Auto pickup shards

Yeah, there’s no reason for them to go in the inventory at all. Can they just be automatically transferred to the materials stash when you walk over them, like gold?

I can only agree to that.

Display them.
Auto-pickup while walking over them.
Auto-transfer into the crafting mechanic instead of itemization.

Rare ones not being on auto-pickup would be fine, to emphasize their importance.

Currently they’re a bother solely and take us away from what we want to focus on in the game. Which is slaying mobs, enjoying our builds and deciding which loot we want to pick up. The absolute only time I wouldn’t pick up a shard - since I have basically endless space for them - is when I’m too far away and got more then enough stored up.

I don’t really mind picking up shards, especially with the AoE vacuum. But the fact that they first go to your limited inventory, then you have to manually move them to an infinite inventory seems pretty unnecessary. Why don’t they just go straight to your crafting materials inventory?

I’d prefer seeing them and then running over them. I have an AoE build and have to run back a lot for shards and loot so efficient pickup would be welcome.

My game lags whenever I grab a big pile of shards. That needs to be looked at too. It’s a little risky to do in combat.


The game lags whenever there’s an item tooltip pop up. It’s bizarre.


You do realize that eventually you no longer have to pick up non-rare shards once you have a massive inventory of the ones you want? Is the gameplay loop suddenly a problem in the endgame? Because I don’t see anyone complaining about less loot to click on in the endgame. It just becomes visual clutter at that point.

Also looping glyphs into the discussion because they have the same problem.

The vacuum is nice but it’s still a fairly frequent pause in the action and 99% of the time it’s not exciting, but I could see making the very very rare glyphs require clicking since those are exciting. Gear can nearly always be exciting when it drops because of the loot filter. Non-rare glyphs are just consumables like gold with extra steps. They’re just as exciting to use as gold to pay for something. They’re just a means to an action I’m going to take frequently. Which isn’t to say is a bad thing, but not good enough of a feeling to justify the tedium of manual pickup halting my blast. Glyphs that are a means to do something I can’t do frequently are worth the break.

Besides we have enough glyph pickups that already exist in the form of gear we’re going to shatter for affixes.

So they can be traded or sold before you decide to transfer them. I always play SSF so in that case the auto transfer would be nice.

Shards can’t be traded or sold, there’s no reason to keep them in inventory.
As for autotransfer, you didn’t need to necro this thread, there was already a recent one:

I failed my search and didn’t see this topic until now, so I posted a new one. What is deeply concerning to me is that there was a post in 2022, then this one started in 2023 and alive today. Seems like a bunch of people are in one way or another interested on seeing something change with this, yet the reply from EH is that they are not doing anything about it because they don’t feel is necessary. Am I missing something here? It’s great to see that EH wants feedback, but some topics that are discussed ad nauseam should deserve more than a “great, we hear you, but suck it up” (not quoting EH, just highlighting the point)

That’s so not fair… Mike and EHG always gave pretty good insights on their thought process behind these decisions. He even said that BECAUSE of the feedback, they started discussing this again internally (maybe meaning this was cold case for them til then?).
Same for the LP thing… they were very emphatic saying LP filter was never going to be a thing, now we have it because of feedback.

People need to learn the difference between a feedback, an order and a request…
They are all up for feedback, I’m sure. But they’re probably not taking orders or requests.

And this is what happens the most around here…
People come making orders and requests while calling them feedback, then blame the company for not taking their orders, then say they’re leaving, then come back next cycle and create a new thread on the same topic. And this is where we are at this point in time.

edit: I just checked, the person who opened this thread has only a level 18 character, created on Release… This is probably all he ever played in LE…
EHG would be crazy if they based their decisions on this kind of player’s feedback.

edit 2: i’m not against this, would actually appreciate it very much… I even voted on this thread back then… but we’re not the ones making games.

Thet do, you should ask in Mike’s stream every Friday.

sorry, they do listen, or they do say we hear you but we are not “fixing” it?

They do listen. Their current stance is “we don’t want to change this” (for reasons discussed plenty of times in several similar threads). But that was also their stance regarding LP in loot filter and they changed.

That doesn’t mean they change everything the community asks. For example, mastery respec or D3 loadouts are very very unlikely to happen no matter how much people keep asking for it.
But these small things are easier to change their mind on with positive feedback.

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Well, to be fair a hefty weight of this decision was hinged on shards having specific value derived from picking it up and itemizing them which was planned to then follow up with allowing them to be traded.

The decision to not go through with this removed the reason as for them to be itemized in the first place, so that aspect is a no-brainer, no reason, no function, only downsides without any actual positive secondary gameplay-effect of any kind. Hence them moving directly into the forging UI is already a thing which basically ‘has to happen’.

But that also means the value and hence weight given to them on the floor is heavily diminished, after all the pickup itself for trading reasons is a big aspect of it, with it turning into a endless storage and just ‘number go brrr’ basically it has lost a lot of the meaning.
So now it’s the question if the display alone like with gold would suffice or if EHG decides that it should nonetheless be manually picked up.

I personally lean towards auto-pickup for them, rare affixes being an exception as they have more meaning related to our perception and hence less reason to automate that part… but even then… actually leaning towards it since it has no actual important meaning behind it to do it manually.
There’s loads of other things in the game which can be made meaningful and should actually be made more meaningful, hence QoL in that aspect wouldn’t be a big change in my personal two eyes.

This has been discussed too many times for me to want to repeat myself. We even discussed this recently in (yet) another thread. So I won’t really get into it.
Long story short, I don’t mind not having autopickup that much since I end up not picking up most anyway, I don’t see a point in autotransfer (even if Rax said in his video that he really likes the feeling of pushing the button and seeing the animations).

Hi there,

I would also add to increase the looting area which is currently quite small.

Try Torchlight infinite looting and how great it feels to pick everything instantly.

As a casual dad, I would love the range increase and the auto pick up.

Manually picking those don’t make any sense these days of modern aRPG.

I would also add how important it is to improve QoL overall. Seeing what PoE is developing for 3.25 in mind blowing compared to what we got in LE. Big step up have to be done or I don’t believe the game will survive long enough with the current monetization.

True, but I wouldn’t say they need to go that far. Last Epoch already is fairly decent in terms of pickup range. Not far… not near. The major reason why this often leads to situations where it’s baffling is that the display of items on the ground is fairly… lackluster to say it mildly.

You should take your parenting seriously /s

Pickup range has nothing to do with being casual or not, it has to do with engagement or not.

It does… just not very much in the case of Last Epoch outside of rare affix shards.

True, Quality… without the ‘of life’ aspect is in dire need to be taken more seriously with Last Epoch.

Their core ideas and core frameworks are great… their actual implementations at times lackluster and faulty. Quality assurance is sub-par.

Oh yes agreed overall. We can disagree on some stuff about picking shards and so on.

I believe LE has the best core design over all the aRPG on the market, they just need to push the features a lot more to compete. Their competitors are already copying all their core concepts as for exalted items and more.

I just like the fact that games like TLI and D4 allow me to walk over currencies to autopick them up. Big currency drop is a click so you keep the feeling alive :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi, I already voted this thread. How do I vote this again a bajillion more times?

Yes, exactly.

Auto-pickup the small stuff, enforce engagement with the big stuff, that’s the overall way to go.

Hence it also enforces that dropped and visible things actually have value. Since the font of normal affixes and rare affixes is relatively close together in how it’s presented it simply leads to the rare ones not being exciting… while they can be still!

Also agreed, a lot definitely.

They copied the dungeon implementation from Path of Exile basically but stopped… 10% in before adding their own things and calling it a day.

Which is baaaad. It makes for the least engaging gameplay present currently. I wrote some intense improvements out a while ago about making the respective unique mechanic more prominent and a anchor point rather then a slapped on addition. Like sanctum offering timeline based puzzles which enforces moving back and forth to solve and access the areas gradually, darkness playing a proper role with mechanics enforcing light to be taken with you in lightless harbor versus some making it dangerous by forcing it to leave behind, mixtures as well and bastion being trap-based enforcing times elemental shifts and positioning to progress through segments.

We’ll do it for you :stuck_out_tongue: So no worries!

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