Don't have T4 Julra Gatekeep Crafting for Builds (what class can do this) I Want to Craft

You know what. I think that’s a good idea, allowing all crafting at T3. Screw that relic that only drops at T4. I just want to safely do my legendary crafting.

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It’s a very frustrating 100% mechanical fight when there’s a core crafting mechanic locked behind the fight. You are a elite player that’s been around forever, so it’s easy for you to say “just learn the mechanics”

Not everyone is a dark-soul lover.

I usually support your view when you are defending LE, but not this time, especially when I see videos of people killing T4 Julra in 10 seconds.

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Bingo let people play the game and craft to finish builds and see what they can do. Gatekeeping the best part of LE and build progression just isn’t the way. I’m sorry but it’s bad design. This is coming from someone who has time to grind and play too. With that said I’ll make a new character to get past the gatekeeping so I can craft.

However they really need to change this for players because a lot of other people will just not be able to get past this nor feel like making a new character just to craft for the build they want to play.

I have all the gear I need, my standards aren’t high. Just trying to play the basic game which is Legendary crafting. Julra shouldn’t be in the way of that. Sorry. You are wrong.

I have. Also Julra shouldn’t be in the way of progression.

I said it to Op already and I say it to you.

This is not preventing you from doing anything build enabling. Legendaries are not build enabling.
If you want to get your build into new heights you ened to work for it.

If you can’t defeat her right now, because the mechanical skills are missing, that is ok. Get back to Monolith and Prophecies/Bazaar, get better gear to increase the margin of error for you.

T3 Julra is a lot easier and you can craft like 95% of all uniques with that. Only the very top end uniques require T4. And if you build struggles with T3 there are A LOT of other avenues to improve your build, than that one legendary you want to craft.


i hate that mechanic in general just like i hated having to bind dynamite/flares in poe’s delves.

adding a button you never use out of nowhere sucks in my mind heh

wouldve liked actual good mechanics within the normal gaming rules the rest of the game sets.

It is ok to disagree with me. But you really need to rethink your view a little bit. it is not black & white. Not everything is absolute.
I don’t say “I am correct”, I don’t say “You are wrong”.

But how you talk in absolutes and that this NEEDS TO BE THIS WAY is not helping your point.

I highly doubt that, sorry, not sorry.

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This isn’t it. Many builds just can’t beat Julra and people will quit when they can’t get past the gatekeeping. The answer isn’t go to the Bazaar, (espeically since there isn’t anything left to buy) it’s to make a build to kill her and craft for you other characters. (which many players won’t want to do since that is bad design)

Except the 3 main items for my build require T4. It literally will enable my build and exponentially increase it’s power. So you are wrong. This isn’t good design. Again I’m not opposed to having Pinnacle bosses or Uber fights with mechanical skill checks just don’t put them IN THE WAY of crafting for your builds you want to enjoy.


dude, in one of the replies, you literally said, “sorry to inform you, you are wrong”?


ARPGs are dynamic games, with statistics like dodging because I expect MY character to dodge not me, this is because the game is moved by the click of a mouse and with a fixed camera where we fight not one duel but 1 x thousands. This stupid idea of making every game as mediocre and weak as purely mechanical as DS is what is killing the ARPG genre.


Not only that them trying to tell me I don’t need these items when literally I do to enable my build I’m working on. I got the gear in my stash waiting to be crafted. Just sitting there. You need an Abyss shield legendary to hit max block and I’m playing a block build. You need LP wrongwarp, you need to craft these items.

I can maybe get buy without LP anchor cause that doesn’t completely enable my build. However the other 2 items completely do. It’s completely game changing.

There is nothing left for my character to do but kill Julra who is in the way of playing the rest of the game. So time to reroll and make a Julra boss character I guess till the Devs wise up and let all crafting be done at T3.

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How do you say this… this is the pinnacle of a first world problem.

if your build really uses all these items that require T4 Temporal Sanctum for crafting you build already is on the top end of performance and power. Getting that exponential power increase on top of that for these items is called min-maxxing.

If you are at a point where you can no longer enjoy the build, because the next power increases are out of reach for you. Move on to the next build. Or try improving the current build in other ways.


That was specifically directed to the “T4 is required for build enabling certain builds”.

That is just not true.


This is a rubbish reply and you know it. I’ve objectively made excellent points and you deflect them. Cause it’s the internet and you don’t feel like saying, oops that’s valid.

Pushing corruption and builds is the whole point of an ARPG and when you can’t push your builds because there is a badly design mechanic boss in the way. That is a problem. I’d like to keep playing my build but I can’t because of Julra. The workaround is make another character to have access to crafting to enable builds and play the game. (this is objectively a bad workaround) The Devs shouldn’t gatekeep build progression cause of the mechanical boss you love defending so much.

Just make all crafting accessible at T3. Or beter yet never have a boss in the way of something that is a massive part of LE and why you should be playing the game.

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Was just thinking…there aren’t many uniques with a level over 75. There isn’t much being gatekept. If the unique is not over level 75, just destroy T3 and lower.


friend there is no defense, this is a bad design made just to waste time, it adds to the same reason that the game doesn’t have a real trade. everything to hide that the late game is repetitive and boring. I’m sorry but this game is at the same level as Diablo 3, maybe I think it’s better because the classes are fun but in the final bottleneck the game kills all diversity and that’s a fact. There is currently 1 extremely dominant build and another 2~3 playable ones, the rest are just “fun”

Except my build requires 3 over lvl 75. Actually 4 if you add in Ravenous void. These items are build enabling and really the focal point of the strength of the build.

I’m just trying to complete my build and get it really going. So I need to farm T4 Julra. Which is why they should have all crafting accessible without a Boss preventing progression.

I was really excited about this build but… I mean here I am on the forums. That excitement is just frustration right now. Maybe just play a 60k ward build without much gear and cheese it this cycle.

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Good grief, I was leveling a Sentinel and its a bit daunting to know that most of your items don’t even get equipped until you unlock empowered monoliths. I can’t imagine that being a reasonable thing for ANY build.


Well some builds require some very niche or specific things to come online. I like playing or trying to play some off meta versions too. Obviously some builds require very little like Warlock who just gets 60k ward and melts.

It’s fine since lvling is mostly fast and this is a grinding game (ARPG) What is not okay is in a grinding game is for me not being able to grind anymore because the items I want to craft are sitting in my stash because some badly design mechanic is keeping me from playing.

I’ve acquired the expensive items, i’ve grinded and now I’m just gatekept by Julra.

On the bright side I just slammed a 34% HP into my Exsanguinous on my Necro who is just gonna be my Boss killer. Just gonna stack ward and cheese this annoying Boss like everyone else. This whole workout is stupid though but we can only hope LE works on these things as time goes on. (which i think they will)

The game is great just some things need some love and better design behind them. Don’t gatekeep crafting which is in my opinion the best of any ARPG and keeps us playing/grinding.

It’s bad design to make me do the hardest content in order to make the most powerful items!!!


The concept of having to look at big blowing circles and walk out of them in an ARPG is stupid!!!


I can’t play the game unless I can get the most powerful items!!!



In this thread: Players with skill issues complain that the hardest content in the game is too hard for them.

There’s nothing else to say here. If you can’t beat the boss, you don’t get the rewards. This is how games work. Get better or get over it. Failing that, try Diablo 3 or 4, they’ll puke all the loot you ever dreamed of at you even if you’re literally rolling your face across the keyboard, which sounds more your speed.


Replace hammer with Helping Hands, and cast Smite. There you go, you can now solo T4 Julra.