I think you are rushing 1.0

I will answer only on that part.
The only that was able to achieve 6k corruption got obliterated. Nerf on dmg and nerf on tankiness. Sam (the guy that pushed it) even made a forum (and a reddit I believe) thread about it. The devs seemed to think that was too powerful.
That particular exemple is poorly chosen


I am not judging, ask the devs if there will be bugs on release, the answer will be yes, its as simple as that.

Its the severity of the bugs that no one can really know.

And i asked you to direct me to a game that has released without bugs, still waiting. :+1:


So you’re missing the point of the thread sir.
The point of the thread is “stop arguing what the devs should do”.

No it was not. Even if there was a build that pushed for 50k the situation will be the same. Let’s take a random 3k corruption pushing rogue build then. Still 10 times more then what was mentioned.

Right now noone can tell what the endgame corruption is because there is no ceiling so every number is possibly to much or to little. Yeah sure people could argue that there is no endgame stage of corruption and the higher you farm the better but there need to be some kind of baseline for balancing reasons. It would be stupid if one build is able to push 5k corruption and the next best thing is at 3.8k and the next at 1.7k. I just throw some numbers arround and hope you get what I want to say.

No matter what there should be some number they aim for instead of letting completely stupid builds loose that farm more corruption by a quartermile because of reasons.

Nothing feels as fun as starting a game with class X just to see class X is fubar and 2k+ corruption behind or unable to push further then arena wave xyz and you need to play the same stupid build everyone else is playing if you want to compete.

To me this is a poor choice and one of the bigger problems the game has :man_shrugging: .


I was just replying to something you posted, in this thread, is that ok?? or are you the forum police?

Hopefully those numbers will be far less absurd once this change to corruption is made, but we’ll see.


Long story to be short personaly just couse of the performance issues on a laptop that can run Cyberpunk 2077 on 50fps on 2k all on ultra and a lot of bugs and one game breaking bug where i cant play monoliths that I havent finished before patch 0.9.2 with my old character which is my main farm char so i cant farm blood and frost, no mater of my hours ingame im gonna give you thumbs down from thumbs up on Steam if you release 1.0 with so many bugs and performance issues. Its not a blackmail I am being honest and not gonna screw someone behind his back. Hopefully this doesnt happen that i need to play from 15fps to 110 range in your game, and that I can play it without game breaking bugs at least if you cant provide updated combat feel, vfx, sound, detath animations, enemies art, update obsolite skill trees, npc voices, better art for characters, update endgame, remove a lot of minor bugs, I understand if you do not have enough financial resources to do that before 1.0 and just couse of your passion for game i can accept that, but if you are really gonna release it with such a crazy performance issues and game breaking bug it will be unaceptable for me and i believe for a lot of people.

I’m afraid that won’t matter. There is a good example - Wolcen. After bad launch players lost their trust to developers and kept spreading angry reviews. There were fixes and improvements afterwards, but an opportunity was already lost.
Last Epoch is not ready for the release in it’s current state, three month before the release. To achieve success a miracle should happen. And I say miracle because

I’ve played with a friend recently, it takes about half an hour until someone need to relaunch the game because of some multiplayer-patch-old bug. Before that he tried to launch the game for three days. He would have left the game probably forever, if I haven’t accidentally seen this post on forums Potential Fix or Workaround for Unity Crash Issue
The game and especially multiplayer is still buggy, after 3 major patches and numerous hotfixes. Those are bugs, that make someone quit and never come back. And even more new bugs are introduced with each patch. There is a trend, and if it continues, game will receive a lot of hate. No one here wants that.
I want to trust the devs, but trust must be based on something. I trust, that they can deliver beautiful game with interesting gameplay and regular content patches. I don’t trust their ability to make multiplayer stable, I have yet to see.


I agree fully with you that game is not ready for release and chances are slim to none for it in 3 months to be ready

Last Epoch is currently better then Wolcen with the Exception of the Graphics.

Please, quote where i wrote that there are games without bugs.

This i what i wrote, gamebreaking bugs are something that leaves the game unplayable.
Asking the devs if they will leave bugs in the final release, well, is not that useful or smart.
Oh btw, i’m not the forum police, as you say, i was referring to that you tried to deviate the thread elsewhere.
Here we are discussing that tell others what they should do is pretty much wrong, since no one knows a fricking thing on how they are working.

You’re right. So stop telling people they have no right to be concerned about the state of the game and the impending release – which, the overwhelming majority of posters in this thread feel is coming too soon. Hypocrisy much? Or, are we only allowed to dictate what people can, or can’t do, when you agree with it?


And my reply is there will be bugs, without question, even the devs will tell you there will be bugs, the severity of the bugs is what no ones know’s, however, going off previous patches, there is likely to be 1 gamebreaking bug.

Just deal with it.

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Quite wrong, “you” (used in wide context) are telling the devs what they should do because you’re worried of something i really don’t know. The world will not end if there are non gamebreaking bugs.
We are the customers, so nothing we can tell the producer must do, pretty much because WE KNOW NOTHING about how they facing the problems.
You don’t like it? As i said earlier, sit back and relax, no one will die or the world is ending.
Hyprocrisy you say? yea yea you’re right.

There will be bugs, so? You can deal with those?
I’m repeating again, sit back and relax.

Even Superfuse is better thenWolcen. Wolcen is ground level entry bar :smiley: .

You are keeping to repeat yourself over and over again in a different way but with nothing you havent said to me immediately when I first open the thread, basicly you are arguing with peoples concerns and opinions which realy is not the topic of this thread and neather is constructive conversation, the point of this thread I apologize that I didnt wrote is for each of us who is willing to dedicate time to express its own opinion and experience with this game and all in good intention cause i think all of us love this game and want this game the brightest future possible

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This who is doing this exactly of us?

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Let me explain:
For us is a game, a good game but just a game.
For the devs is a job, their first release.
You really think that arguing on the forums telling them to delay their project because you think the can’t handle the bugs is useful for them?
You really think that they need this pressure by the time they are fixing things, even if they are under a lot of pressure since they release in december?
If the game release is a complete disaster, who will be affected more? you or EHG.
So, you still think they will fuck up so they have to delay it.

and let me ask you this, what is the purpose of this forum?
Exactly for devs is job but not for all devs, they have speed up release, yes I think it is useful couse we are actualy the best testers, and these devs are listening to us, I think they need a lot of people to help them to express opinion of current game
I dont think pressure is the right word, they are pressurising themself if they want to do it in 2.5 months from now on.
Financialy they will be the ones affected more, emotionaly this is the only offline ARPG that is new in current genre that I can play while im on vessel on ocean so it really means a lot to me but not as much to ones that have created it,
Yes I think couse this time I think they are doing it couse of the other reasons not in the way they have said it all the time “>The game is ready when its ready” well a lot of us think is not ready what now?

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