Don't have T4 Julra Gatekeep Crafting for Builds (what class can do this) I Want to Craft

From my experience every char with a halfway working skillbuild can do this. Not every player is able to do it. There is a bit of a difference here.



Let say this is the case. Then that is bad design. Cuase again the player won’t be able to craft. Which is the main attraction of build progression.

If people want super hard bosses to do that’s fine most players aren’t into that nor do they want to be forced to do them to access the other parts of the game they do enjoy. Make sense.

There should be super hard bosses for players interested in that type of content however they shouldn’t be in the way of the crafting. It’s pretty simple win/win.

Its not ignorant. You just argued with many different people on this thread and everyone was wrong but you unless they agreed with you. Others asked for you to post your char and you did not do that because you claim your char is only missing the legendaries, when I can guarantee there are many ways you can improve your char without doing T4 julra.

Julra t4 isn’t something that is preventing you from making your char better, you just have that stuck in your mind.


Actually it is ignorant and you know why. Telling someone to just play another game isn’t the way. Ignored.

It literally is though. What should I do there isn’t any other gear that I need except the Legendary gear. There is nothing to do except get the crafting done to enable the build and then push corruption. You just aren’t listening.

I literally told people my build and stats. It’s fine I’m shelving this guy. You win, the game wins. I’m done. Can’t move further with this build. Really wish game didn’t crash when I was getting carried earlier to a Julra kill. I’ll get these items crafted one way or another and then I can play my VK again. Until then there is no point in loggin into my VK.

With that said going to bed. Hope the Devs make some changes so this problem doesn’t arrive again. I’ve said all that can be said. Just repeating myself.

Okay I can accept disagreement even when there is evidence people killed Julra over and over again with a wide arrangement of builds.

The most important crafting option ingame that make you go completely craycray and make you OP is guarded by a hard boss? Seems legit to me. You DON’T have to go there to play the game. You can do fine in every endgame mode without even touching Julra. The whole mechanic is just there to have something to chase for because there is no content besides it and is in no way needed to play the game.

On the other hand out of curiosity do you think everyone who says this is not an issue is wrong? So far I only see you say no to people who think everything is fine and this looks like it’s a you problem instead of a problem for a big part of the community. If hundrets and thousands of players would say Julra is overtuned I would look at it again but so far it looks to be an issue for a small ammount of people.

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Your build doesn’t require legendaries, it’s enabled by the uniques and improved by the additional affixes. If you need the additional skill points then use a rare/exalted.

I highly dubt that your build needs 100% block chance, it’ll just be better for it.

In your opinion.

No, he’s German and disagrees with you.

It’s not badly designed, it’s just above your skill ceiling. That’s ok, it’s above mine as well.

No, the devs just don’t like toxic tradelords, despite loving D2.

Which is kinda the entire point of a game, to enjoy fun builds.

I guess you skipped over the third paragraph then:

Even the build writer says they aren’t necessary, but I guess he’s just gatekeeping the bad game design of the patriarchy… But thanks for sharing the build, I was curious. The only build enabling items for that build are the Smite on throwing hit idols. You may wish to re-read the build and try & understand why.

It’s not, but as the build guide says, it requires no uniques.

Yup. I accept that my skills arent mad enough to be the pinnacle of gaming 1337ness.

If your skills aren’t mad enough to do a boss on a non-broken build then using a broken build would help but you’d still need to not die which is apparently the problem.

Dud, you can’t say that your opinions are “objective facts” then disagree with his “objective facts”. That’s a bit hypocritical.

No matter how many times you say it, lack of player skill isn’t bad game design, it’s bad player design/ego.

That’s because that “evidence” is probably fake as it disagrees with the OP’s objective facts.



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I have learned that in this game, some bosses are tougher than I typically enjoy. I have to try multiple times. I sometimes have to read up or watch vids about the encounter and then try again a few times.

I don’t feel the bosses should be dumbed down just because they are a bit too sweaty for me though. Other people exist and they are better at these things than I am and it’s nice for them that these bosses are more challenging than in some other games.

ONE piece of advise though! Before a tough boss encounter, RELAX. Decide you are going to engage with the encounter like Tetris. You are going to stay loose and relaxed and only focus on the moving out of the way of things and just play whack-a-mole. I find that if I am very relaxed instead of tense, the harder boss mechanics are easier and less stressful to complete.


Ehm, no?

This is exactly you problem. You think that you opinion or arguments are objectively the correct ones.
You really need to step two steps back and see the grand scheme.
There is no such thing as objectively correct opinions.

Just because I disagree without, doesn’t mean I deflect your arguments…
I just think they are not very good at all.

No your that build requries none of these uniques to be functional.
Not a single stat on any of these uniques is build enabling. All these uniques are, are glorified stat stick giving you a shitton of good stats. but all those stats can be achieved by regualr Rare and Exalted Gear (or different blessigns in case of the Leech from Bleeding Heart).

Meaning you just loose DMG, DR, eHP etc when not building exactly like this.
This is not build enabling, don’t throw around with terms like that, if you don’t know what it means.
Build enabling means, that a skills or stat changes the build in a way, that no other item can do, leaving you with a different build, when you can’t get your hands on these items.
And even if that is the case, for the vast majority of these items, they are not requried to be legendary, because those “build enabling” stats are core stats on the unique and not the regualr affixes you put onto them with legendary crafting.

So I agree, that Julra is preventing your progression, but it is not preventing you fron enabling your build. You literally only want more block, damage, a few skill points (for more dmg).

But if you play and follow a build like this and can’t kill T4 Julra, that is like saying you can’t drive your Ferrari without crashing for more than 100 meters. This build planner is nuts and it the pinnacle of a endgame build. This is not a build problem, this is a pilot problem. I know you will give me shit for this now, but that doesn’t change the fact that a build this strong, who can’t kill that boss, needs to improve on the pilot aspect before earning killing that boss.

Now to keep this whole thread somewhat helpful so some other people might learn a thing or two, because I doubt you will, with you close minded views. But hey maybe you do and I am wrong.

Here is my guide for defeating her in a propery way:
This video explains and shows all of her mechanics.
If reading my tips is not enough I highly recommend watching is and learn a thing or two.


  1. Use her big room explosion as a dps phase and switch in the last second. You can tell the progress of the explosion by the runes that fill up clockwise at the edge. Use the dungeon ability “D” before it fills up compeltely.

  2. After swapping the boss will always follow you and apply the debuff to you that. Try to place it at the edge of th arena. It is of utmost importance ot keep the “safe zone” of the Void Laser free of these Void Puddles.
    When swapping back and forth try to place all these Void Puddles roughly in the same location, but remember where they are so you don’t swap INTO one when swapping era’s

  3. The Pillars and Healing Well she spawns are indestructable in the Ruined Era. Try to kill the in the divine era. The Healing Well has priority. The pillars are not that bad individuall and are only really dangerous when overlapping. So if you can only kill 1 or 2, but not all 3, don’t stress out, that is good enough.

  4. For the big water cone, move diagonally towards the boss, to minimize the distance you need to travel getting out of it.

  5. The Water Seeking Projectile can be outrunned, that is why proper void puddle placement is super important. But this ability also is not really lethal for many guilds. If that is the case for you you can simply ignore it.

  6. The Void Telegraph is very dangerous and should be avoided. The only uses this when you used a melee attack recently, which should not happen if I see the build planner.

  7. Now the most important ability of the entire fight: The Void Laser.
    This is why proper void puddle placement is soo important. The safe zone of the laser is always at the same place. The laser has a short delay efore dealing damage and start spinning. While the laser is up, don’t be greedy and try to deal damage to the boss, iff she is in a bad spot for you. Play save and play all the mechanics over dealing damage.

  8. Even if you deal very low damage (which can’t be with that build you playing), the void puddles will expire eventually. (I think they last something like 2-4 mins in T4)

  9. As a finaly tip: Try praticing the boss fight on T3 or T2 without killing it
    All of the mehcanics are indentical and only deal less damage (and the void puddles expire faster). Virutally every ability is avoidable, with the exception of the void puddle doing 1-2 ticks after placing it down, which should not be lethal, even on T4.


What a nice view of things :+1:



Sometimes this game is a lil overwhelming for me but then I remind myself to just ENJOY it and not feel like I have to do whatever content regurgitators tell me to do!

They seem to have designed this game to just be FUN to play, at least for levelling. Later on, maybe there are things to overthink… but in the mean-time, they made this game to be FUN.


That’s a really nice guide, thanks a lot!


But cant kill Julra

If you cant win with those stats its a skill issue


Apart from mine, obvs.

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You should just stop with that, because it’s objectively false. Just because you can’t kill the boss (at this moment), doesn’t prevent you from playing the game. It just prevents access to 1 thing, that is the purpose of the boss in the first place.

Just because you can’t craft your 90lp unique, doesn’t mean you can’t play the game. Anymore than my not getting a specific T7 exalted affix prevents me from playing the game.


That’s a straw man - using imbalances to argue if there should be tough mechanical fights with top-tier rewards or not. Where would you put a top-tier reward if not behind one of the toughest fights in the game?

The boss fights are not designed around “brokenly” powerful builds, even though they have it way easier by nature. They are designed around learning how to deal with the mechanics. If people aren’t even willing to learn mechanics - that’s a personal issue.

Personally, I hate when games like shooters include platformer elements where a missed jump requires you to start over. I’m bad at this stuff. My solution is not to shout at devs that this is a bad design - my solution is playing a game that is designed without the platform elements. Or finding a way to make the game enjoyable for me nonetheless - like playing Titania in Warframe in levels that require Platforming.

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Alternative: press Rebuke.

Depending on how tanky your build is, this might still one-shot you on T4.

The strategy I provided also use genrically applicable. No need for special skills or builds.

Anyone can goof up and die in the hard content. Having to spend 10 minutes running back for a boss fight is a buzz kill. How about if you die, it costs you another key?

People who think Julra is hard should just use the falconer cheat code and kill her in 2 seconds and be done with it.