competitive they will have to do quite a few improvements.


100% and I posted as much on the D4 forums. Open world doesn’t fit in a Diablo game. I don’t want to have to ride a horse everywhere. I also don’t like the helltides and whispers. It’s an icon chasing simulator. I don’t want to see other players even. It feels like Guild Wars 2 if you were only allowed to have 8 players on a map. And there’s no Diablo in a game named Diablo… that’s just malpractice. I also went back, lasted 2-3 days. The bones of the game just aren’t appealing. When D3 did loot 2.0, I put 1300 hours in it. D4 does it and I just don’t care.

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