When is it good not to pick up a shard?

But without spending the time to personalize the loot filter, you will still miss something unless you look at every single individual item.

When it’s related to the future of the game in the forum of said game in a topic about a mechanic of said game.
Yes, obviously so.
Context matters.

I can absolutely agree to that!
At times there’s actual meaningful design choices behind it, and we just have ‘to get over it’. At other times it’s oversights, but really low priority in the flood of other ideas, fixes and improvements out there. So we have to wait.
And at times they simply fuck up and don’t see it.

Is there an open one available to post into? Topics get auto-closed after a while.

And hence are decrepit. Not viable anymore. Out of date. Dust and bones.

I agree! But it’s also important to take into consideration if you’re presenting an outright idea or if you’re voicing your frustration.
The first definitely warrants a new topic to put attention to it.
The second can be done in a pre-existing one.

Albeit some research into the topic on stances beforehand would’ve been good, also agreed.

You mean besides this one, this one or this one?
I didn’t bother digging any deeper. A couple of threads with a couple of votes, and a thread 1 year old with dozens of votes.


After at least three months of not getting any responses? Yeah. Some posts stay opened for a year even… I don’t know how it works, but every thread has this saying on the bottom…

Actually not… Hence reworked in several ways since EA to match the average playerbase needs to devs intents… looting shards used to be very different back then.

It depends on the category. Some categories are 2 months, some 3, some 1 year.

Maybe im just to young and i dont like to click on golds,shards every time they drop wich is every 3 mins in my runs of nono…trough my 130 hours gameplay i made 2 600 click (only bcs this type of loot) on my mouse. That is maybe much more than i did on cookie clicker last time or in whole playtime of csgo,cs2 where i have around 8k hours

I would completely relate to your post but since clicking one shard picks them all up, I don’t see the cause to be bothered.

That being said, I don’t see any reason I should be bothered if they added a setting you could toggle to auto pick them up. I like seeing them before my ONE click but if that’s too much for some, a setting to change it would be fine by me.

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+1 but also make gold autocollect ^^ it falls on the ground and then its autocollected like a magnet^^

I’ll pretend.

I guess this was addressed to somebody else:

Its probably a good idea not to pick up shards when you’ve been playing this game for while and you’ve exhausted most of your RAM because of the memory leak lol

You are correct. Shards should be like gold: proximity should automatically pick up and move to forge. There is zero reason to waste clicks on this (other than the aforementioned point that some people enjoy clicking more).

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