OK, this is a bug right?
I just did as you suggested. Unsummoned crows, then I put on all the gear I could find minion healt/health regen + Sinathia set and summoned crows. Then I shifted to bear and put my normal gear. Minion buffs stayed! Like what?! Now they are immortal…
Minions snapshot, it happens.
This build is so doomed. Bugged/not intended interaction between charge and staff, minion snapshot. Is there anything else I need to know?
BTW when is the next big patch?
Probably late July.
ready it will get nerfed with 8.3.
How long does it normaly take to release a new patch? I mean if im going to start this build right now am i able to play it in the current state for 1-2 months`?
Snapshotting is a fundamental issue of the game itself so I dont expect that to be fixed in 1 patch. Ive posted a few times regarding it in general but I get ignored
Aura of Decay, Minions, Kermodes Cage getting mana on kill in Werebear to name a few examples
Thats the main reason I stopped playing Werebear EQ not even the broken EQ the fact you can sustain mana off snapshotting the chest piece is the main reason for me, but im assuming the interaction with EQ/Charge will be nerfed in some fashion before snapshotting is dealt with
It also doesnt seem hard to fix snapshotting though. Shrines that give buffs to you and more importantly minions are dynamic ie giving your minions stun/crit chance which means the game does a ‘resync’ when you grab a shrine/allocated a skill (Golem doesnt auto resummon from points allocated) but currently equipping an idol/piece of gear doesnt ‘resync’ minions
Yeah, they said they’d have a look at it with the rest of the Druid form changes in 0.8.3.
how rare is minion health regen because I have not seen it on any items or shards drops in last 3 days playing I see that some of the items he uses have this stat
It’s fairly common. Have you got your filter to highlight it.
yeah its not even dropping at all for me so I do not understand what is going wrong I have used The loot Filter in this guide
Is there a reason the blessing that gives frostbite is used over the one that applies chill?
Is it my poor skill, or does it appear that snapshotting doesn’t work anymore? My paper doll/tool tip info always reverts when gear is swapped after transforming. Don’t really need it, but was curious now that I got my Exsang drop
Snapshotting is still a thing. The character sheet will always update when you change gear.
Thanks, so, the character sheet updates to the stats of the gear that you put on after transforming to WB but the stats of the gear that was “snapshotted” when in human form are still in effect, but hidden? Interesting.
This a very fun build. A couple of “icing on the cake” questions: I want as little health regen and leech as possible, but the most raw health, correct? Also, what drives increasing the EQ damage? I don’t see anywhere near the damage/crit damge as in the video. Maybe occasional 120K crits. I’m level 92, so missing just a few passive points.
Without knowing what your character’s stats are, it’ll be difficult to say what’s “missing” from your build. But yes, if you’re going low life (Exsanguinous/Last Steps of the Living) you want as little health sustain as possible to maximise the health drain which in turn maximises the missing hp & therefore the ward/sec.
I think there was a short discussion here as to what stats would give you the biggest bang for the buck.
Thanks for the prompt reply. Yes, LL using Ex and Last Steps, so I will look to drop as much leech and regen as possible. I think I follow some of the discussion on affixes and stats, but here is a link to my current build, if you have any thoughts…Druid, Level 92 (LE Beta 0.8.2i) - Last Epoch Build Planner
Putting a +2 Earthquake on the helm would help as you could then take 2 points in Potency for an additional 40% more damage, but I suspect @boardman21 is probably best to comment.
I am playing this build and lvling now but wondering what is the best way to collect those uniques items?
Will build work without them ?