Auto Pickup for Shards?

Would it be possible to add auto pickup for shards, most of the times you just have to rush passed some or just forget about them. I’ve died countless times sitting there trying to click on a shard and some Spear or one shot ability comes falling from the sky lol.


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Please search before posting. It’s basic forum etiquette. There have been dozens of threads about this.


Nah, nobody has ever posted about this. Ever. The OP is the first, a visionary of unparalleled clarity of sight and forethought to have come up with this, nugget, from his/her/its zen-like meditation. Perhaps he/she/it is actually a being from a higher alien race come to enlighten us poor meatbags in secret.

The short answer as mentioned in a lot of other threads is: “No!”. The long answer again is “No!”.

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