FPS incredibly unstable after 1.0 patch

The game have some issue with the fps and month after the release still no fixes for the fps issues… Stop fixing the other bugs till this is not fixed. This is the most important, alot of people will quit the game, because of this bad optimization or leak issues. If its needed change the game engine or so. The game run as sh*t after 3-4 monos… Ill quit soon and will return when this is fixed, can wait 1-2-3 years if its needed… I5 13 gen, rtx 3060 , 16gb ram, SSD laptop. On low and ultra fps are the same. The game start smooth and after some couple of monos fps drop start…


Btw seems the game is cpu heavy. I was disabled my turbo boost and now i turn it on, the game run way better. Still not perfect but playable. So if someone have processor turbo boost off, turn it on.

The Performance Problems got worse with the latest Patch 1.3.3 for me. After the Memory Leak Fix the game ran way better than before, but now It´s sometimes absolutely unplayable. U can watch the FPS go down to 20-5 FPS while the GPU usage drops to like 20-10%. I really can´t understand how this Game got released with this kind of Problems. They must have looked at this and thought…well…yeah…totally playable, totally fine, gogogo.

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I was lately closely observing hardware behaving while fps drops and in some cases (NOT every time) one CPU core goes to 100% when GPU usage dives to 50-60%, which indicates CPU bootlenecking due to load not being evenly distributed. My CPU runs P-cores at 5.1GHz, now I am wondering if I got 14900K and having 6GHz would make any difference.

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Gameplay loop:

  • Log in
  • See every UI interaction still causes my entire game to freeze
  • Log out
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I have the same exact behavior. It is jarring. This also happens when I pick up loot, most noticeable when picking up crafting mats.

I deleted “Last Epoch” because of the FPS problem, which I loved playing. I am waiting for fix and your explanations on the subject. To download and play again. I experience fps drops in every monolith i enter, without exception, and that’s why i die. Please tell me, what are you doing? I say “i can’t play the game”. Do you think im joking or exaggerating?

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I was having FPS problems too and now it seems much better for me after I cleanup the Nvidia Cache and reinstalled my drivers from 0.

I followed these two guides, step by step and the game is running much better now. Am also using the new Nvidia App.

Delete Nvidia Cache

Install Nvidia Drivers

Hope this help someone else here.

I also stopped playing due to optimization issues. I have a top PC, I even tested the game on two PCs with RTX 3080 and RTX 4080 with top components. And everything worked perfectly until I started doing monoliths. Constant FPS drops during combat to 10-20 FPS are very irritating. Combat is no longer smooth and enjoyable. After two weeks of playing, I unfortunately lost my patience and fun of the game.

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Exactly the same thing happens to me!

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This game was always like this, 2 months ago or 3 years ago, doesnt matter. always. dont wait for fix, if u cant play so, delete it.

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This game was always like this, 2 months ago or 3 years ago, doesnt matter.

^^^^^Pretty much this.

Damn, sucks to hear. Haven’t been playing for almost a week now but was hoping it’d get fixed some time.

Guess I have to find a different game then… sucks because if I didn’t get 5 FPS moments it’s a really fun game. They already got my 35$, though, so there’s that lol

Just got to monoliths and fps drops down to 2 on each pack of mobs, gpu and cpu usage around 20-40%. Endgame in this game is unplayable in it’s current state.

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I’ve been playing this game since it was a damn zip file full of bugs and it worked better. I think it was 0.4. What improvements were made? I call BS. I swear it’s getting worse and worse with every patch introduced. Regardless of the build you play the game is unplayable. 20 FPS on performant rigs is not a working game. Full stop. Now if you really want to get frustrated try playing the trap marksman and say hello to constant half-second freezes and 1-10 fps drops.

This should have stayed in development and I wouldn’t complain. But they hyped the release and fooled a lot of old and new players and they are not even actively commenting on a game braking issue . I’m done.


Yes, it’s only getting worse, before last patch at least campaign was smooth so i could level alts until monoliths, now in campaign i have constant fps drops also.

Same here, I have an RTX 3060, I only have FPS problems on LE.

My fps drops between 15-20 in echoes, it’s very unpleasant, it often makes me stop playing because it’s not fun.

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It appears performace hunger increases with each patch.
I’m not saying my 3060ti is high end, but with everything set to low and fps limited to 60 it should be able to run the game without fans at 100%, right?
performace was better in 0.9 and it’s gotten worse along the way to 1.04

quoting myself from another post.
3060ti, Ryzen 5600x, 32 GB RAM