As the title says, since the patch the game crashes on startup for me with the same error every time. It also has the same error in both the Standalone client and the Steam client. The current downloaded version I have is the Steam client. Here is the timetable of events so far…
I was using the standalone launcher flawlessly. I played on medium graphics settings and was at around level 60ish on my first character. I only bought/downloaded the game a couple of days ago. Sadly, I was really impressed and enjoying it immensely up to that point as well…
After the patch I got a ntdll.dll error and the game exe crashed every time. So, the launcher ran ok with admin elevation, the secondary launcher file ran ok, but then the actual “last epoch.exe” file itself was crashing every time with a windows error box “Last Epoch has stopped working” (see the LEdllerror.txt file for a copy of the text contained).
I uninstalled the standalone by using the uninstall file created in that directory, then I cleaned the registry (I used cccleaner disk space & registry, then after Wise disk cleaner & registry cleaner), rebooted & re-downloaded the client all over again. Re-downloaded all of the game files (8GB ish) for the second time. Same exact issue. I then uninstalled yet again, cleaned registry yet again using same process etc.
I then linked it to my steam account, and installed it via steam. I thought that the ability to verify game files might help… First load, same error.
I changed all of the graphics settings to verylow via the config file. When it was working previously, I had already disabled shadows, most settings were on medium, I had 60fps max framerate set, verticalsync off, and antialiasing on TAA.
I quickly started it again via the desktop shortcut, and miracle of miracles I got to the loading screen with the dreaded LE-13 error so I opened & sent in a ticket. This was ONLY 1 of 2 times I managed to get as far as the login screen though in around 25 attempts so far.
Since then, every attempt to load again crashes with the same ntdll error.
Last night I spent well over 6 hours working on this, not happy, but sadly pleased to learn I’m not the only one with an issue. Something that they’ve done with the graphics updates I suspect is causing this…
The reason I suspect it is a change to the graphics are the entries listed in the crash logs. They seem in a lot of these posts to refer to a line 366 constantly, and arguments missing. Although my current nvidia driver version is now back at 452.09, I should point out that I have also tried the lastest 466.47 release, then the previous “latest stable” 466.11 versions for my GTX 1060. Every time I tested that out, I did a clean install using DDU. So, I have eliminated the possibility that it was due to the graphics driver version. Perhaps the devs can make more use of that information?
I have no Citrix software on my PC, nor have I ever had any. I also have never installed Teamviewer. Both of these were referred to on the internet as possible causes of the mono.dll path problem which appears in diagnostic logs. I am pretty convinced this is a coding issue caused by modifications in the patch itself rather than something purely client side. As I refuse to downgrade to Win10 Telemetry Edition, I still use Win7 x64 Ultimate and as such the game was running in DX11. I am taking a stab in the dark from looking at the crash log and think that maybe something in the new patch is not working properly with DX11? Again, perhaps this is something the Devs could use as info? I know there are still a load of us out there who refuse to go to Win10, so was this release tested using DX11 & Win7 as well or merely forked from a Win10 DX12 setup?
I am attaching quite a few diagnostic files, and I hope that this will help the devs. I really want this to be fixed, rather than having to ask for a refund. Any more diagnostic files that might help, please ask away. I will link to this thread in my reply to the support ticket email I was sent.
LEdllerror.txt (584 Bytes)
le_graphicsmanager.ini (489 Bytes)
Player.log (6.3 KB)
Player-prev.log (5.6 KB)
version.txt (5 Bytes) (31.1 KB)
DxDiag.txt (38.8 KB)