Auto pickup shards

The pride and accomplishment thing is a meme, it’s not supposed to be taken literally.
For those who do not know it is from a particularly out of touch developer response from the Star wars battlefront subreddit.

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It’s actually one of the most (if not the most) downvoted comment in Reddit’s history:

But, if it’s so required for the feel of the game loop, why do so many other games have auto pickup for “crafting” materials (which is all runes/glyphs/shards really are), or introduce some kind of loot pickup bot via pets?

PS: Yes, “Bro responded to a wall of text reply to a month old topic”.

Yeah, but D3 doesn’t require a loot filter, because nothing but Set Items and Legendaries are looked at. Not only that, but a huge portion of the game is played where NO loot is dropped until the end of the dungeon, which just gets all picked up, then a quick teleport to town to look at stats. So where is the balancing act, forcing the player to frequently stop?

D4 simply doesn’t have the loot-pinata kills to require a filter either.

You’d be better off just saying the devs made a decision, for whatever reason, and aren’t budging on it. There’s enough drops that get through anything but the strictest filters (read as: hide everything) that bring about the stop/start mechanic that is sooooo required.

Why does this logic apply to crafting materials and not, say, Potions?

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No, I simply don’t agree with it. I can hear something, and still not agree with it, right? Or, has something changed… To me, it just sounds like an excuse, for an excuse. “Oh, well they won’t really say this, but what they mean is this…because Game Psychology 101 reasons”.

And, if it is that reasoning, that’s even more sad, because I would hope the game would have more purpose than stopping to pick up items we aren’t even reading 99.99% of the time anyhow. I mean, heck, are we playing a pick up items and blindly throw them in our satchel simulator or something? I was hoping it would have more meat and potatos than that!

I enjoy quite a bit about the game, so much that the annoyances are even more pronounced. More than a couple builds have been a refreshing change from the usual found in other games of the genre, but were just nearly ruined by the annoyances. Like when you have that “perfect” omelet, but then bite a crunchy eggshell… I don’t know about you, but at that point, I almost forget how good the rest of the omelet tastes, and an worried about another eggshell in my next bite. That’s where my disappointment in some of these design decision lay. Not enough to ruin the entire game, but just enough to distract from the enjoyment.

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Because I think the layers of rng have created a trap of too much stick, and not enough carrot. So if they remove something players are picking up, that isn’t complete trash, then the level of frustration over quoteunquote useless loot drops, just for the sake of loot drops, will be magnified. There’s already a metric fuckton of tedium with picking up loot, checking loot, deciding what to do with loot, planning loot craft, crafting loot, etc… that shard manual pickup isn’t even needed. The corner that’s been painted into is due to the overwhelming amount of rng that goes into drops… making most of them a huge letdown. Shards arent like that, they are like gold. You pick them up without disappointment, even if it is just another Void Res shard, because… you can eventually use it down the road anyhow, and you didn’t get your hopes up about it in the first place. It’s the crumb of the cookie you get to eat, even tho you may never get close to eating the actual cookie itself. It’s enough to give the illusion loot isn’t completely useless.

Now, take everything you just said, but substitute “gold” for “shards”. They don’t magically become more exciting, just because 3 of them dropped – hell, that happens now. They aren’t exciting to pick up because they are no better than gold, in the grand scheme of loot. You pick them up, and arbitrarily click a button to send them from your bag to a nebulous storage facility that exists in some shard nether region. But, because they are like gold, they are also not a letdown. No one looks at a pile of gold, hoping for a certain amount, just like no one is looking at a shard, praying it’s a specific one (although it would be nice if it were). Unlike with item drops, when you see the base type, now you’re automatically hoping for certain affixes, or at least something you can work with and substitute. Unfortunately, most of the time it’s an Exalted weapon base you are looking for with T7 shock chance, t4 poison chance, t5 cold damage and t4 void damage (a chaos spam-fest with nothing you can despair)…and low roll implicits just to add insult to injury.

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So the “fun” game loop is having to stop multiple times in a single zone to…

  1. Click (or try to) on multiple items, hopefully, there’s nothing around trying to kill you or that’s even more time wasted.
  2. Then you have to stop yet again a minute later to open up your inventory because now it’s full of crafting materials that you then have to move over just so you can click the gear that’s on the ground.

Yea, this isn’t that much fun when it’s happening in almost every zone.


Oh noes! Don’t leave! #tear #wipe #tear

(post deleted by author)

I agree with all the people in here that think having to click on the shards is annoying. If that has to stay due to some twisted idea it is fun and/or engaging, then fine. At the very least can they just go to their home. If people care what they pick up, they can setup a filter.

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Why not make it an option? That way, both parties can be happy.

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We have unlimited storage of shards and glyphs, so I pick every one up.

I appreciate the one click pick up radius, but every time I stop and do so I wonder why I can’t just pick up shards automatically like I do gold.

I’d be very happy for an option that would allow me to pick up shards automatically (like gold).



And this

Are somewhat near what I think might be the real deal. Its not about it really being important to stop and read the shards, but it’s important to something else that is not really in the average player scope.

There are some layers in this game that protect it from being a hit and dash souless game, and while it might be ridiculous to many this one being discussed here is one of them.
Its easy to tell that the game need better layers to force player interaction, what is not easy is to realize that it’s not an easy task and sometimes it is done in a way only devs know the real purpose, I have played dozens of junk cash grab pseudo “RPGs” to be gratefull we have a team here that care about every little aspect of the game.
I do think that the game needs some improvements to bring a more exciting experience in some areas, in endgame, but its independant to whats being discussed here.

I dont want to be disrespectfull to anyone, but if you really think stopping to get shards ruins your entire gameplay I think the problem is more in how you decide to play the game than in the process itself. The game have much more to offer, and people bitching about something so small to the point to tell they are abbandoning the game only because of this, I really dont buy this idea. It is really a novel.

You can easily ignore these kind of drops, and just keep running the map. If you really need some specific shards there are other ways to go after it. No matter how fancy & elaborated words some people choose to bring this subject, its not really a big deal.

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Now that this is live and several streamers (see to following 30 secs of Asmongold LE run for example) noticed how dumb is the lack of auto-picking shards, maybe the devs will do something about it. After all, it’s no longer just lame no-nothing players /s.

On a side note - the weird lack of a Resource bar (mana, rage etc) alongside HP and Ward is another one that’s so obvious it immediately stick out like a sore thumb.

Are somewhat near what I think might be the real deal. Its not about it really being important to stop and read the shards, but it’s important to something else that is not really in the average player scope.

So you’re bunching up a lot of words to say nothing really, except that you think the objective is to make people stop and do some meaningless thing - that is to “read” the label of something, but actually that’s not it, it’s some mystical “something else” that, you know, inner circle initiates understand so that’s why you don’t even bother to name it, except that it is not in the “average player scope” - whatever that may mean.

There are some layers in this game that protect it from being a hit and dash souless game, and while it might be ridiculous to many this one being discussed here is one of them.

Oh yes, a souless game, and layers and layers of magical protections… Go on…

Its easy to tell that the game need better layers to force player interaction, what is not easy is to realize that it’s not an easy task and sometimes it is done in a way only devs know the real purpose, I have played dozens of junk cash grab pseudo “RPGs” to be gratefull we have a team here that care about every little aspect of the game.

Just to be clear - I love the game. I wouldn’t bother criticizing it if I didn’t. It’s everything insert well known ARPG should have been but it wasn’t (was just a cash grab imo). The EH team did an absolutely amazing job, and it wasn’t easy, and for sure they had many, many nights without sleep because they worked on this. See, not that hard to realize.

However, again you don’t offer any argument other than “devs know best”, which incidentally it’s not always true. Yes, obviously the game needs to entice you to interact with it, but certainly brainless clicking is not one of them. If you think this is what makes a game great, then please go ahead an launch your super successful click-a-button-just-for-the-sake-of-interacting-with-it game, that’ll be a success (according to your hypothesis).

I don’t want to be disrespectfull to anyone, but if you really think stopping to get shards ruins your entire gameplay I think the problem is more in how you decide to play the game than in the process itself. The game have much more to offer, and people bitching about something so small to the point to tell they are abbandoning the game only because of this, I really dont buy this idea. It is really a novel.

Ah, the Straw Man strikes again… Nobody said this issue is ruining the game altogether. I haven’t noticed anyone bitching and threatening to leave the game because of this. But hey, if it’s not there, you might just as well make it up so you can wisely argue against it afterwards, amiright?

This game has a TON to offer and just as much potential, and you know what, that just makes this all the more annoying as it sticks out immediately.

You can easily ignore these kind of drops, and just keep running the map. If you really need some specific shards there are other ways to go after it.

…and we get to the point, finally. You assume you can easily ignore this kind of drops - that is false, for two reasons:

  1. Practical reason: you really don’t want anything on the field to mess up your fight - which, I dare say, is what the whole game is about… especially when you get to the point where some AOE/DOT or ability may one/two shot you.

Having a ton of stuff dropping, all bunched up, in the area, is an invitation to “Respawn”. So you need to pick them up, ASAP. Otherwise your move/attack will not get registered if the cursor is over any of those things. Idol drops behave the same, fortunately those are only limited (in an equivalent number) to Shrines.

  1. Conditioning: the game itself conditions you to pick up shards simply because the crafting system is critical to the success of the entire game. Therefore, everyone will feel “compelled” to pick up what are the prerequisites of crafting.

So here we have a gem of a game that has this obvious, glaring issue, of trying to make players “interact” with the game not by some clever mechanism or story or whatever but by making players click brainlessly on things which are critical to the core game mechanics but are otherwise essentially currency. Also, they get punished if they don’t, either hard punishment in the form of not being able to play properly because the damn things get in the way (Respawn because they couldn’t attack or dodge the damn AOE/ability) OR psychologically because it makes them feel bad they didn’t do it.

No matter how fancy & elaborated words some people choose to bring this subject, its not really a big deal.

Funny that 90% of your counter-argument is just a bunch words thrown here, ranging from meaningless, unquantifiable things like “something else that is not really in the average player scope.” to, and I really don’t get why people do this, dev suck-up like “grateful we have a team here that care about every little aspect of the game.”

Moreover, the fact that there is a very powerful loot filter - one of the most acclaimed features of the game (which other, ahem, AAA titles, don’t have), which reduces the amount of clutter (meaningless loot drop) makes this whole shard/rune/glyph business all the more visible.

Seriously, going back to your “theory”, everyone must be crazy. One of the reasons the game is praised, with an overwhelming majority, is that it has a loot filter which, you know, goes against having to click on loot. So people interact (by your definition of what an interaction should mean) with the game less. In a hack and slash loot ARPG no less! Oh, we must live in the upside down…

To be clear, in case you missed it. Last Epoch is, overall, amazing. To me it is the spiritual successor of probably the most successful ARPGs, and you wouldn’t be here if you wouldn’t know what I’m talking about (or otherwise you’ve not yet turned 20? :grin: ).

What makes this even more weird is the many options to “fix” this, dev-wise, is such a way (pet pick-up, automate events so they don’t have to change the class of the objects etc.) that it’d be easy to undo if necessary later on (it’s what it’s called a two way door).

Another peculiar fact is the seemingly irrational opposition of the “devs” that goes to such lengths as to come up with ridiculous “arguments” like, iirc, some “statistics” showing them most players read the damn shards OR that somehow all the arguments for doing it weigh less because they’re not “new” - a fallacy in itself.

Having multiple clients complaining about the same issue should translate into more resources allocated into dealing with the issue, not to mention that Mike’s remark on this one, which was essentially “stop talking about this unless you’ve got something new to say”, leads to only creating a false sense within the team about the impact of it.

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Man get over yourself, there are millions reasons listed here or in the other repeated threads, no matter how bad ass you think you are with your backed up opinion by Asmongold. Maybe Devs should hire him for an overhaul of the entire game … I will leave it up to them.

This is not about loving or not the game, its about respect. This is what they choose for the game and so far it has beeing surviving a long ride. You dont need to agree with it, but saying “how dumb” it is show what kind of person you are.

You are just the average player crying for QoLs you think are good but dont realize some of them drive the game to a direction that wont benefit neither the Devs nor these current players.

corrected it to you, wont bother to detail anything else as you reasons are not really worth.
Its a choice, either ignore the shards and live with whatever you think is annoying or troubles your fights, or catch them by actvely clicking.

Thank you, really informative, outstanding objective arguments you got there.

Everytime my inventory is full, I have to drop something to the ground so I can pick up shards. Then I move them to their own stash, and pick up the stuff I dropped earlier.

If not auto pick, at least make them move directly to their own stash. This doesnt give shards more “weight” for me, just gives me more annoyance.

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Actually, you can stash them all in the material stash in one go.

Check the transfer button above your inventory.

ETA: unless you refer to not having room in your inventory enough to pick up the shards in the first place, because of loot, and not because of having shard in your inventory already :grin: Sorry if I misunderstood.

Yes, that’s what I ment. Not having room in the inventory. They should go directly to their own stash.

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