Why I've quit the game

Yeah, and the only reason he could push corruption as high as he did was by abusing an item that was so overpowered that it was the only item enabling him to push corruption as high as he did. There is no validity to a complaint that this was acknowledged and addressed, because there is absolutely no justification for a single item to be that much more powerful than everything else.

I don’t need to represent the devs to make that statement and be right. It is objectively true.

Nor should they have been.

Every mechanic will eventually fall apart when you throw an endlessly scaling number at it. That doesn’t need to be pointed out and it isn’t a problem that needs to be solved. There will always be a line where corruption starts being impossible to overcome. Enemy damage will always become insurmountable eventually if you let it scale without any bounds.

OP is mad that their line used to be >1000 and now it’s not. But that number was always completely arbitrary to begin with. If the challenge is the same now when corruption says “500” as it used to be when it said “1000”, what is the difference? There isn’t any.

That’s one way of looking at it. A more appropriate way of looking at it would be that they are trying to eliminate radical power outliers, and that goal is more important than maintaining the current biggest arbitrary number somebody can rack up. There are always going to be outliers, but the game is ultimately healthier when the gap is smaller.

No, not really. Hardcore players represent a minority of a minority. The only influence they have is influence they are permitted to have by the devs, and that is nowhere near the influence they like to think it is. It doesn’t matter how loud they are on the forums when most players don’t engage with the forums to begin with.

Been taking a little time off (not long though) and dropped in to check the forums and saw this! I was there when you left the Discord as well.

For myself, I totally understand. Agree or not it’s great to see very concise and constructive feedback. I hope at some point you might consider coming back because, while I’m definitely not your kind of player, I do enjoy sometimes trying to wrap my head around all the conversations you and a few others had in the Discord.

Be easy. Stay frosty!


I’m wondering if topicstarter agrees with my opinion.
Let me express my point of view.

To begin with, to clarify, I will describe the terms with which I will operate. And forgive me (correct me if necessary) English is not my first language.

Work - I consider this word as a voluntary (not forced) creation of values without counting on material remuneration. (not to be confused with work)

The result of the work is the quality of what we received after the energy expended. In the case of LE, this is our character.
Basic parameters:
a) stability in various situations.
b) variability of application.
c) maximize the potential.
d) efficiency

Work efficiency is the result of the result of work/time spent.

a) Low efficiency demotivates.
b) High efficiency motivates.

Infinite Monolith is a mode in which sooner or later mobs will kill our character in 1 hit, and our character will not be able to kill a single mob.

So, our task is to create a character, revealing his maximum potential, and find out when the moment of 100% insurmountability of the current content system will come.

Why are we doing this?
1 Because we can.
2 Because it is offered by the developers as one of the game modes.
3 Because according to the rules of the game, the higher the difficulty, the better the items and the more experience our character has. And this means that we can more fully unlock the potential of our character.

What do we have in fact?
1 Yes, we can, but the community makes fun of it, and the developers do not give comments.
2 The developers do not comment on whether this mode was really conceived that way.
3 The most important point in my opinion is that the game is frankly deceiving us.
a) Item rarity - objectively does not affect the expected quality of the drop. For the sake of the test, I recorded a video that shows how many exalted items I get at 800+ IR. The same number of exalted items can be obtained with 200+ IR, you know it yourself, if not, my five-year-old son can record a video.
Here we are faced with the fact that the theoretical potential for character improvement is fiction. It is declared, but objectively, even half of it is unattainable.
In addition, the practical variability is much lower than the theoretical one, due to the lack of necessary conditions (items)
b) An increase in the experience gained at this stage is an absolutely useless bonus.
4 In addition to this, the time spent on all this increases significantly.

As a result, we have an exponential decrease in efficiency, even in the current conditions.

Which entails high demotivation.

As a result, the more time a player spends on a project, the more the project demotivates him. Which entails a flock of demotivated “whales”.

And a control shot in the head - fixes from developers in the style of “limited to x” or “colldown + x sec”

IR test

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I agree 100%, bastion was broken. The thing is that there are other issues hiding behind bastion. Like it or not, healthy or not, the item did level the playing field between masteries for defenses and without it there are now new problems that need to be solved. In my opinion these new problems are worse because they are more restrictive on your pool of options. Simply put, there are still builds that can push to extremes but all of those builds are on 3ish masteries whereas with bastion a lot more masteries had builds that could go that far. Since I’m someone who exclusively plays at that level I went from there being 12 masteries I could pick from to there being 3.

I don’t even think bastion nerf should be reverted or anything. I think they just need to spend some time thinking about the consequences of changes like this and try to mitigate them. They do not and have not done that. I view it as an issue since this pattern is repeated so often when they make balance adjustments.

Ideally they would have did their bastion change, but also bundled it with additional defensive tools to use on masteries that are underperforming this way we could avoid having to go 3+ months at minimum until there are once again more than 3 options for high end content.


Unless you just wheeled out of the X-Mansion, it is extremely bad faith to assert they aren’t thinking about it when you do not and cannot know what they are thinking about. The Bastion change has been live for eight days. Maybe dial down the rhetoric about what they’re allegedly not caring about?

You said yourself that Bastion was so powerful that it obscured any and every other issue you feel exists behind it. You can’t expect them to make good judgements on those issues while it’s still in the equation, especially not with multiplayer coming out and being a new kind of confounder.

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If you don’t have high enough scaling then the game get’s old fast. Imagine Grift 80 or 100 was max grift in D3. Same goes for LE you don’t need to have more then 200 corruption because at this point every item can drop (at least when I checked the last time) so everyone who pushes for more does her own thing.

i can’t see why nerfs to an item or a skill or a mastery or even a whole class can be that gamebraking to not reach 200 corruption to be able to get all the endgame goodies you want.

Yes the sacling gets crazy and the numbers are so high they can’t be balanced in any way and simply increase by corruption. EHG just needs to find the sweet spot on what corruption is good for the average Joe and how high can they go to make xXxRoxxorxXx happy.

Nerfing an op item is a good thing to do tho :D.

Yeah but in all honesty and without offence in mind… isn’t the whole thing a “you” problem? What do you like to see that makes things better? For me I would like to see static handcrafted maps with the same enemys and spawns and boss so people could go for timers rather then corruption only but that would be a leaderboard only thing. On the other hand I’m not that happy with monolith farming to begin with because it’s just overbloated mapping. Then again no Idea what to change to make things better I’m just bored pretty fast with monoliths and that’s my “me” issue :smiley: .

Broken on one end and mandatory on the other :smiley: . I never have been happy to need item xyz in slot B because it’s the easiest, best and most powerfull thin to do ifyou want to go bonkers and push as far as you can. For me that’s bad design of either A the game or B the item.

Well at the end of the day most devs are intrested why people leave the game so it might help anyway ^^.

When the patch dropped it was 1am Friday morning and then I had to work until 4pm, so I essentially missed the first 13 hours, but I played all the first weekend and a few hours after work each day and hit 100 on Thursday or something, I respec’d to Solo Skeleton Archmage at 95 which you do nothing but autocast Dreadshade and run around

The consequences was actually allowing Bastion to run rampant as long as it did and allowing people like you to push unreasonable corruption and then setting some sort of false expectation then a player quitting over a nerf…heh

I am not even sure what the issue is here, if the item is globally nerfed for everyone, no one can push as high therefore the bar is still the same.

Also this probably implies you use bastion in every build you play so you are kind of the reason it got nerfed probably in the first place. EHG probably looked at high corruption players gear/setups and probably knew you all abused it, I mean we should be thanking you for nerfing the item for everyone and bringing it into line balance wise

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Come at me bro

Earlier i got targeted for being an Aussie, so it seems we have become a meme and the new racial slur.
It might seem harmless but like other games eventually people start getting kicked from groups as well as not giving feedback.
You think this reply is a lol joke then please explain why you have the right to target a group of people and why you chose them in particular.
To EHG, I’m not woke or thin skinned but this is how a toxic community begins and becomes known for. There is only a small group of people on this forum looking for an argument but it’s not fair on those that want to discuss game and dont.

Um. @Llama8 is harmless and the statement was clearly sarcastic?

Nobody is targeting you (or me) for being Australian


It’s not you. I’m just curious if she’s blocked me, but that’s a story I’m not going to share.

Nah (well, not from my point of view, but I’m not on the receiving end).

I agree, and if they’d had some patches in the last year they could have dealt with it in one of those, but they decided to focus on mp instead.

Indeed. Sometimes I think Shrukn is a dick, sometimes I agree with him. I’m sure it’s reciprocated.

Was not at you LLama it was an overall statement to be careful because some people take it way further than a friendly jibe.

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Fair enough.

Dont worry, LLama has been racist towards me multiple times here, I dont really myself consider it racism but generally attacking or mocking where someone is from is considered racism/stereotyping in this day and age and you can really get people in the shit for it. Obviously you seem offended slightly or you wouldnt of replied regarding it

Im not even born in Australia and ive even said where im from which is ironically where he? is from which is the UK.

rolls eyes

i like this game, im a noob pleb, but ive been enjoying it thus far

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Why does every topic get detailed by always the same people?


That’s the most important thing.

Why not? Its about as casual as d3 if not more so imo.

You can hit level 100 and have finished 90% of character progression in 100-150 hours. Yes d3 might be over for some people in a weekend, so maybe its a little less casual then d3.

But imo this game is very easy to “finish” pushing 1000 corruption or tbh? even 300 is just pushing yourself, you dont see extra content, and you get marginal power upgrades. Going from all t20 to t21 gear is a marginal increase, and if you are not pushing corruption it matters even less.

Some builds can do 300 without any gear at all. Stuff like smite hammerdin or lightning bug that are very popular will be builds lots of people get done with the game in less then 200 hours. A friend of mine who is pretty familiar with the genre was able to farm his smite hammerdin in the weeklong closed test for people who owned the game. He got all the uniques, all his idols, and hit level 100. It was his second character, the first character he played just through the story.

But tbh, basically people who are pushing even up to 300 are an extreme minority and are not really who the devs are designing the game around imo.

LE is PoE-lite when it comes to complexity and time investment. For most people investing 200 hours into a character/game is a very good investment and experience. There just so happens to be stuff you might need 10k hours ot get like 4lp items etc.

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Yeah I think the thing with LE is that it has a very very veyr low floor, and a pretty high cieling (that a loit of us would like higher), and that seems ot be how the devs are trying to deisgn the game. Whereas poe has a floor thats like, on the 8th floor, and a ceiling that reaches into the stratosphere. And D3 has probably a similar floor to LE, but most of the game is at that floor, and the ceiling takes a lot of work to figure out you can go towards.

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