Why I've quit the game

Didn’t say he couldnt post his thoughts, just pointed out that if you frame a negative post around yourself leaving a videogame, people won’t take it as seriously. That’s a very obvious thing. Raein has good insights into the game, its a disservice because his thoughts are worth more than some reactive ‘im leaving heres why’ meme.

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You know this isn’t true. Most of the time when ehg increases player power across the board, they scale up the mobs difficulty to match.

Even with this patch, they updated and added mobs. The new stone golem monster (redesign of old one) for example, is crazy strong. They show up early enough in the game that they can easily one-shot players.

My respect to you, kind man.

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Gently now. Put it away. Theres a good boy.

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Or, you’ve just found a clever way of saying “no, nerfs are a good thing!”.

Or we could consider that not everything in the game is endlessly scaling, and the game should be balanced around those, as to not make every non endlessly scaling mode trivial nothing content.

yeah it’s just a disingenuous point made becuase llama wants to debate something because he’s bored, why i ignored it

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100% there will always be some options better than others. This was also the case last patch. Like most balance issues in LE though we arent’t talking about one option being 20% worse. Paladin and BD can pretty comfortably hit 50k ehp. Last patch other masteries were at 20k, 30k if they really pushed it. Without bastion they are sitting at 10-15k but bd and paladin barely took a hit because they had other good options to build defense unlike the rest of the masteries.

When we are looking at a difference between 30k and 50k there is still space for the 30k option to be a valid choice or compete in some way even if it is at a significant disadvantage. With a gap of 15k to 50k though there is simply no room for that.

I do get that endless difficulty is endless and I could just stop playing at 1000 but the thing is that at 1000 you actually start needing to build damage on gear for many builds and that feels good. If my goalpost moves to 500 then I’ll probs be wearing leveling uniques for 90% of the time I’m playing a character.

Last thing I really wanna say is that I have to frame this in terms of myself. There are only a handful people who play the game like I do and I think its far more likely that the devs just dont care about this playstyle. It would be far more memey if I said something like “corruption pushing is dead” in the title.

Dont twist my words, actually the feedback was ‘post it on the forums not just discord’ and after I posted evidence of mechanics being posted on discord. Not only that the trailer for the game wasnt even posted here and the senior dev only posts on reddit and a random no name reddit user can illicit a response than a 2000 hour player

But you can just be passive aggressive to me, thats fine I dont really care tbh. I already made my thoughts clear about devs giving out insider information if you go into their discord and how I think its wrong

One thing you need to understand is people like me who have been around this game for a long time have no use anymore to give feedback or even bother, the game in one patch grew 4-6x playerbase, either the same exact feedback will come (endless scaling, poor monolith design, skill being broken) or people will love the game and will just play, however same feedback popping up on reddit already for years

I dont really care anymore about LE longterm. its going to be a game I play on an offseason of PoE and whatever. I already got 100 in a week, maxed all my blessings and rerolling a Shaman which is already 70. The game doesnt have any longevity and corruption is a gross way to pad the game

Did you sleep? That seems crazy to me. I get so bored running monotonous monoliths that I can’t even get a character to 100.

100 in a week is nothing, its been a week an im on my 4th character into empowered, two above lvl 90, the point he raises is very valid becuase of how easy it is to do everything in the game, other points i might not agree with, but the point of progression being done super quickly its extremely a thing, and a thing we’ve constantly tried to make the devs see.

The game has 0 longevity once you get good at it, the only thing to keep you going is trying to master it, which isn’t for most people.

I agree with the argument that infinite scaling is hard to balance and that 80-90% of players might not be affected by the issues @Raein describes.

But just because people don’t experience these issues doesn’t mean they are not there. It’s just an aspect that is taken into account by the devs to determine the priority level of the issue.

In an infinite scaling system there, of course, will be a point where everything falls appart. But to provide the overall best player experience the balancing should be aim at smoothing the acceleration curve and making the system escalate at a point that is as far away as possible.

And his point was not that in general the difficulty is too hard at some point. The main issue. as I inderstood, is that your damage output is far more capable of doing high corruption content than the defensive capabilities. And it would be nice to have the opportunity to shift some of the overkilling offensive power to defenses.

Imho, it would not hurt the casual player experience if EHG would introduce mechanics to do so. No idea how this could look like, tbh.

The affix system at some point was reworked specifically in the point that offensive affixes and defensive affixes were seperated in order to not have to compete with each other. An offensive affix would no longer block the slot for a defensive affix. This makes the gearing more accessible but also removes the player choice to either focus in one aspect and swap priorities at will. But I’m not sure if i want so see this re-introduced. It was changed for a reason as the previous system had its own flaws.

Maybe if you would allow limited access to craft defensive affixes on prefix slots.

In some way there are some systems that already allow similar things like sealing affixes and legendary crafting. But defenses all have hard- or softcaps and its not too hard to max out the defensive layers currently.

Solving this could be done with additional layers that are only accessible in these high level content regions. Like adding the ability to earn passive points at above 800 corruption that allow you to increase the effectiveness of frailty or increase the res cap from 75% to max 90%.

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Comprehensive feedback is good, but this ain’t that. It’s just verbose.

No matter what OP wrote, what made them quit the game is that they’re upset that a single wildly overpowered item got nerfed and now the arbitrary level of infinite scaling they can push to is lower than it used to be. The rest of the twelve paragraphs is little more than fluff and padding. That isn’t feedback.

Nope, is just long feedback.

If you cared to read, it points out many faults regarding the progression system as soon as you start to push de boundaries.

That part of the game, at some point, needs to be addressed, if not, just cut out the infinite progression systems.

But we’re not talking about mobs, we’re talking about an item which is so ridiculously strong that there’s no other defensive option in that particular slot.

But I don’t want to she’s so hot.

I am, and that’s fair.

I’m not, you also said you didn’t want the devs to stream 'cause it was giving people info that wasn’t on here (despite Andrew’s awesome posts).

But it’s not insider information, it’s in the public domain because the devs say it on a discord that anyone can join.

Don’t worry, you aren’t the only Aussie I’m being passive-aggressive to…

That’s fair enough, as long as you’re happy with what you get out of it in the time that you desire to put into it.

Just because it’s not a bunch of bullet points & he talked around the points doesn’t mean it’s verbose or too long to read.

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Damn, wish I could say the same. I have been trying to play online and level up chars to play with others but 170ms+ ping, sometimes closer to 200ms really is unpleasant and painful. So “trying out the new online modes and features” is a bust for me. Serves me right for living 1000s of km away from a server host location.

Bored of levelling up local chars now, and you are right, for those of us that have put in the hours, longevity is a little lacking.

Oh well.

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Friend, wait a couple more posts. I want to ask a question, but it is difficult for me to formulate it.

What makes it verbose is that twelve paragraphs were used to express a complaint that really only has one sentence of substance to it - “I don’t want to play the game anymore because I can’t abuse an overpowered item to make an infinitely scaling number as arbitrarily large as I used to.” There is nothing else to be gleaned from reading this except that OP is mad at a nerf.

Would anyone listen to or care about that complaint? Of course not. That’s why it was padded out to twelve paragraphs instead of the more honest single sentence.

Friend! Tell me, how many hours have you played in this game?

Thankfully you don’t represent the devs in any way.

He’s puhsing high corruption and the changes to movement and bastion left him quite fu**** over.

The changes sure are not with high corruption in mind, there’s a core issue with how enemies scale in the system, hopefully at some point it will be looked at, I perfectly understand is no priority at all. As he well points out, many mechanics fall apart and enemy damage is the main issue.

But this game should cater in a small but meaningful way to degenerates like many of us that habit the forums who want to push corruption and/or arena to the limits.

The thing is, he’s pissed on the way changes are implemented, the direction is taking the game with the huge nerfs, here are some more: critical vulnerability passed from replacing completely all your critical investment, to a useless debuff to avoid other than maybe a few points to counter crit avoidance. Bastion and Argentus, murdered, the only healthy change that was a minor nerf but still leave the item in a respectable place is with throne of ambition.

They are completely ignoring those who are pushing higher and higher. To me, that’s more of a problem than initially may seem, if you tilt too much your most hardcore players, the game will suffer immensely, these people are usually loud (because they care a lot) and greatly influence the community.