I think you are rushing 1.0

This, amen

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And i like your attitude, pretty rare these days.
I’m confident that they will not fuck up the game they love and they will do all needed to release the best possible 1.0
The “sit back and relax” was not for you, was for everyone who has fear of a failure.

i have this feeling aswell and to be honest its logical in my opinion. Its an whole different ballpark :wink: . i do have faith in them though in the longterm

I have no doubts that they will deliver a well rounded package. At the end of the day, we all know why we’re here and still playing this game. @Justino thank you for the conversation. I mean that !

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This is why this thread is funny. Lot of people who have no idea what is going on internally, no idea what’s in flight, no idea what priorities are, and most/all having never been exposed to any internals of software development, all speculating on the health and status of a process and pipeline based on something they think is a strong indicator (what they see in an Early Access beta period of the game) but is actually not, at all.

I’ve been on engineering teams that are utter chaos, flying completely by the seat of their pants. I’ve also been on teams that are planned out so far in advance that they’ve got dev work being done on three major releases simultaneously. One of the few things they had in common is that from the outside, the customer perspective, they looked the same. They all shipped with bugs, they all had bugs that lived in the wild longer than some people would like, and none of them delivered every feature everyone wanted on the timetable they wanted it. They all made promises that they delivered on, as well as promises they didn’t or couldn’t. They all previewed features that got scrapped or wildly redesigned before release. All of this applies equally to the highly successful teams and the teams that were one step away from being permanently on fire.

It’s tempting to extrapolate worries from what’s in front of us right now, but that’s terminally flawed. This is not a clear cut situation as it has been with some other games, and none of us can know what’s going on. I prefer to trust that EHG knows what they’re doing because despite what some might have to say about XYZ bugs, from my perspective as someone experienced in what they’re doing, they haven’t given me a reason not to.


Maybe people are reacting based on prior experience(s)? How many times have we heard this same defense of a developer? “Oh, they know what they are doing!” or “Oh, do you really think they would release a buggy/broken game?”. Well, actually yes, people think that’s exactly what might happen, because it’s happened before – in other games – and continually happens with every version release in this one. I can’t count how many times I’ve seen complaints in game after game after game after game that go something along these lines: “I can’t believe this bug/broken system/imbalance made it to release, because it was mentioned a million times during beta feedback”. Why would anyone look at the current state of the game, and think, “Oh, everything will be ironed out in 2.5 months…along with the 3 or 4 other new big things being released that haven’t been beta tested yet”?

Now, I’m not going to go out and start clamoring on about how EHG doesn’t know what they are doing. Because, well, that’s just useless feedback, and I don’t think anyone is really saying that. I think people are just voicing a concern, and a willingness to accept a delay if it means a more stable finished product. And, judging from what has happened to other games where “the dev team must know what they are doing”, and released a buggy/broken game, it would seem the critics care about the game’s longevity more than any immediate payoff from a quicker release.


Imho this is different, they are an indie company.
They are developing the first game, which will declare if the company is believable or not.
In this case failure is not an option, and they surely know it.
Btw, since everyone is releasing a buggy game this should be the same? Facts before opinion, that’s why i don’t judge before seeing the finished product.
Just my 2c.

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You’ve missed the point completely.

None of what you’ve listed gives any of us, as players, insight into what’s going on internally at EHG or how much jeopardy a release of 1.0 by year’s end is in. As a professional that works in this field, everything that allegedly indicates LE is in trouble is something I have seen on projects with a wide range of success, from resounding accomplishment to catastrophic failure. People are drawing conclusions based on factors that simply have no weight or value. We have no idea what conversations they’re having, what their backlog looks like, what’s being worked on, what’s being triaged, how much crunch they’re willing to take on, and on and on and on. Those are factors that matter. “This thing is still bugged!” is not.

Like, are you really going to try to map the past screwups of other game developers onto a completely different set of people and call that objective or rational or even sensible? Because it’s not. At all. It’s like when my father-in-law refuses to eat at a restaurant that he got sick at one time forty years ago, even though he knows it’s changed ownership, been renovated, and has totally different people working there.

And this one is even more ridiculous:

Did you forget that you’re playing a beta? That’s how this works. That’s like half the point of Early Access - We support them by helping them test on a scale larger than they ever could while they develop the game. A beta having bugs is absolutely not indicative of not knowing what they’re doing or there being a problem. Just because any given bug is in the version of the game that we see doesn’t mean nobody is working on it. It doesn’t even mean it hasn’t already been fixed.

Why does anyone need to look at the current state of the game from a perspective that gives them zero insight into anything relevant, and draw any conclusion either positive or negative about what’s going to happen in the next 2.5 months?

You might note that what I said was not “Everything’s fine!”, but:

Which is a sentiment that includes the possibility of delaying the game’s release if necessary. But that isn’t the point.

The point is that nobody here has any idea what they’re talking about, because they can’t. But they’re speaking definitively anyway, and while that’s par for the course it’s also inappropriate.


I wish I had that level of hope in anything.


Unfinished product is alway unfinisehd product if they can manage stuff that is missing in 2.5 months it would be a miracle and I hope it happens, no one is critisizing somones work, but we are all here to express opinions on subject if releasing game in this state is good enought and to come that this topic is funny to you is comming from certain hight which is where i stoped taking you seriously


maybe they just need to do it from different reason and has nothing with it that the game will be finished and polished before release, but they are planing update that with patches and cycles afterwards, no one knows only thing which I can bet on is that from this point game cant be finished in 2.5 months

Your whole diatribe can be summed up as:


If your father-in-law got sick at a restaurant that had a ‘50’ score from the Dept of Health, and then refused to eat at other restaurants with sub-par Dept of Health scores… yeah, that would be completely rational. Or, you can just come up with the most ridiculous apples-to-wood screws comparison you can think of to try and prove your point.

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i came to this game after Valheim. [3000 hrs]
my friends asked me to join them in Last Epoch [300 hrs]
so my comparison is;
Valheim, 1.39 GB, 10 person multiplayer, build, explore, sail, high replayability, simple story
beautiful lighting

Last Epoch, 23.62 GB, bugged out 2 person multiplayer, crafting material grind, RNG items,
story with no heart, overly complicated mess that needs some spring cleaning.
FUN is possible, if you can walkaway from the many frustrations…

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Thats easy to answer, every game has bugs, no matter who the devs or studio releasing the game are, the severity of the bugs is the main issue.

BG3 had a great release and 2 or 3 hotfixes that followed to fix in some cases game breaking bugs.

D4 release was very good, especially for blizzard, there were game breaking bugs that required hotfixes.

However if you can point me to a game that released without bugs?? I will wait.

As i said, i don’t judge before seeing.
I was referring to comparing other products made by other teams is not quite good imho.
Since others left the final product with gamebreaking bugs, this one should be the same? Quite arrogant to say that, since no one here worked in the dev team of any the titles you mentioned.

You should compare the level of bugs. BG3 bugs were a joke and if you look into the poeeibilities the game offers it was almost bug free.

The problem is on one hand EHG did an awesome job but on the other hand the last patches were a mess and there are still some very old bugs arround. To me nothing of this is gamebreaking.

My concerns are:

  1. Loading times are abyssmal
  2. Combat feels almost not impactfull
  3. No skillable variation alsmost everything just feels like some % increases here and there
  4. Itemisation isn’t fun
  5. Mindnumbingly boring game untill emp Monoliths
  6. Mindnumbingly boring alt grind
  7. Monolith and dungeons as endgame is not enough by a lot
  8. Balancing is all over the place it’s a sad joke

I can go on with this but the problems are the same they’ve been in a long time. From time to time new players come in here and open up threads about things that are bad from their point of view. Sadly noone takes it serious and I think the mediocre nature of LE will be far worse then a possible bug ridden release.

As it looks the devs haven’t even made up their mind what level of corruption is endgamey because in the past they talked about 300+ but now people push 6k. I’m simply lost and have no clue what EHG wants to achive and I fear they don’t know it anymore as well.


I will answer only on that part.
The only that was able to achieve 6k corruption got obliterated. Nerf on dmg and nerf on tankiness. Sam (the guy that pushed it) even made a forum (and a reddit I believe) thread about it. The devs seemed to think that was too powerful.
That particular exemple is poorly chosen


I am not judging, ask the devs if there will be bugs on release, the answer will be yes, its as simple as that.

Its the severity of the bugs that no one can really know.

And i asked you to direct me to a game that has released without bugs, still waiting. :+1:


So you’re missing the point of the thread sir.
The point of the thread is “stop arguing what the devs should do”.

No it was not. Even if there was a build that pushed for 50k the situation will be the same. Let’s take a random 3k corruption pushing rogue build then. Still 10 times more then what was mentioned.

Right now noone can tell what the endgame corruption is because there is no ceiling so every number is possibly to much or to little. Yeah sure people could argue that there is no endgame stage of corruption and the higher you farm the better but there need to be some kind of baseline for balancing reasons. It would be stupid if one build is able to push 5k corruption and the next best thing is at 3.8k and the next at 1.7k. I just throw some numbers arround and hope you get what I want to say.

No matter what there should be some number they aim for instead of letting completely stupid builds loose that farm more corruption by a quartermile because of reasons.

Nothing feels as fun as starting a game with class X just to see class X is fubar and 2k+ corruption behind or unable to push further then arena wave xyz and you need to play the same stupid build everyone else is playing if you want to compete.

To me this is a poor choice and one of the bigger problems the game has :man_shrugging: .