Weaver’s Will | Coming in Rising Flames

For monolith yeah, but for bosses it offers very powerful block cap assuming the stack limit of the buff is good. You generally only get hit very rarely in boss encounters like t4 bosses or strong orobyss, but its a big meaty hit, being able to basically always have a DR shield against those hits is really strong especially if you can get like 3k block effect if you get a decent roll on block effect and all res on the WW lol.


That’s pretty much how everything works in Last Epoch anyway. You get a drop - it has random affixes. You want to replace one - glyph of chaos changes it to something random. You want to remove one - it removes a random one. You want to reroll affix values - you get random results. You want to make a legendary - it picks a random affix or affixes depending on LP. You kill a monolith boss - you get random blessings with random values. I mean you know it all but there is absolutely nothing in this game that allows you to create something in a determininstic way. There’s 0 skill involved in compiling items for your build, just pure RNG luck.

Depends how many stacks it can go up to & how long you can go without being hit (blocking). If you can get 6 stacks with that shield’s stats you’d be at 94% block chance.

We do know though. It’s the same as legendaries. Read the post again. Like I said, they could make a unique that shifts the damage type. But that would just be a new unique, and nothing to do with the Will system.

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Given the information presented, the item’s now feel like bloat and a do over, rolled into one.

If the items are just being created with the intention of having slot analogous mods on them, skewed to the rarer mods, then what place do you have in mind for both existing unique OR any other item for that matter.

How does this impact the place that Legendary Potential items reside. I mean, given the provided info, this really doesn’t feel like a NEW feature, but a further iteration on that.

Why have you elected to exclude non-traditional mods from rolling? I can understand dismissing certain mods from rolling out right on items given the existing pool, but this feels like a MASSIVE waste of an opportunity.

What, if any, potential gameplay loop/enjoyment does the team feel these items bring to the table?

  • Another item to try and craft up? We already have too many crafting vectors in the game as is. LP and Exalted fill that role just fine.

  • How is this balanced with the mentioned Trading/Crafting planned implementation? Crafting side is going to find a ton of these that are just going to be sold and the Trade side is going to have severe lack of some. Which invariably leads to…

  • Whose idea was it to implement chase/status symbols? These will turn into Black Lotus, Mageblood (current), Enigma, etc… for Last Epoch. Whoever thought that was a good idea, stop.

I was genuinely happy when I got up today. My back wasn’t hurting, I had slept well, my friend was having a birthday today. I hop onto Discord to see what’s been posted and, BAM… Weaver’s Will items. I didn’t even get dressed I started typing about how happy I was. I get up to review my post to check spelling and I read this. So damn disheartening. You have to stop shooting yourself in the foot EHG.

As it stands, this feature is only mildly problematic. The status symbol and Trade/Crafting issues and balancing for the feature complete* Ladders being released are the only problems I foresee. So, in that sense, you have succeeded to at least meet the same expectation with this post as one of your content drops. In that its full of bugs and we have to wait for the feature to actually be useful.

EDIT: What’s really sad is this line from the post “Like any good cliff-hanger…”. If this constitutes what you consider a cliff-hanger then I’m both worried and disappointed. And I know, I’m not in a small minority here.


Um, Actually…

actually i don’t understand what is the purpose of this item type?
We can make now legendary items using more deterministic way.
Those new item type items end up to be legendary items in a random way.
So why we need them? What new mechanics they introduce?

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I see a lot of people jumping to very narrow-minded assumptions regarding the scope of this as an item type. I personally think this item type is a neat little concept that, much like Legendary Potential with Uniques, seeks to add something fresh to item hunting rather than just playing it safe with the typical Common → Uncommon → Rare → Unique loot pool.

I bet several people down on it currently will be going “oh shit ok that’s actually cool” once they can actually see the items and play with them in game.


Great job for coming up with something creative. Leveling items sounds like fun. Grindy, yes, but people already expect somehow to play 1000 hours without getting bored so I think it is a good mechanic.

This sounds like an awful experience.
End game is already boring - imagine just repeatedly farming a mob as well as a boss.

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Neat idea for more chase options. Hopefully we get more build defining/altering items from this as well as more creative adjustments/improvements to those items we don’t talk about (sets).

Yes and no on it feeling the same as legendaries. It’s more that it feels like one, without needing to do the whole find a unique you want with 4 potentials and such. The exciting thing is having new items and folks getting to work out how they work into or perhaps completely alter builds. Now that I’m curious about it, and can’t wait to get my hands on some to find out.

I think this is an interesting idea. Considering how tough it can be to get a 4lp to drop can we expect high rolls of Weaver’s Will to be equally difficult to find or is the drop chance going to be a bit higher for these considering the less controlled nature of the added affixes? Like I get that you still have an RNG factor when forging lp items, but you can kind of mitigate that with the item that you choose to forge with your unique.

All the levels of RNG in this game, and people are asking (seriously) how the affixes will be chosen when leveling the item? Of course it will be random…

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Holy crap that is cool! :star_struck:

Knock, Knock. :crazy_face:

Maybe some new glyphs or runes that allow a way to ‘tweak’ a bit.

are you related to pinkward - the shaco league of legends player?

nice announcement btw

Is it possible to use WW points to reroll affixes that were once randomly assigned? :thinking:

I was excited until I read the answers to comments…so basically these are unique items with 4lp, but instead of choosing which affixes get added through exalted items, they are randomly added as you play??

So you have to slot one of these, pray you get the right affixes as you grind with it, and if not you toss it and start over? Idk the how big the affix pool is, but lets say 10 prefixes and 10 suffixes. 45 combinations of affixes, 45 combinations of suffixes. The chances of getting both affixes and suffixes you want is less than 1/1000?? Please correct my logic because these seem pointless with my current understanding.

Not to mention, this is on top of the low probability of one of these dropping with high WW in the first place…