Constant crashes

I have this problem to, but i cant even get past the log in screen. got a fresh install of windows.

AMD Ryzen 9 3900X // 32GB Ram // RTX 2080Ti (176.3 KB)

Me too. Random Crashes. First with my GTX 970 and now with my AMD RX 5700 (Win10, CPU I5 9600 and 16GB). Since patch 7.7 the game is unplayebal.

I think I found a temporary solutionā€¦

Changed my graphic settings to very low, streamer mode on & vsync on and I played for hours without having any crashes anymore.

Game is crashing constantly as well. Assuming that attaching my log will not show anything you guys have not seen from the other logs. My setting are all high, but I have a new rig that shouldnā€™t have any issues with this game. Tried to attach a picture of my skill tree but the file format for my picture is not acceptable.

Constant Crashes here too

Here are the latest logfiles: (3.4 MB)

Thanks for the reports guys, I know itā€™s tough that we arenā€™t replying to each one but we do have a bunch of stability fixes coming down the pipe for next patch.

Im having the same issue. Here are my files.error.log (55.3 KB) Player.log (903.8 KB)

Hereā€™s a week of my crash logs:!AtKH_tAGVjXDgsYJ9KNTZCOe60Yc1Q?e=DFPoBF

I hope this is the right place to also talk about by crashes.

My issues is that the game seems to be running fine for like the first ~30 minutes. Then minor fps drops and game freezes start which last maybe another ~30 minutes. Finally the game just crashes. Rinse and repeat every time. Although I think the first day I played for like 4 hours and I had no issues so maybe it has to do with shaders or some other cache not being stored properly?

For some reason my log files are very big so Iā€™m sharing them via DropBox links:

  1. Dropbox - Player.log - Simplify your life

  2. Dropbox - Player-prev.log - Simplify your life

My specs are:
X570 Master
Ryzen 3700X
AMD Navi 5700XT
OS: Windows 10 1909

i experience same issues , seems it has some relation to lighting blast skillPlayer.log (13.9 KB) Player-prev.log (2.8 MB)
it often happens when trying to start next monolite game

I think Iā€™ve found a short term solution. I downloaded what I think is a Vulcan wrapper and just put it in the gameā€™s folder, and boom my crashes stopped. I played for 5 hours without crashing!

Iā€™ve used this in other games like Lost Ark before.

For anyone interested hereā€™s the GitHub link: Releases Ā· doitsujin/dxvk Ā· GitHub

EDIT: I forgot to mention that Iā€™m on Windows and this wrapper works for Windows as well. I guess it was originally made for Linux, but for whatever reason it works with Windows.

EDIT2: Donā€™t use the installer. Instead just download and unzip the ā€˜dxvk-1.7.tar.gzā€™ folder. Then copy 2 files and paste them in the gameā€™s folder where the game executable is. The first file you always have to copy is the ā€œdxgi.dllā€ file. The second one depends on which DX version the game you want to apply this to is running. In this case Last Epoch is on DX 11 so you also have to copy the ā€œd3d11.dllā€ file.


Very interesting. If anyone else here already has it or is comfortable trying it out, Iā€™m interested to know if it fixes the issue for anyone else.

It is third party software so Iā€™m not really comfortable asking people outright to do it.

Iā€™m getting constant crashes also, not quite as often as others, but probably every 30 mins or so. Iā€™ve tried all suggestions in this thread except for the vulkan wrapper. (Iā€™m not running on Linux).
My player.log says there is more information in crashes but no such folder exists.
I include player.log and player-prev.log

Last (3.7 MB) (3.3 MB) I thought Iā€™d add my crash reports. Iā€™m only a few hours into the game and Iā€™ve crashed a few times.

I tried what BlueFlame did and used that Vulkan wrapper and my crashing stopped. Been playing for the last 6 hours straight without any issues even though iā€™m on a windows machine.

B450 Motherboard with latest chipset drivers
3600 @ stock
Vega 64 with driver version 20.4.1
Windows 10 64bit 1903

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Constant crashing as well.
Ryzen 3900x
RX 5700XT
ASUS ROG Strix X570-F
32Gb Ram

All updated drivers and bios.

BlueFlame, can you provide a little more detail for the Vulkan wrapper? I extracted into my game folder, crashed within 5 minutes of gameplay.
I have tried verifying game cache, turning down all settings, capping frame rate at 60FPS and 30FPS.
Love the game, but its unplayable atm.

  1. What OS are you using?
  2. What bit version of the wrapper did you download?
  3. What files in the .tar did you extract
  4. To where exact did you extract them?
  1. Windows 10 Home
  2. 64 Bit Build
  3. Canā€™t upload a screenshot, but i just hit Clone or Download on the github link and grabbed everything and extracted it into the below folder
  4. Drive E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Last Epoch\dxvk-master

You want the DLL files to be place side by side with the Last Epoch.exe file.

If youā€™ve done it right you will see 2 log files in the same folder as the Last Epoch.exe called ā€œLast Epoch_d3d11ā€ & ā€œLast Epoch_dxgiā€.

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I dont want to jinx it, but ive been playing without a crash for about 2 hours now.
Thank you Poweruo for your help.