Don't have T4 Julra Gatekeep Crafting for Builds (what class can do this) I Want to Craft

I’m loving my Hammer/Smite VK 200 corruption isn’t a problem got 5k Armor, 69% block 3.2k HP and well rounded with good damage (900%+ void). I’m trying to craft my end game gear for Wrongwarp and Abyss shield but I can’t even touch T4 Julra. It’s impossible.

How can I damage her if I can’t get close to her cause of purple junk on the ground. I’ve gotten her to about 96% and then get 1-2 tapped. I need to walk up to her and spam my hammers but I’m running for my life.

So what Class can do this boss so I can craft my gear for this guy? I don’t think this build is possible for Julra I take way to much damage and can’t damage her. Unless I’m missing something I’m just hard stuck sadly and this is in the way of playing the game.

I imagine there is a bosser build I can just do all my crafting on to avoid this miserable experience. Or maybe a cheesy ward build that has good single target. I really hate the Devs decision to gatekeep most builds from being able to craft in order to play the game due to Julra.

Edit- I think it’s bad design to gatekeep people from being able to play the game. I literally can’t play my character cause this boss is in the way and that feels bad. If you want this mechanical skill//build check boss put Julra somewhere else. Not in the way of crafting which EVERYONE needs to do in order to play the game. It’s just bad design. Forcing people to make a character to specifically kill Julra to craft for other characters is NOT the way.


You have to press D when she casts that to get into another dimension. She will follow and put a debuff on you, which after a few seconds will leave a dot pool on the ground. Try to place it on the sides. Then she’d spawn 3 poles that you’d have to kill.

At that point she’d probably cast the purple thing again, so you’d wanna wait a second or two and press D again. The spinning phase will come u have to be inbetween the spinning lasers. Rinse repeat whenever she casts the purple thing.


Yea I’m doing that. To avoid being 1 shot there. Then in the next dimension I can’t do anything either lol.

So this is where I’m likely messing up cause I need to be on top of her if I’m going to do damage. There are just so many mechanics I can’t ramp and I really need to stand still. Not only that she isn’t a big boss so damage is lower. With that said thanks for the tips :slight_smile:

Yea the spinning phase starts and I’ve done like 2% of her HP. I’ll try your advice but think I just need to play another character to kill Julra. Maybe the goal of the Devs is to have a bossing char anyways for easy access to crafting. Since some Classes tank all the mechanics and nuke her in 3 secs meanwhile some Classes it’s a non stop avoiding 1 shots and 4 min fight.

I just dont’ want a headache fighting Julra, I want to craft gear so I can play and enjoy the game. If I have to level a warlock guess ill do that. I do have a summoner. Not sure if I’m a fan of the design to stop builds from crafting but I guess again maybe it’s the Devs goal for you to make a cheesy boss class to access crafting.

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Another tip I have learned from watching some video is that, you want to keep fighting her in divine era. She only casts that pool of void if she has to switch era as well.

So after the first D where you switch over to divine era, you wanna keep staying in that era.

What you need to do is, when she is casting that nuke in the divine era, you press D to switch to ruined era, but after a couple of second (making sure her nuke is finished), press D again to go back to the divine era to fight her.

By doing this, you will achieve two things.

  1. she doesn’t switch era, so she won’t cast that pool of void that follows you and leave a permanent pool of void on the ground.

  2. the pillars she casts can be destroyed.

But I agree it’s frustrating to see some classes are too OP to fight Julra. You see those falconer that kill T4 Julra in 3 seconds and you feel frustrated. People say class balances don’t matter in PvE but I think it’s BS. It makes you feel pointless to create non-broken builds.


Why if you’re using Hammers/Smite?

This game has one of the worst boss fights I’ve ever seen in an arpg, and one of the worst balances. There is no defense here, stacking is worse than on d3. If you want advice, ask a Lock or a Falc, they will annihilate in seconds


It’s a mechanical fight, you’re supposed to avoid the oneshots.


the concept of something oneshot in an ARPG is already something stupid but here there are many, added to mediocre servers and clear problems with calculation and lag in skills, apart from the animation of meele skills making it UNPLAYABLE for an entire category and yet classes like the ones that I mentioned that they melt the boss while they walk before they even cast. If this isn’t a problem for you then I give up


That’s helpful, I might try this if my Necro doesn’t become my boss killer.

Hammer/smite only does damage to large bosses and when you are ontop of them. I could stand far away and watch barely any hammers hit Julra and no smite procs and Alt-F4 cause that sucks.

This is what I will likley do. I think it’s terrible design to gatekeep crafting for builds behind an impossible boss for them. So just make a lock/Falc kill the boss to craft for other characters to be able to play the game and push corruption.

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There’s some things I had to learn for this. She puts a circle on you that causes you to drop that purple junk, this kinda happens fast so the best method to deal with it is to swap dimensions with D and poop it out there then go back to the shadow realm.

Outside of that, the boss does a lot of damage. You can sidestep some of the water/lightning attacks and the pillars hit you for a lot of lightning damage too, but swapping to divine era to kill the pillars might cause the boss to shift dimensions too.

So as a general rule of thumb for how I’ve been doing it, I shift dimensions before the big explosion hits and change back in late enough to avoid the explosion but early enough so the boss doesn’t change into the dimension with you and put the ring on you. Everything else will be sidestepped or tanked. You do need a level of leech, health and mitigation to deal with the lightning damage going around. The spinny void thingy is a must-avoid but you can stand in the middle ring and avoid it without needing to move.

Tier 3 is good practice. Tier 4 does a lot of damage and makes sense after you have the gear and the rotation down.


I don’t like mechanical fights and these fights shouldn’t gatekeep build progression. If someone is into mechanical fights put them into Arena instead of stopping people from crafting gear to finish builds and push corruption.

No you supposed to build right so nothing 1 shots you. If this isn’t the case then it’s a mistake on the Devs design. Especially when every build needs access too T4 crafting to play the game.


No, it’s just not something you like or are necessarily good enough at (& I’m not either so I’m not having a go at you), but that doesn’t make it a mistake, nor does my level of skill make it bad or stupid.


Another frustrating thing is that you have go through the dungeon again if you made a mistake and die. Locking a core crafting mechanic behind a very unforgiving boss is really annoying.


Those pools are not permanent. They last a increasing amount of time with the dungeon tiers.
But even on T4 you will never run out of space with a very low dps build, if you are playing correctly (without using the switch back and forth mechanic to avoid getting the debuff at all)

It does make it a mistake because it’s literally in the way of being able to play the game. I can’t play my char anymore till I beat Julra because I need to craft. If you want this mega mechanic fight or skill check put it somewhere it doesn’t stop you from making builds and playing the game. (So it is a Dev mistake) In this regard.

Again to be clear, if someone wants to test themselves against Pinnacle bosses with tons of mechanics cool. They should be somewhere that isn’t in the way of playing the game. Now I have to make a characters specifically to kill Julra to craft for my other characters. (this is bad design)

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I am sorry to inform you, you are wrong. You can disagree with this, but having mechanical challenges like this is a net positive to the game. Being able to build in such a way that you can ignore mechanics is bad design.

This keeps combat interesting and engaging even on the very top end of character progression. Otherwise everyboss would only be a bullet sponge that you can widdle down while standing afk.


It’s only a positive if it doesn’t prevent you from PLAYING THE GAME! I can’t play my character anymore because I can’t craft the gear I need. Sorry but you are wrong. If you want these mechancal skill check build fights don’t put them in the way of build progression.

It’s bad design. If they want to move Julra somewhere else and not gatekeep crafting from builds so people can craft in order to play the game and finish builds. I’m fine with that.


To be perfectly clear. I don’t care if they make a T5 or Uber Julra that is super hard, just don’t put her in the way of being able to play the game. Maybe they should make it so everything can be crafted at T3. Personally I just rather not gatekeep most builds from playing the game since they can’t craft the gear they need to make their builds work. It’s bad design.


There is no legendary necessary to make a build work. You just need to lower your standards and get some other gear in the meantime.

Don’t aim for the stars, when you havn’t even reached decent progression of your character.

On top of that. Julra is a 100% mechanical fight. You literally can defeat her naked with just boots, because every single ability with the exception of the Void Puddles is avoidable. And those are even avoidable if you use Era Swap twice in a row, before the boss follows you.
But you literally just need to survive 1-2 ticks fo the Void Puddle and then the rest of the fight is just learnign the mechanics, you can avoid everything else.