Game Crashing

Just made sure all drivers are updated and windows is current. Trying to run command but its saying I must be an admin running a console session in order to use the sfc utility. So I am working on getting that figured out. Ill let you know if I get this to work.

ok, I got it figured out and its running the scan now.

ok, updated all drivers, ran the CMD check, updated windows. Game just crashed. Whats next?

Game is still consistently crashing. Pulls up the last epoch logo and shows it loading like its sending an error report. Please Help me figure out how I can play this game without dropping every 5 minutes. Its no longer enjoyable.

What video card do you have?

Radeon rx5700 xt

I think almost all of us with this problem are using that card.

really? thats insane. Do the devs know about this issue?

They do. There’s a thing that works for some people in another one of the threads. It doesn’t work for me but it’s worth a shot! It’s a really simple and quick thing to do too.

Do you know where I can find that? Im willing to try anything.

Would that be this post? There’s other instructions on posts #67 & 72 of that thread.

I also have a Radeon 5700XT and can’t play Last Epoch because of constantly crashing every few minutes.
I updated all drivers and even tried beta graphic driver but nothing helped.
Also tried any kind of graphic settings…

What can I do to fix this?
I tried out LastEpoch some month ago and didn’t have this issue.

Have you tried this?

Yes, but I dont get it…

EDIT2: Don’t use the installer. Instead just download and unzip the folder. Then copy 2 files and paste them in the game’s folder where the game executable is. The first file you always have to copy is the “dxgi.dll” file. The second one depends on which DX version the game you want to apply this to is running. In this case Last Epoch is on DX 11 so you also have to copy the “d3d11.dll” file.

I downloaded, extracted the files. So I have this dxvk-master folder.
But I cannot find any .dll files in there to copy them to the LastEpoch folder.

EDIT: I found my fault. I downloaded the ‘’ and NOT the correct ‘dxvk-1.7.tar.gz’.
Now I can the the .dll and copied them to the game folder. Hope this will fix it.

Ill try this out as well. Im in the same boat. I couldnt find the dll files.

Yeah for the life of me I cannot find those dxgi.dll files. I downloaded the folders and the dxvk file that was 7mbs but I still cant find those files I am suppose to copy.

Are you sure you’re downloading the correct folder and not the source code or something else? The correct folder is ‘dxvk-1.7.tar.gz’.

Yeah I have that file, but nothing is in it. Its just a file. What should I open it with?

I found them. I will try to find the game file to drop them in. crossing my fingers.

UPDATE: found the files, dropped them in the game folder. seems to be working! Havnt dropped yet! Thanks everyone for your help!

Update #2: I played for an hour and a half without dropping once. THAT FIXED IT! thanks everyone for your help!

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